I. Прочтите следующие слова по правилам: children,mean, hospital, student, person, pure, leave, while, member, third, treatment, type, skull, chest, shoulder, fiber, agent, strong, bone, line
II. Прочтите следующие слова по транскрипции: anatomy[q’nxtqmi], chemistry [‘kemistri], microbiology[,mQikrObQi’OlqGi], patient [‘peiSqnt], medicin [‘medsin], pathology[pq’TOlqGi], blood [blAd], atrium [‘eitrium], mind [mQind], general [‘Genqrql], responsible [ris’pOnsqbl], library [‘lQibrqri], health [helT]
III. Образуйте единственное число существительных: parents, children, libraries, types, lives, women, houses, mice, relatives, teeth, babies
IV. Объясните употребление предлогов, прочтите предложения и переведите их: 1. The lectures delivered by the professors of our Institute are interesting. 2. I write my exercises with a pen. 3. Our assistant’s experiments were successful. 4. He pays great attention to his studies. 5. This book was written by a famous writer. 6. The article was about doctors. 7. He gave the textbook to his friend. 8. The patients of this doctor were children. 9. Children’s parents asked many questions. V. Прочтите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на местоимения: 1. We live with our parents. 2. Her son works with my uncle. 3. I live not far from you and your sister. 4. Their flat is on the second floor. 5. She finished our school. 6. Our doctor is young. 7. We have a dog. We like it and it likes us. VI. Раскройте скобки, употребив соответствующую форму личных местоимений: 1. (I) friend sends (I) many letters. 2. (He) brother knows (you). 3. (I) often see (they) in the park. 4. Don’t ask (he) about (he) wife. 5. (He) met (she) at the party. 6. (We) teacher greets (we) every morning. (We) greet (she) too. 7. (You) son studies together with (I). VII. Назовите следующие числительные: 3547,20й, 0.005, 1987год, 1/3, 209, 31й, 2.65, 2/5
VIII. Вставьте соответствующую форму глагола to be в настоящем времени: 1. He … a student. 2. You … students. 3. I … a teacher. 4. She … a young lady. 5. It … a car. 6. Nick … from London. 7. Ann … a doctor. 8. This … a book. 9. The door … open. 10. They … friends. 11. His name … Jack. 12. I … from Novosibirsk. IX. Найдите в предложениях глагол to be, определите его время и переведите предложения: 1. Mike is a student. 2. His mother was a doctor. 3. Helen and Ann are schoolgirls. 4. The Smiths were in Paris. 5. His daughter will be a student. 6. She is married. 7. Her husband was in the hospital. 8. I will be seventeen.
X. Вставьте глагол to be в соответствующей форме: 1. I … in London in summer. 2. My son … a schoolboy next year. 3. Our relatives … at home now. 4. My sister … a housewife. 5. His daughter … in Paris last year. 6. His nephew … a doctor in a year. 7. Her husband … twenty seven yesterday. 8. My son’s friends … students of the medical university.
XI. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. Are you a student of the stomatological faculty? 2. Was it difficult to enter the university? 3. Is it interesting to study at the medical university? 4. Are your friends students? 5. Is your mother a doctor? 6. Will you be a good student? 7. Were you in Moscow this summer? 8. Is anatomy your favourite subject?
XII. Определите время глагола to have и переведите предложения: 1. They had a house but now they have a flat. 2. My friend will have a new job soon. 3. Her aunt has two children. 4. I have no car. 5. His daughter has many English books. 6. He has no relatives in France. 7. They have breakfast at nine o’clock. 8. She has a headache yesterday. 9. I will have no time tomorrow. 10. Their children have no problems.
XIII. Переведите предложения: 1. У нее было много друзей. 2. У наших родственников новая квартира. 3. У него болит зуб. 4. Обычно они обедают в три часа. 5. У них была большая семья. 6. Я сегодня не завтракал. 7. Завтра у меня будет свободное время. XIV. Составьте предложения, соответствующие русскому варианту: 1. Мой двоюродный брат хороший врач. doctor, cousin, a, is, good, my 2. В этом институте учатся друзья моей дочери. friends, study, my, this, institute, daughter’s, at 3. У него много родственников. many, he, relatives, has 4. В этом отделении работает 15 врачей. work, fifteen, doctors, in, department, our 5. Их сейчас нет дома. home, now, they, not, are, at 6. Его дочери завтра исполнится 5 лет. five, his, tomorrow, will, daughter, be 7. Прошлым летом мы не были в Москве. were, in, last, not, we, Moscow, summer XV. Поставьте слова в правильном порядке: 1. policeman, from, is, John, a, New York 2. is, coffee, nice, not, English, very 3. Tim, in, work, and, Madrid, Sally 4. has, very, free, he, time, little
XVI. Прочтите следующие слова и дайте их русские эквиваленты: Biology, college, computer programmer, practical, pensioner, visit
XVII. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания: What does he/she look like? – Как он/она выглядит? good-looking - симпатичный fair hair [‘fFq ‘hFq] - светлые волосы to look younger - выглядеть моложе medium height [‘mJdjqm hQit] - средний рост tall [tOl] - высокий slim - стройный experienced [iks’piqriqnst] - опытный, квалифицированный broad-shouldered [‘brLd ‘Souldid] - широкоплечий to have much in common - иметь много общего different views on smth [vjHz] - разные взгляды на ч-л to be fond of - увлекаться. любить to go in for sports - заниматься спортом to take care of smb [kFq] - заботиться о к-л to be good at smth - быть способным к ч-л to tidy - убирать, приводить в порядок to run the house - вести хозяйство to be married [‘mqerid]- быть женатым/замужем one’s own [oun] - собственный lawyer [lLjq]- юрист housewife - домохозяйка son [sAn]- сын daughter [‘dLtq] - дочь nephew [nevjH] - племянник niece [nJs] - племянница relative - родственник to get on well - быть в хороших отношениях, ладить pet - питомец, любимец
XVIII. Прочтите и переведите текст: