Студопедия — Раздел 33 Изучающее чтение с элементами сопоставления
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Раздел 33 Изучающее чтение с элементами сопоставления


S: Ответьте на вопрос:
-: в тексте нет информации

-: истинным

-: ложным



S: What makes American companies start producing more goods?

-: An opportunity to earn profits.

-: Competition with foreign companies.

-: Demand for the particular goods.

-: Government contractual work.



S: Ответьте на вопрос:
-: What was the Great Depression characterized by?

-: Controlling the nation’s money supply through such devices as interest rates.

-: Slow economic growth and high unemployment.

-: Steady growth, high levels of employment, and price stability.

-: Manipulation of government revenues.


S: Ответьте на вопрос
What did Karl Marx study?

-: A ‘capitalist’ economy.

-: A ‘mixed’ economy.

-: A ‘socialist’ economy.

-: The difference between capitalist and socialist economies.



S: Ответьте на вопрос
What was the essence of the Social Security program?

-: Lower retirement age.

-: Higher retirement age.


-: The right for Medicave.

-: Retirement income.



S: Ответьте на вопрос
What is a system?

-: A set of various parts.

-: A combination of parts aimed at achieving a certain goal.

-: A random combination of parts of the same dimension.

-: A set of similar parts.



S: Ответьте на вопрос
How does the mayor get his post?

-: The mayor is elected from one of the Congressmen.

-: The mayor gets his post by right of succession.

-: The mayor is elected in the result of direct voting.

-: The mayor is appointed by the president.



S: Ответьте на вопрос
What are the disadvantages of the city-manager system?

-: Citizens cannot make a city-manager resign from his post.

-: An outsider is not familiar with the problems of the city.

-: A city cannot fire a city-manager.

-: A city-manager’s term in office is not limited.


S: Ответьте на вопрос
Why does in some cases the role of a mayor have a dual character?

-: He wants to run for presidency.

-: He does not only represent his town but also his political party.

-: He dreams of becoming a Governor General.

-: He has to take into account both the interests of the state and the interests of his town.



S: Ответьте на вопрос
What does the training course consist of?

-: It provides lectures for the students.

-: It foresees both lectures and field training.

-: The trainees have to combine their everyday work and studies.

-: Senior trainees give lectures to the freshers.



S: Ответьте на вопрос
How does the city manager get his post?

-: The city manager is elected from among the council memebers.

-: The city manager is hired by the council.

-: The city manager is elected by the local population.

-: The city manager is appointed by the head of the state.



S: Ответьте на вопрос
What do most markets use in their operations?

-: They use cash.

-: They use electronic money systems

-: They use various kinds of currency.

-: They use barter systems.



S: Ответьте на вопрос
Why is regulation necessary?

-: It helps small-business firms.

-: It stimulates export.

-: It prevents monopolies from raising prices beyond fair limits.

-: It stimulates competitiveness.



S: Ответьте на вопрос
What should a manager do if he wants to realize his ideas?

-: He should not argue but put his ideas into practice.

-: He should consult his seniors.

-: He should wait and see if somebody else will suggest the same.

-: He should study international experience.


S: Ответьте на вопрос:
What makes American companies start producing more goods?

-: An opportunity to earn profits.

-: Competition with foreign companies.

-: Demand for the particular goods.

-: Government contractual work.

(правильных вариантов ответа - 1)



S: Ответьте на вопрос:
What was the Great Depression characterized by?

-: Controlling the nation’s money supply through such devices as interest rates.

-: Slow economic growth and high unemployment.

-: Steady growth, high levels of employment, and price stability.

-: Manipulation of government revenues.

(правильных вариантов ответа - 1)



S: Ответьте на вопрос
What did Karl Marx study?

-: A ‘capitalist’ economy.

-: A ‘mixed’ economy.

-: A ‘socialist’ economy.

-: The difference between capitalist and socialist economies.

(правильных вариантов ответа - 1)



S: Ответьте на вопрос
What was the essence of the Social Security program?

-: Lower retirement age.

-: Higher retirement age.

-: The right for Medicave.

-: Retirement income.

(правильных вариантов ответа - 1)



S: Ответьте на вопрос
What is a system?

-: A set of various parts.

-: A combination of parts aimed at achieving a certain goal.

-: A random combination of parts of the same dimension.

-: A set of similar parts.

(правильных вариантов ответа - 1)



S: Ответьте на вопрос
How does the mayor get his post?

-: The mayor is elected from one of the Congressmen.

-: The mayor gets his post by right of succession.

-: The mayor is elected in the result of direct voting.

-: The mayor is appointed by the president.

(правильных вариантов ответа - 1)



S: Ответьте на вопрос
What are the disadvantages of the city-manager system?

-: Citizens cannot make a city-manager resign from his post.

-: An outsider is not familiar with the problems of the city.

-: A city cannot fire a city-manager.

-: A city-manager’s term in office is not limited.

(правильных вариантов ответа - 1)



S: Ответьте на вопрос
Why does in some cases the role of a mayor have a dual character?

-: He wants to run for presidency.

-: He does not only represent his town but also his political party.

-: He dreams of becoming a Governor General.

-: He has to take into account both the interests of the state and the interests of his town.

(правильных вариантов ответа - 1)



S: Ответьте на вопрос
What does the training course consist of?

-: It provides lectures for the students.

-: It foresees both lectures and field training.

-: The trainees have to combine their everyday work and studies.

-: Senior trainees give lectures to the freshers.

(правильных вариантов ответа - 1)



S: Ответьте на вопрос
How does the city manager get his post?

-: The city manager is elected from among the council memebers.

-: The city manager is hired by the council.

-: The city manager is elected by the local population.

-: The city manager is appointed by the head of the state.

(правильных вариантов ответа - 1)



S: Ответьте на вопрос
What do most markets use in their operations?

-: They use cash.

-: They use electronic money systems.

-: They use various kinds of currency.

-: They use barter systems.

(правильных вариантов ответа - 1)



S: Ответьте на вопрос
Why is regulation necessary?

-: It helps small-business firms.

-: It stimulates export.

-: It prevents monopolies from raising prices beyond fair limits.

-: It stimulates competitiveness.

(правильных вариантов ответа - 1)



S: Ответьте на вопрос
What should a manager do if he wants to realize his ideas?

-: He should not argue but put his ideas into practice.

-: He should consult his seniors.

-: He should wait and see if somebody else will suggest the same.

-: He should study international experience.

(правильных вариантов ответа - 1)


Дата добавления: 2015-04-19; просмотров: 486. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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