ЗАДАНИЕ N 14 Тема: Оформление делового письма Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке.
| M. Smith Export Sales Manager
| We thank you for your inquiry of 12 October, and appreciate your interest in our products. Details of our export prices and terms of payment are enclosed, and we have arranged for a copy of our catalogue to be sent to you today.
| Fournier at Cie SA 14 Avenue Ravigny Paris XV France
| Yours faithfully,
| 16 October 2008
| Western Shoe Company Ltd. Yeovil, Somerset S19 3AF England
| Dear Sirs:
ЗАДАНИЕ N 15 Тема: Оформление резюме, письма-заявления, письма-уведомления, письма-запроса, контракта, служебной записки
Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок.
| Cover Letter
| Inquiry Letter
| Advertising letter
| Offer Letter
ЗАДАНИЕ N 16 Тема: Оформление конверта
Перед Вами конверт.
Соотнесите информацию под определенным номером на конверте с тем, что она обозначает.
| the country the letter comes from
| the addressee’s house number
| the sender
| the ZIP Code in the mailing address
| the house number in the return address
| the addressee
ЗАДАНИЕ N 17 Тема: Существительное
The police _______ little information about the robbery.
| have
| has
| possesses
| has got
ЗАДАНИЕ N 18 Тема: Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий
My new job is ______ than the old one. I work fewer hours and earn more.
| worse
| the best
| bad
| far better
ЗАДАНИЕ N 19 Тема: Неличные формы глагола
He left the room without _________ for a reply.
| waiting
| being waited
| waited
| to be waiting
ЗАДАНИЕ N 20 Тема: Союзы
Let’s go to Mirabella’s tonight _______ you haven’t been there before.
ЗАДАНИЕ N 21 Тема: Местоимения
Thank you for the offer, but I think I’ll use __________ own book.
ЗАДАНИЕ N 22 Тема: Словообразование
They’ve published a book of George Bush’s _________ and it looks really interesting.
| correspondence
| corresponding
| correspond
| correspondent
ЗАДАНИЕ N 23 Тема: Модальные глаголы
Yes, of course you ________ open the window if you’re too hot!
| needn’t
| are able to
| must
| can
ЗАДАНИЕ N 24 Тема: Страдательный залог
John doesn’t have his car today because it …
| is repairing
| is repaired
| is being repaired
| has been repaired
ЗАДАНИЕ N 25 Тема: Предлоги
Success in this industry depends a lot ________ luck!
ЗАДАНИЕ N 26 Тема: Артикли
We’re out of ________, so could you get some from the supermarket?
| coffee
| a coffee
| an coffee
| the coffee
ЗАДАНИЕ N 27 Тема: Фразовые глаголы
Sue was offered a job of a translator but she …
| turned down
| turned out
| turned off
| turned on
ЗАДАНИЕ N 28 Тема: Глагол и его формы
Have you been to the United States? ─ Yes, I have. I _______ there in 1977.
| was going
| have gone
| went
| had gone
ЗАДАНИЕ N 29 Тема: Поисковое чтение с целью определения наличия в тексте запрашиваемой информации
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.
1. One of the most important building blocks of economic analysis is the concept of demand. When economists refer to demand, they usually have in mind not just a single quantity demanded, but what is called a demand curve. A demand curve traces the quantity of a good or service that is demanded at successively different prices.
2. The most famous law in economics, and the one that economists are most sure of, is the law of demand. On this law is built almost the whole edifice of economics. The law of demand states that when the price of a good rises, the amount demanded falls, and when the price falls, the amount demanded rises.
3. It is not just price that affects the quantity demanded. Income affects it too. As real income rises, people buy more of some goods (which economists call normal goods) and less of what are called inferior goods. Urban mass transit and railroad transportation are classic examples of inferior goods. That is why the usage of both of these modes of travel declined so dramatically as postwar incomes were rising and more people could afford automobiles.