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Speech practice


17. Use the following words to speak about:

а) London – the capital of Great Britain

the capital; the largest city in Europe; the main political; commercial centre; the biggest port; the population of 9 million; a number of towns; to be situated; to cover the territory; to grow together; to make one vast urban area.

b) the history of London:

a very old city; 20 million centuries old; the old Celts; the Romans; the Germanic invaders; the Normans; the original name Llyn-din; a «lonely port»; to give; to make the centre of the colony; to destroy; to mean; to make the capital.

c) the parts of London:

the main traditional parts; the City; the West End; the East End; banks; governmental offices; newspaper offices; a symbol of wealth; wide streets and fine theatres; cinemas and concert halls; workers; dockers; handicraftsmen; the smog; many plants; factories; workshops; to live; to be situated; to work; to hang; to produce the wealth.

18. Learn the dialogues.


– Which are the most interesting picture galleries in London?

– Well, the National Gallery, to begin with, then comes the National Portrait Gallery.

– Yes, but what about the British Museum? I’ve heard a lot of it.

– Oh surely, you ought to go there, but the British museum is not a museum of Fine Arts. It’s a museum of history, archeology and ethnography. It’s also one of the largest libraries in the world.


– This is Fleet Street.

– It’s name suggests a sea voyage.

– Nothing of the kind. It suggests journalism.

– Why?

– Because all the big British daily newspapers are edited here.


– Why, it’s № 10 Downing Street:

– Exactly so. Here the Prime Minister of Britain lives.

– And where’s the residence of the Queen?

– The London residence of the British kings is Buckingham Palace. When the Queen is in the residence the Royal Standard is flown at mast head (флагшток).

19. In groups, hold a discussion on the following situation:


– Big Ben is a tower clock. It is famous for its accuracy and for its 13-ton bell, designed by Edmund Beckett, Baron Grimthorpe. Big Ben is housed in the tower at the eastern end of the Houses of Parliament. The clock was named after Sir Benjamin Hall, commissioner of works at the time of its installation in 1859. Originally applied only to the bell, eventually it came to indicate the clock itself.

– Many important events in the history of Great Britain are connected with the Tower of London. It has served as citadel, palace, prison, mint, and menagerie. Now it is a museum. In 1078 William the Conqueror built the White Tower to defend the city. The Tower is famous for its illustrious prisoners. Many great people lost their heads on the executioner's block. The Yeoman Warders known as 'Beefeaters' guard the Tower. They wear traditional Tudor costumes.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 529. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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