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Г. Москва

Intercultural communication principles

People from different cultures encode and decode messages differently, increasing the chances of misunderstanding, so “the safety-first consequence of recognizing cultural differences should be to assume that everyone's thoughts and actions are not just like ours” [1: 12]. Such assumptions can lead to much frustration for members of both cultures. Some cultural characteristics will be easy to identify, e.g. whether people are conscious of status or make displays of material wealth. But many rights are assumed, values are implied, and needs are unspoken, (for safety, security, love, a sense of belonging to a group, self-esteem, and the ability to attain one's goals). For example, issues of personal security, dignity, and control will be very different as between an abled and a disabled person. Similarly, there may be problems of respect where there is racism, sexism or religious intolerance in play. In such situations, identity is fundamental when disputing the proper role or "place" of the other, about who is in control of their lives, and how they present themselves to the outside world. But the reality is more deeply rooted in power relationships: about who is on top of the social, economic, and/or political hierarchy. Family members or long term rivals may be obsessed with their mutual competition. The relationships between racial or ethnic groups may be affected by economic jealousy. Nations may assert that their political systems are superior. Hence, what may appear just or fair to one can often seem unjust to an opposing group.

People may misinterpret each other's motives. For example, one group may assume that they are simply exchanging information about what they believe, but the other believes that they are negotiating a change in behavior. Clarifying the purpose of the interaction is essential to eliminating confusion, particularly if vested interests are involved. It is essential that people research the cultures and communication conventions of those whom they propose to meet. This will minimize the risk of making the elementary mistakes. It is also prudent to set a clear agenda so that everyone understands the nature and purpose of the interaction. When language skills are unequal, clarifying one's meaning in five ways will improve communication:

• avoid using slang and idioms, choosing words that will convey only the most specific denotative meaning;

• listen carefully and, if in doubt, ask for confirmation of understanding (particularly important if local accents and pronunciation are a problem);

• recognize that accenting and intonation can cause meaning to vary significantly;

• respect the local communication formalities and styles, and watch for any changes in body language.

Investigate their culture's perception of your culture by reading literature about your culture through their eyes before entering into communication with them. Intercultural competence is the ability of successful communication with people of other cultures. A person who is competent captures and understands people from foreign cultures, their specific concepts in perception, thinking, feeling and acting. There is an interest and motivation to continue learning.

Cross-cultural competence, another term for inter-cultural competence, has generated its own share of contradictory and confusing definitions, due to the wide variety of academic approaches and professional fields attempting to achieve it for their own ends. One author identified no fewer than eleven different terms: cultural savvy, astuteness, appreciation, literacy or fluency, adaptability, terrain, expertise, competency, awareness, intelligence, and understanding. [2; 24] Cultures can be different not only between continents or nations, but also within the same company or even family (geographical, ethnical, moral, ethical, religious, political, historical) resp. cultural affiliation or cultural identity.

Typical examples of cultural differences:

Behavior and gestures are interpreted differently:

Showing the thumb held upwards in certain parts of the world means "everything's ok", while it is understood in some Islamic countries (as well as Sardinia) as a rude sexual sign. Additionally, the thumb is held up to signify "one" in France and certain other European countries, where the index finger is used to signify "one" in other cultures. In India and Indonesia, it is often regarded as wishing "all the best". "Everything ok" is shown in western European countries, especially between pilots and divers, with the sign of the thumb and forefinger forming an "O". This sign, especially when fingers are curled, means in Korea and Japan "now we may talk about money", in southern France the contrary ("nothing, without any value"), in Greece and Turkey however it is an indecent sexual sign. In Brazil, it is considered rude, especially if performed with the three extended figures shown horizontally to the floor while the other two fingers form an O.

In American as well as in Arabic countries the pauses between words are usually not too long, while in India and Japan pauses can give a contradictory sense to the spoken words. Enduring silence is perceived as perfectly comfortable in India, Indonesia and Japan, to the point where being unnecessarily talkative is considered rude and a sign of poor self-control.

Punctuality is very highly regarded in many developed nations, such as (perhaps infamously) Germany, Scandinavia, the United Kingdom and the United States. "Fashionably late" would be at most ten minutes early or late. In some European nations and Asia (though not Japan), particularly because of huge traffic problems, clock time is less strictly adhered to, as most are well aware of the unpredictable traffic chaos.

In Mediterranean European countries, Latin America, and Sub-Saharan Africa, it is normal, or at least widely tolerated, to arrive half an hour late for a dinner invitation, whereas in Germany and in the United States this would be considered very rude.

In many cultures all over the world, avoiding eye contact or looking at the ground when talking to one's parents, an elder, or one of higher social status is a sign of respect. In contrast, such body language can be considered as deception, boredom, disinterest or shame (on the part of the doer) in others. For example, an Anglo European teacher may expect direct eye contact as a sign of paying attention, while an Asian student will deliberately avoid it so as not to appear rude or confrontational.

In African, South American and Mediterranean cultures, talking and laughing loudly in the streets and public places is widely accepted, whereas in some Asian cultures it is considered rude and may be seen as a mark of self-centeredness or attention-seeking.

In India showing somebody the palm of your hand is regarded as a gesture of blessing the person, mostly done by elders. Most Hindu and Buddhist deities are depicted as showing the palm of their right hand, while in some east European countries it is considered a rude gesture.

Basic needs are sensitivity and self-consciousness: the understanding of other behaviors and ways of thinking as well as the ability to express one’s own point of view in a transparent way with the aim to be understood and respected by staying flexible where this is possible, and being clear where this is necessary.

Cultural characteristics can be differentiated between several dimensions and aspects; the ability to perceive them and to cope with them is one of the bases of intercultural competence.



1.Larry A.Samovar. Communication Between Cultures./ Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter. California State University, Long Beach, Emeritus, Thomson Wadsworth, 2004.

2. Julia T. Wood. Gendered Lives. Communication, Gender and Culture. The University of North Carolina, Thomson, Wadsworth, 2004.



Курбакова С.Н.

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