Грамматика: Past Simple, причастия в роли определения MEDICINE: HISTORY (PART I)
-ant, (-ent) – суффиксы прилагательных. При помощи суффикса – ize образуются глаголы. Вариантами этого суффикса являются - yse, -yze, - ise. I. Прочтите и переведите: 1. important, ancient, different, present 2. specialize, hospitalize, organize, analyze, summarize II. Прочтите слова, определите части речи (существительные, прилагательные. глаголы, наречия) и переведите их: surgical,treatment,trepanation,important, specialize, internal, ancient, acupuncture, prevention, successfully, plastic, natural, achievement, largely, contribution, scientific, founder, greatly, education, accurately III. Прочтите слова и дайте их русские эквиваленты: prehistoric [prihis’tOrik], trepanation [,tripq’neiSn], progress [‘prougrqs], civilization [,sivilQi’zeiSn], specialize [‘speSqlQiz], acupuncture [,qekju’pANtSq], amputation [,xmpju’teiSn], practice [‘prqektis], religion [rq’liGqn], theory [‘Tiqri], empire [‘empQiq], encyclopedia [en,sQiklou’pJdjq], meningitis [,menin’GQitis], spirit [‘spirit] IV. Запомните произношение следующих названий: Egypt [‘JGipt] - Egyptian [I’GipSqn] China [‘CQinq] - Chinese [CQi’nJz] India [‘indjq] - Indian [‘indjqn] Middle East [,midl’Jst] - Middle Eastern [‘Jstqn] Greece [grJs] - Greek [ grJk] Rome [roum]– Roman [roumqn] Islamic Empire of Southwest [‘sQuTwest] - Arab [‘qerqb], Arabian [q’reibjqn] Central Asia ‘[sentrql ‘eiSq] Europe [‘juqrqp] - European [juqrq’piqn] V. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания: to believe [bi’lJv] – верить, считать, полагать angry [‘xNgri] – злой disease [di’zJz]– болезнь to cut (cut, cut) – резать skull – череп to release [ri’lJs] – выделять. высвобождать to treat [trJt] – лечить internal [in’tWnql] – внутренний ancient [‘einSqnt]– древний to contribute [kqn’tribjHt] – способствовать, вносить вклад to prevent [pri’vent] – предупреждать, предотвращать successful [sqk’sesful] – успешный to perform [pq’fLm] – выполнять, проводить kind [kQind] – вид, тип, сорт; добрый to include [in’klHd] – включать (в себя) physician [fi’ziSn]–врач to cause [kLz] – вызывать, быть причиной cause – причина to consider [kqn’sidq] – думать, считать, полагать health [helT] – здоровье findings [‘fQindiNz] – данные, результаты to describe [dis’krQib] – описывать to influence [‘influqns] – влиять surgeon [‘sWGqn] – хирург surgery [‘sWGqri]– хирургия VI. Образуйте глаголы от следующих существительных и переведите их: treatment, operation, development, specialization, contribution, prevention, cause, knowledge, achievement, founder, production description, influence, education VII. Прочтите и переведите: ancient [‘einSqnt] - ancient Greece, ancient Egypt, ancient times, ancient people, ancient civilization to treat [trJt] - to treat internal diseases, to treat people, to treat patients, a new method of treatment to perform [pq’fLm] - to perform operations, to perform laboratory work, to performanalyses, to perform treatment to cause [kLz]- to cause symptoms, to cause diseases, to cause health problems, important causes, causes of thee disease findings [‘fQindiNz] - important findings, interesting findings, new findings, laboratoryfindings, to include findings to influence [‘influqns]- to influence our life, to influence people’s health, to influence the method of treatment, under the influence successful [ sqk’sesful] - successful operation, successful results, to achieve success, to passexams successfully surgeon [‘sWGqn] - a famous surgeon, ancient surgeons, in the field of surgery, surgical treatment, surgical department
1. diseases of eyes and teeth 1. лечение заболевания 2.public health 2. делать отверстие 3.to cause disease 3. каменные инструменты 4. medical achievements 4. здравоохранение 5. surgical treatment 5.самый важный вклад 6. the most important contribution 6. достижения в области медицины 7. scientific experiments 7. научные эксперименты 8. to cut a hole 8. заболевания глаз и зубов 9. treatment of disease 9. вызывать заболевание 10. stone instruments 10. хирургическое лечение IX. Назовите 3 формы глагола: to believe, to consider, to know, to treat, to develop, to call, to begin, to contribute, to cut to perform, to become, to get, to achieve, to make, to do X. Прочтите и переведите предложения: 1. The first “physicians “ used stone instruments. 2. The Egyptians began making important medical progress. 3. Egyptian physicians began to specialize. 4. Some physicians treated only diseases of the eyes and teeth. 5. Ancient Chinese developed the practice of acupuncture. 6. Indian surgeons performed many kinds of operations. 7. The Romans got most of their medical knowledge from Egypt and Greece. 8. The Greek physician Galen performed experiments on animals. 9. The Arab physician Avicenna produced a vast medical encyclopedia. 10. He described meningitis and many other diseases. 11. This book became popular in Europe. 12. It influenced medical education for more than 600 years. XII. Поставьте сказуемое в Present Simple: 1. The surgeon performed very difficult operations. 2. Doctors began to specialize in acupuncture. 3. These findings contributed to medical progress. 4. this work influenced medical education. 5. I used new achievements in my scientific work. 6. He wrote articles on skull trepanation. 7. A group of physicians made a very important discovery. 8. The scientific article described new methods in plastic surgery. 9. He used new findings in his report. 10. The scientists achieved great success. XIII. Переведите следующие словосочетания, используя причастие I или II: развивающиеся страны; развитые страны; лечение, предупреждающее заболевание; заболевание, предупрежденное с помощью лечения; статья, описывающая новые методы; новые методы, описанные в научной статье; хирург, выполняющий операцию; операция, выполненная хирургом; студенты, читающие текст; текст, прочитанный студентами
XIV. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на причастия и роли определения: 1. Every educated person should speak English. 2. A new treatment described in the scientific article was very useful/ 3. The students translating texts used dictionaries. 4. The operation performed by the surgeon was successful. 5. The doctor told us about methods preventing heart diseases. 6. The findings included in the report were very important. 7. I read an interesting article published in a medical journal. 8. The lecturer answered the questions asked by the students. 9. He made a discovery contributing to the development of plastic surgery. XV. Прочтите и переведите текст: MEDICINE: HISTORY (Part I)
In prehistoric times people believed that angry gods or evil spirits caused diseases. The first known surgical treatment was an operation called trepanation. It involved use of a stone instrument to cut a hole in a patient’s skull, perhaps to release evil spirits. By about 3000 B.C. the Egyptians who had developed one of the world’s first great civilization began making began making important medical progress. Egyptian physicians began to specialize. Some physicians treated only diseases of the eyes or teeth. Others specialized in internal diseases. Other ancient Middle Eastern civilizations also contributed to medical progress. The ancient Chinese for example developed medical practices. They developed the practice of acupuncture. In ancient India the practice of medicine stressed the prevention as well as the treatment of illness. Indian surgeons successfully performed many kinds of operations, including amputations and plastic surgery. The civilization of ancient Greece was at its peak during the 400’s. The great physician Hippocrates began showing that disease has only natural causes. He thus became the first physician known to consider medicine a science and art separate from the practice of religion. The Romans got most of their medical knowledge from Egypt and Greece. Their own medical achievements were largely in public health. The Greek physician Galen who practiced medicine in Rome during the A.D. 100’s made the most important contributions to medicine in Roman times. He performed experiments on animals and used his findings to develop the first medical theories based on scientific experiments. For this reason he is considered the founder of experimental medicine. During the Middle Ages the Islamic Empire of Southwest and Central Asia contributed greatly to medicine. Avicenna, an Arab physician produced a great medical encyclopedia called Cannon of Medicine. It summed up the medical knowledge of the time and accurately described meningitis, tetanus, and many other diseases. The work became popular in Europe where it influenced medical education for more than 600 years. TASKS 1.Define the odd word. Translate all the words into Russian: 1. to treat, to cure, to heal, to develop 2. operation, religion, trepanation, amputation 3. priest, god, spirit, physician, religion 4. achievement, skull, eye, teeth II. Find in the text English equivalents to the following: Доисторическиевремена, злые духи, вызывать болезни, каменные инструменты, великие цивилизации, прогресс в медицине, египетские врачи. Болезни глаз и зубов, древние китайцы, профилактика и лечение заболеваний, многие виды операций, естественные причины, наука и искусство, древние греки, важный вклад в медицину, научные эксперименты, по этой причине, точно описать менингит, влиять на медицинское образование
III. Make the sentences complete: 1. The first known surgical treatment was … 2. Egyptian physicians began … 3. Some physicians treated only … 4. Others specialized in … 5. The ancient Chinese developed … 6. Indian surgeons successfully performed … 7. The great physician Hippocrates began … 8. The Greek physician Galen performed … 9. He is considered the founder … 10. The Arab physician Avicenna produced … IV. Express your agreement or disagreement with the following statements: 1. The first known surgical treatment was an operation called appendectomy. 2. It involved use of a stone instrument to cut a hole in a patient’s skull. 3. Some physicians treated diseases of eyes and teeth. 4. Other physicians treated only heart diseases. 5. The ancient Chinese developed the practice of acupuncture. 6. In ancient India the practice of medicine stressed the prevention only. 7. Egyptians became the first physicians considering medicine a science and art separate from religion. 8. The Hippocratic Oath reflects Hippocrates’ high ideals. 9. The Romans got most of their medical knowledge from Egypt and Greece. 10. Galen performed experiments on healthy people.
V. Change the sentences using the predicate into the Past Simple and the markers: yesterday, years ago, much time ago, in prehistoric times, etc. Translate the sentences: 1. People believe that angry gods or evil spirits cause diseases. 2. The first known surgical treatment is an operation called trepanation. 3. Egyptian physicians begin to specialize. 4. They treat only diseases of eyes and teeth. 5. The ancient Chinese develop medical practices. 6. Indian surgeons successfully perform many kinds of operations. 7. The civilization of ancient Greece is at its peak. 8. He becomes the first physician known to consider medicine a science and art. 9. His work is popular in Europe. VI. Answer the following questions: 1. What did people believe in prehistoric times? 2. What was the first known surgical instrument? 3. How did they perform operations? 4. What did the Egyptians begin doing by about 3000 B.C.? 5. How did other ancient Middle Eastern civilizations also contribute to medical progress? 6. Who developed the practice of acupuncture? 7. When was the civilization of ancient Greece at its peak? 8. What is Hippocrates famous for? 9. Where and when did the Greek physician Galen practice medicine? 10. What did Avicenna produce? VII. Make up the plan to the text: VIII. Retell the text using your plan: