| the town in the mailing address
| the country in the mailing address
| the country the letter comes from
| the sender
| the addressee’s house number
| the town the letter comes from
ЗАДАНИЕ N 52 Тема: Термины (Дефиниции)
State of being unable to pay debts is …
| benefit
| bureaucracy
| balance
| bankruptcy
ЗАДАНИЕ N 53 Тема: Учебная лексика
I would like to know what __________ taught are required in your country.
| education
| knowledge
| qualifications
| subjects
ЗАДАНИЕ N 54 Тема: Деловая лексика
She became a full-time member of _______ last year.
| staff
| employees
| employers
| customers
ЗАДАНИЕ N 55 Тема: Профессиональная лексика
The _______ of the job include a car and free health insurance.
| expenses
| fringe benefits
| rates
| costs
ЗАДАНИЕ N 56 Тема: Изучающее чтение с элементами анализа информации
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.
1. Inflation is a sustained increase in the aggregate price level. Economists generally reserve the term hyperinflation to describe episodes where the monthly inflation rate is greater than 50 per cent.
2. Hyperinflations are largely a twentieth-century phenomenon. The most widely studied hyperinflation occurred in Germany after World War I. The ratio of the German price index in November 1923 to the price index in August 1922 – just fifteen months earlier – was 1.02 × 1010. This huge number amounts to a monthly inflation rate of 322 per cent.
3. Hyperinflations are caused by extremely rapid growth in the supply of «paper» money. They occur when the monetary and fiscal authorities of a nation regularly issue large quantities of money to pay for a large stream of government expenditures. In effect, inflation is a form of taxation where the government gains at the expense of those who hold money whose value is declining. Hyperinflations are, therefore, very large taxation schemes.
Ответьте на вопрос.
What is hyperinflation caused by?
| It is caused by rapid growth of industry.
| It is caused by issuing large amounts of government documents.
| It is caused by issuing large amounts of paper money to pay for government expenses.
| It is caused by rapid growth of tax rates.
Завершите утверждение согласно содержанию текста.
The term hyperinflation is used when …
| governments increase prices
| people speak about World War I
| the monthly inflation rate is less than 50 per cent
| the monthly inflation rate is more than 50 per cent