Trailer Park Trash Grows
The National Weather Service Storm Predictor Centre, USA, reported that a total of 35 tornadoes struck Midwestern states of Missouri, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois and Tennessee, killing at least two people and wreaking more than one vulnerable trailer park. This was the third evil outburst by Mother Nature. Then a sinister twister hit Indiana, killing 23 people, while 9 tornadoes tore through Iowa less than two weeks later. Speaking: Exercise 6 . Make an abstract of two texts, using key vocabulary and tell about: a) what is the reason of earthquakes; b) what areas are mainly hit by earthquakes; c) how often do earthquakes and hurricanes strike the earth; d) is it possible to predict these natural phenomena; e) what are the bad consequences of hurricanes, typhoons and earthquakes.
Checklist for Section II 1. What is Passive Voice and how is it formed? 2. What part of speech is formed by the suffixes –or, -er? 3. Is it possible to predict the hurricanes and earthquakes? 4. Describe the device for forecasting these hazards? Grammar: Participle I as an attribute. Word-formation: Person nouns. Speaking: Warning the storms. Learn the pronunciation and meaning of the words:
Vocabulary development: word building: Exercise 1 . Translate the original and derivative words, using a dictionary:
Text Scientists warn: more bad storms on the way Not long ago our planet has been hit by two powerful tropical storms – Katrina and Nabi. The first devastated New Orleans on August 29, 2005, while the second struck Japan and Russia’s Far East. Next in line was Malaysia. A meteorologist with the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific announced that the country was going to be swept by a powerful typhoon with devastation similar to that of the United States and Japan. The UN expert links this turn to global changes in the earth’s climate. Unlike these two countries, Malaysia is unprepared for the onslaught of tropical storms. There was a lively discussion about the impact of global warming on natural catastrophes. One of the issues of “Nature” published an article titled “After the Flood” with the reading: “Academic experts say they were all too aware of the devastation that would claim New Orleans and its surroundings in the wake of a fierce hurricane”. Extreme weather phenomena are becoming commonplace. Scientists believe that the synoptic catastrophes are due to global warming. The world experienced a series of record – breaking weather events in early 2007, from flooding in Asia to heatwaves in Europe and snowfall in South Africa. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said global land surface temperatures in January and April were likely the warmest since records began in 1880, at more than 1 degree Celsius higher than average for those months. Most scientists believe extreme weather events will be more frequent as heat – trapping carbon dioxide emissions cause global temperatures to rise. The WMO is working to set up an early warning system for extreme weather events. The agency is also seeking to improve monitoring of the impacts of climate change, particularly in poorer countries which are expected to bear the brunt of floods, droughts and storms. Grammar study: Participle I. Present Participle часто употребляется в функции определения и переводится на русский язык причастием действительного залога с суффиксами –ущ, -ющ, -ащ, -ящ, -вш. Sample: devastating typhoon – опустошающий тайфун; increasing hurricane – усиливающийся ураган. Exercise 2 . Define the –ing forms of the words in the text: warming, reading, surrounding, becoming, breaking, flooding, trapping, working, warning, seeking, monitoring. Exercise 3 . Insert the proper word into the sentence. 1. Not long ago a lot of countries (поражать) by two powerful tropical storms. 2. These typhoons were extremely (опустошительный). 3. Extreme weather phenomena are becoming (банальность). 4. Carbon dioxide (выбросы) cause the global temperatures to rise. 5. The poorer countries are expected (принять удар) of floods, (засуха), and storms. 6. The scientists (стремиться) to set up an (система раннего оповещения) for extreme weather events. 7. (Сильный ураган) (опустошил) New Orleans. 8. The weather catastrophes (происходят из-за) global (потепление).
Exercise 4 . Translate into English: 1. Глобальное потепление является причиной природных катастроф. 2. Результатом ураганов и тайфунов становятся разрушения и опустошения. 3. Многие страны не готовы к атакам штормов и наводнений. 4. Повышение температуры и наводнения – взаимосвязанные события. 5. К сожалению, ураганы, наводнения, засуха часто случаются. 6. Люди стремятся облегчить последствия природных катастроф.
Exercise 5 . Read the additional text and translate it without dictionary: