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Translate the following word-combinations into Russian.

To comb through job listings, to feel drained of energy, on one’s own behalf, to take the initiative, to make sure, to find oneself face to face with someone, to create a relationship, all the good jobs seem to be out of reach, to be about to launch a new project, to compete with other applicants, to feel in control over one’s own life.

Task 4

Match the following words with their synonyms.

1. admit 2. sometimes 3. competent 4. smart 5. flashy 6. response 7.way a. skilled b. over-decorated c. now and then d. answer e. method f. agree g. clever

Task 5

Match the following words with their definitions.

1. take a job a. how permanent your job is likely to be
2. part-time/full-time job b. be very experienced at the work you do
3. apply for a job c. try to get a job
4. job satisfaction d. keep a job
5. change jobs e. not have a job  
6. hold down a job f. a job that is likely to continue
7. job security g. accept a job that is offered to you
8. Saturday/summer h. used to say that it is not holiday job, your fault if you have to do something in your work that other people do not like
9. steady job i. get a different job
10. be out of a job j. a job that you only do on Saturdays etc.
11. know your job k. a job you do for only part of the day or week
12. I’m only doing my job 1. to fail to do something you were supposed to do
13. fall down on the job m. the enjoyment that you get from doing your job


Task 6

Find the words in the text that mean the following.

1. To pick something up with a scoop, a spoon, or with your curved hand …

2. Something which is difficult to achieve …

3. Too big, bright, or expensive in a way that other people disapprove of …

4. Something you need or usually have that you are prevented from having …

5. Very tired and without any energy…

6. To receive so much of something that you cannot easily deal with it all…

7. To avoid a problem or rule that restricts you…

8. Interesting or valuable…

9. A very strong attack against someone or something…


Enrich your vocabulary. Complete these sentences using one of the words listed below in each space.

onslaught inundated deprivation flashy drained


1. After the broadcast, we were … with requests for more information.

2. Marc always drove large … cars.

3. She could not withstand such a sudden....

4. Steve felt so …____ he could hardly make it to the car.


5. People suffered terrible …during the war.

Task 8

Try to remember the following words in situations.

Job, work, post, position, line of work/business, do, occupation, trade, profession, vocation, career

Work is something you are paid for doing, especially regularly – She wants to return to work after having the baby - but it can also be used where there is no payment or you are not working for someone else: voluntary work \ housework | her work as a self-employed trainer.

What you do to earn your living is your job,especially if you work for someone else: I need a part-time job.

Post and position are more formal words for a particular job in a company etc: He was appointed to the post/position of professor of English at Stanford University.

In spoken English, the kind of work or job someone does may be called their line of work/business,or the verb do is often used, especially in questions: What do you do? I’d like to get into that line of work!

More formally, your kind of work or job is your occupation. On a form you might see: Please state your name and occupation.

A trade is a skilled kind of work in which you make or do things with your hands: She’s an electrician by trade.

A profession is a kind of work such as that of a doctor or lawyer, for which you need special training and a good education. Some professions, such as teaching and nursing, are also called vocations,which suggests that people do them in order to help others rather than to earn a lot of money. A career is a type of work that you do or hope to do for most of your life: Her political career began 20 years ago.


Task 9

Match the words with their definitions.

1. apply for 2. prospects 3. be promoted 4. employer 5. employee 6. trainee 7. trainer 8. resign 9. dismiss 10. be unemployed 11. don’t get much money   a. person who employs b. write an official request for c. have a low salary d. be out of work e. person who gives training f. future possibilities in the job g. sack smb, to tell smb to leave h. officially tell the company about leaving the job i. worker j. person who receives training k. be given a higher position with more money and responsibility  


Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 711. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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