Subject matter of phonetics
1. Почему односельчане не осознают праведничества Матрены? (По рассказу А. И. Солженицына «Матренин двор».) Задания для дистанционного обучения студентов гр. 303-а по дисциплине «ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКАЯ ФОНЕТИКА АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА» на период с 02.02.2015 по 07.02.2015 преподаватель: Минина Елена Владимировна телефон: 050-608-63-43, 063-151-85-75 адрес для консультаций: (в теме письма указывайте свою фамилию, имя и номер группы)
1. Проработать лекцию № 1 и сделать свой собственный конспект по лекции.
Lecture 1 Phonetics as a linguistic science. Outline: 1) History of development of phonetics. · meaning of the term · ancient stage of development · first attempts of the scientific investigation · new, scientific stage (XIX cent.) 2) Subject matter of phonetics.
3) Main branches of phonetics.
4) Connection of phonetics with other disciplines
KEY WORDS: general phonetics, special phonetics, comparative phonetics, historical phonetics, theoretical phonetics, branches of phonetics: articulatory phonetics, acoustic phonetics, auditory phonetics, phonology, experimental methods, instrumental methods.
History of development of phonetics. Phonetics is a branch of linguistics which studies sounds in the broad sense, comprising segmental sounds (vowels and consonants) and prosodic phenomena (pitch, stress, tempo, rhythm, pauses). pho‧net‧ics / fə’netɪks / the science and study of speech sounds Phonetics has a long history. Ancient objects, drawings, and written documents show that voice and speech always fascinated men. Written documents and evidences from ancient civilizations point to an awareness of speech, its origin and abnormalities a long time ago. Phonetics was known to the ancient Greeks and Hindus. As a science in its own right phonetics began to develop in Russia and in Western Europe only in the second half of the 19th century. Instrumental methods deriving from physiology and physics were introduced into phonetics in the last part of the 19-th century.
Subject matter of phonetics. Phonetics occupies itself with the study of the ways in which the sounds are organized into a system of units and the variation of the units in all types and styles of spoken language. General phonetics is part of general linguistics and it is concerned with the study of man’s sound-producing possibilities and the functioning of his speech mechanism. It establishes the types of speech sounds which exist in various languages, the way they are produced and the role they play when forming and expressing thoughts. The special phonetics of a given individual language (descriptive phonetics) studies the contemporary phonetic system of this particular language, i.e. the system of its pronunciation, and gives a description of all the phonetic units of the language. Descriptive phonetics is based on general phonetics. Comparative Phonetics is concerned with the comparative study of the phonetic system of two or more languages. It is closely connected with historical phonetics, whose aim is to trace and establish the successive changes in the phonetic system of a given language (or a language family) at different stages of its historical development. Theoretical phonetics of a particular language applies those theories to the language analysis. By practical or normative (applied phonetics) we mean all the practical applications of phonetics. Phonetics is of considerable importance for other fields of language study, which have made use of the approaches and the linguistic methods worked out by phonetics. Sociophonetics studies the ways in which pronunciation interacts with society. It is the study of the way in which phonetic structures change in response to different social functions and deviations of what these functions are.