Devastation caused by tsunami
After the horrible tsunami disaster in December 2004, most governments in the affected countries announced their decisions to resettle the population away from the coastline. Thus, Sri Lanka announced the relocation of its coastal communities, estimated at 800000. Moreover, construction has been prohibited within 100 m (in the southwest) and 200 m (in the northwest) from the sea. Considering all this, a Buddhist priest, thought: “These are defeatist policies, moreover, coming at a high cost” – and proposed the exotic Tsunami Safe Houses project. In which way do the new houses differ from the traditional ones? The design of a new house is based on four very strong concrete columns 3 meters wide, as against the rectangular concrete wall of an ordinary Sri Lankan house. The gaps between the columns are filled with bamboo or wood, fabric or other materials traditional for the sunny island; as a result, each house has an individual appearance. According to estimates, a Tsunami Safe House is able to withstand wind or water blasts five times stronger than those the present Sri Lankan houses can endure. An important advantage of the design is that when the blast is particularly destructive, water breaks through the light partitions and freely flows through the house taking light furniture and stuff with it. The load – bearing structure and the roof of the house, however, stay firmly in place, so the dwellers have a far stronger chance to survive. In case of a moderate flood, the water just flows under the house, which stands on strong wooden piles 60 cm high. The most remarkable thing in the project which has been supported by the architects is that all materials needed for such a house can be found on the island, while a house for one family (some 37.2 sq. m of usable area) costs only $ 1200. Construction works are to start in July 2005. The new houses for Sri Lankans who became homeless as a result of the tsunami will be built solely at the expense of donations. Grammar study: the verb to be. Глагол to be может выполнять различные функции – вспомогательного глагола, глагола-связки, смыслового глагола и модального. В качестве модального глагола to be употребляется в сочетании с инфинитивом с частицей «to» для выражения необходимости совершения действия согласно предварительной договоренности или заранее намеченному плану и переводится на русский язык «должен, должен был(и)» в зависимости от времени. В будущем времени глагол to be для выражения долженствования не употребляется. Sample: Construction works are to start in July 2005. – Строительные работы должны начаться в июле 2005 года.
Exercise 3 . Define the function of the –ing words in the text: considering all this…; taking light furniture….; the load- bearing structure; coming at a high cost…
Exercise 4 . Insert the proper word into the sentence: 1. The design of a new house is based on very strong (бетонный) columns. 2. The government decided (переселить) the population. 3. The relocation of the coastal communities (насчитывало) several thousands of people. 4. (Пространство) between the columns are filled with some materials. 5. Now, a tsunami safe house is able (выдержать) wind or water blasts. 6. (Несущая конструкция) is very strong now. 7. The dwellers have a chance (выживать). 8. A house for one family (стоить) not very much.
Exercise 5 . Translate into English: 1. После ужасного цунами пострадало население нескольких стран. 2. Прибрежные поселения оказались в зоне бедствия и разрушений. 3. Обычные дома не могли выдержать сильных порывов ветра и воды. 4. Порывы ветра были чрезвычайно разрушительными и у людей было мало шансов выжить. 5. Была предложена новая конструкция домов с мощными бетонными колоннами и легкими перегородками. 6. Стоимость каждого дома невелика, так как все строительные материалы можно найти на острове. 7. Новые дома должны быть построены за счет пожертвований. Exercise 6. Read the additional text and translate it without dictionary using the vocabulary of the previous sections and the following words from this text: