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HIPPOCRATES. Hippocrates was born in Greece

Hippocrates was born in Greece. He was the son of a doctor. Hippocrates studied medicine and was the greatest practitioner of his time.

Hippocrates freed medicine from superstition. He hated the idea that a disease was the punishment of gods. In his works he proved that every disease had a natural cause. He noted the effect of food, occupation and especially climate on the development of the disease.

Hippocrates knew little of anatomy and physiology and he had few instruments. In fact he had neither thermometer nor stethoscope. He had to estimate the temperature by his hand; he had to listen to the heart placing his ear to the chest. But in spite of all that his method was scientific.

Hippocrates created medicine on the basis of experience. He taught that every physician had to study the history of a disease; he had to learn how to make an accurate prognosis based on the signs and symptoms. He taught that the physician had to direct his attention to the color of the face, skin, the nature of respiration, the appearance of sputum, bowel habits. Hippocrates was the first who connected the disease of one organ with affection of the whole organism. According to his teaching the symptoms of the disease, and especially fever, are the expressions of the protective reaction of the organism and the chief function of a physician is to aid the natural forces of the body. Hippocrates was a good surgeon as well. He performed operations even on the skull.

We have his writings which are called Hippocrates Collection. The Collection consists of more than one hundred books. His works give us information about surgical knowledge and technique of that period. Some of Hippocratic thoughts are quite modern. The Collection begins with the famous Oath which teaches medical students to be a good doctor. A good doctor must have not only deep knowledge of a particular field of medicine, he must love people and have a kind heart. We call Hippocrates the father of medicine.


I. Translate the following word combinations:

освободить медицину от предрассудков, иметь естественную причину, развитие заболевания, действие рода занятий, измерять температуру рукой, слушать сердце, на основе опыта, анализ заболевания, сделать точный прогноз, признаки и симптомы, цвет лица и кожи, появление мокроты, повреждение всего организма, согласно учению, защитная реакция организма, практическая область медицины, клятва Гиппократа

II. Give the three forms of the verbs:

to study, to know, to have, to estimate, to create, to teach, to learn, to make, to appear, to connect, to write

III. Express your agreement or disagreement with the following statements:

1. Hippocrates was born in ancient Egypt.

2. His father was a philosopher.

3. Hippocrates was the greatest practitioner of his time.

4. He proved that every disease was the punishment of gods.

5. He knew little anatomy and physiology.

6. He had very many instruments.

7. He was a good surgeon.

8. Hippocratic Collection consists of 20 books.

9. This Collection begins with the famous Oath.

10. Hippocrates is called the father of medicine.

IV. Make up questions to the underlined words:

1. Hippocrates studied medicine.

2. The food, occupation, and climate have the effect on the developmentof a


3. Every physician must study the history of a disease.

4. Hippocrates connected the disease of one organ with the affection of the whole


5. The symptoms of the disease and fever are the expressions of the protective

reaction of the organism.

6. Hippocratic Collection consists of more than one hundred books.

7. The Oath teaches medical students to be good doctors.

8. A good doctor must have deep knowledge of a particular field of medicine.

9. We call Hippocrates the father of medicine.

V. Complete the sentences:

1. Hippocrates was born in …

2. His father was …

3. Hippocrates studied …

4. He freed medicine …

5. He proved that every disease had …

6. Food, occupation, and climate have effect on …

7. Hippocrates had few …,

8. He estimated … by his hand.

9. He listened to the heart by …

10. Hippocrates created medicine …

11. He connected … with the affection of the whole organism.

12. He performed operations …

13. His writings are called …

14. Hippocratic Collection begins with …

15. We call Hippocrates …


VI. Answer the questions:

1. Where was Hippocrates born?

2. What was his father?

3. What did Hippocrates free medicine from?

4. What did he prove in his works?

5. Did he have many instruments?

6. How did he estimate the temperature and listen to the heart?

7. What did he create?

8. What did he teach?

9. What operations did he perform?

10. How are his writings called?

11. What do his works give us?

12. What does the Collection begin with?

Дата добавления: 2015-03-11; просмотров: 3092. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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