Some technological products can be dangerous for people
N1 You should do something more useful than philosophy-something more vocational like hotel management
His ________ on tests did not allow him to go on with studies scores Success in one _______ doesn’t influence another. subject If you need to ________ teacher’s attention, just put your hand up. attract The ________ is one of the ways in which Oxford and Cambridge differ from all the other English universities. (tutorial system) N2 I’d like to introduce you to Lisa, our sales manager
Bids had to be in by 6.00 and we put ours in ten minutes before the … deadline They touched upon a wide _______ of subjects in their conversation. range We've got a meeting in 10 minutes. Do I have to ________? — Yes, you do. (attend)
One of the most significant branches of contemporary physics is the study of the fundamental ________ constituents of matter, the elementary particles. subatomic The International decimal system of _______ and measures is based on the metre and kilogram. weights To ________ the art of a society, it is helpful to know something about its cultural patterns. (appreciate)
The measurement of the rate and direction of change in position of an object is … velocity
An article in a newspaper that gives the opinion of the editor on some important subject is called a (an) … (editorial)
London is popular with foreigners, who visit the city in order to see many of its ______ buildings and tourist attractions. famous Doing sports can really __________ your muscles. strengthen In all the countryside there was no garden so _______ as his. lovely Many parents complain of their children’s _______, but probably they were the same. (disobedience)
Sam telephoned but there was ______ at home. nobody There aren’t ______ easy ways of learning languages. any Mr and Mrs Cooper and a friend of __________ are coming to see us. (theirs)
Out of all the students in my music school, I practise … most often Some old laws are no longer … effective This is ___________coffee I’ve ever tasted. (the best)
He had ________ holiday last summer. a month’s There are special schools for _________ in our country. the blind Ten miles ________ a long way to ride. is The geographical centre of London is … (T rafalgar Square)
The other day Dad was invited to ________ to see the headmaster. (the school) You could buy ________ at $500 in those days. A Picasso I’m afraid, Mr Rodgers is away on business _______ Friday afternoon. (till)
Mary hasn’t seen her distant relatives ________ three years. for The train is to arrive ________ a quarter of an hour. in It was very stupid ________ him to make such a silly mistake. of I shall be 22 ______ the time I finish my training and I’ll be able to work as a doctor. (by)
She is going to take some chocolate ________ she gets hungry. in case I wouldn’t worry ________ I’m not bothered. as long as I can’t find my umbrella. I think somebody _______ it by mistake. (has taken)
If you leave the flat unlocked, you risk … (being burgled) I _______ over the phone for a whole hour when the porter knocked at the door. had been talking By the time we all returned from holiday father and Bob _______ redecorating the kitchen. had finished
Shall I send the letter? – No, don’t worry about it. It … has already been sent At last he decided to _________ smoking. (give up) Most of Shakespeare’s plays _______ in London. were written
The newspapers are luckily _________ talking at any time. to start Little children like books with large print. They ________ read them more easily. (can) The newspapers are luckily _________ talking at any time. to start
Without my glasses I can hardly make ________ the words on this page. out He gave _____ the idea of convincing her. It was useless. up Mary: «I’m afraid I’ve been keeping that book of yours too long».
You ________ wash the car. The paint is still wet. mustn’t Headmaster to student: «That was terrible behaviour! You ________ apologize to your history teacher». must They ________ go to the theatre together because Nelly had agreed to baby-sit for them. were able to Partner1: «I plan to go to London for three days. There will be an exhibition. Will you join me?» N17
A: «Would you like a cup of hot tea?» B: «I’d love to» Passer-by 1: «Am I going in the right direction?» Passer-by 2: Oh yes! Professor: «I invite you to take part in our scientific conference to be held next week».
A: «Excuse me. Can I talk to Mr Nolan?» B: «I’m afraid, Mr Nolan is busy at the moment» Receptionist: «Can I help you?»
The wheel of the London Eye carries 32 sealed and air-conditioned ovoid passenger capsules, attached to its external circumference, each capsule representing one of the … (London Boroughs) Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения. Professor: «You’d better not miss my lectures». Student: I’ll do my best. Teacher (colleague): «I have some problems with the Internet. Will you e-mail my article to the editor?» Teacher (colleague): Yes, of course.
Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in the USA in … (November.) Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения Passenger: «I have only pounds. Can you give me change?» Bus Driver: I’m sorry, but I accept exact change only
The part of the UK which is officially bilingual is … Wales The Canadian national currency is the … (Canadian dollar.) The famous Battle of Trafalgar which resulted in the victory of the British fleet and the death of the national hero Admiral Nelson was fought in … Spain One of the most popular, very slow and long English summer games played on a green field by two teams of eleven players each is called … cricket Stonehenge is a (an) ______ which is located in Britain. prehistoric monument N22
The highest peak of the USA, Mount McKinley, is located in … Alaska There are ______ main political parties in the USA. two
Canada is one of the world’s leading ________ producers and exporters. wheat There are ________ provinces and territories in Canada. thirteen
Текст American Penny Press
(Statistics showed that Americans were enthusiastic readers of periodicals) N24
A Scottish moral philosopher and a pioneer of political economics is … Adam Smith Завершите утверждение согласно содержанию текста. An American civil rights leader who fought through nonviolent action is … Martin Luther King
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Technology 1. Technology is the usage and knowledge of tools, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or create an artistic perspective. Technologies significantly affect human as well as other animal species' ability to control and adapt to their natural environments. The human species' use of technology began with the conversion of natural resources into simple tools. 2. The prehistorical discovery of the ability to control fire increased the available sources of food and the invention of the wheel helped humans in travelling in and controlling their environment. Recent technological developments, including the printing press, the telephone, and the Internet, have lessened physical barriers to communication and allowed humans to interact freely on a global scale. However, not all technology has been used for peaceful purposes; the development of weapons of ever-increasing destructive power has progressed throughout history, from clubs to nuclear weapons. 3. Technology has affected society and its surroundings in a number of ways. In many societies, technology has helped develop more advanced economies (including today's global economy) and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. Many technological pro