(CHAPTER 12) 1.Find English equivalents for the following word combinations. Reproduce the situation were they occur: 1.Какая удача! 2. свет фонаря пробивался сквозь туман 3. воскликнул он нетерпеливо, с размаху садясь на диван 4. это полностью в ваших интересах 5. очарование новизны 6. предложил бешеную цену 7. ни чистая душой девушка, ни порядочная женщина 8. запятнанное имя 9. судить человека по влиянию на 10. сделать имя предметом насмешек 11.пробираться переодетым в отвратительные трущобы 12. страшная исповедь 13. богохульство 14. презрительная усмешка 2.Answer the questions: 1. Who said, “Nothing is serious nowadays” and how do these words characterize the hero? 2. What actions did Basil accuse Dorian of? 3.What was “the origin of all Dorian’s shame”? 3. Translate and learn the phrase: 1) Sin is a thing that writes itself across a man’s face… If a wretched man has a vice, it shows itself in the lines of his mouth, the doop of his eyelids, the moulding of his hands even.
Find the extract beginning with ”Stop, Basil.” and ending “the native land of the hypocrite” Translate it and comment on. 5. Speak on the point, express your approval or disapproval: - … every man who turned himself into an amateur curate for the moment always began by saying that (he didn’t want to preach), and then proceeded to break his word.
ASSIGNMENT 13 (CHAPTER 13) 1.Find English equivalents for the following word combinations. Reproduce the situation were they occur: 1. человек, которому дано право 2. быстро пробежала за панелью 3. кровь словно заледенела в его жилах 4. пересохший язык, липкий пот 5. опустился на расшатанный стул 6. не введи нас во искушение 7. очисти нас от скверны 8. всадить нож 9. капать на (2) 10. всматриваться в черный кипящий колодец мрака 11. направляя длинный луч своего фонаря на спящие дома 12. шаркать по коридору
2. Answer the following questions: 1) When did Dorian feel hatred for Basil? 2) What were the feelings of Dorian after the murder? 3) What did Dorian do to remain above suspicions? Find the extract beginning with a)”Hallward turned again to the portrait,…” and ending “in a watery grave was not so fearful” b) “Then he remembered the lamp” and ending “ It was like a dreadful wax image.” Translate it and comment on it. 4. Speak on the point, express your approval or disapproval: - Each of us has Heaven and Hell in him - The prayer of your repentance will be answered also. - Dorian felt that the secret of the whole thing was not to realise the situation