Студопедия — I. Before you read. 1.1. Words and expressions to learn:
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I. Before you read. 1.1. Words and expressions to learn:

1.1. Words and expressions to learn:

To satisfy; satisfaction; to integrate; commitment; inspiration; to
exposure; personality; the financial insecurity; a competitive job market;
available jobs; creativity; self-promotion; a job search; to develop

1.2. Do you know?

You know the word «profession» very well. But be careful when you use it. Remember that there are other words to use: «occupation», «trade», «job», «work», «vocation», «career».

Occupation – an activity in which one is engaged, that occupies one’s

E.g. Look for an occupation suited to your abilities.

This is a useful occupation for long winter evenings.

Profession – is an occupation for which special education or training is required, as the profession of an architect.

E.g. Medicine, law and architecture are professions.

Trade is a skilled occupation, handicraft.

E.g. He is a tailor/weaver/carpenter/blacksmith by trade.

A job is a piece of work either to be done or completed; employment.

E.g. To apply for a job; to change jobs; a full-time job; a job of an engineer, teacher.

Work is what a person does to earn one’s living.

E.g. It is difficult to find work during a depression.

To be in /out of work – having/not having employment.

Vocation is feeling that one is called to (and qualified for) a certain kind of (esp. social or religious), special aptitude (for).

E.g. The nursing of the sick is a vocation as well as a profession.

He has no vocation for teaching.

A career – a job or profession a person has been trained for and intends to do for several years.

E.g. We can learn a lot by reading about the careers of famous people.

Should all careers be open to women?

Occupation is the most general term, it is used to name any job,

Trade is used for physical labour, the use of machinery and tools. Profession is an occupation which requires special training or education.

Occupation (any job, employment).

Trade (any physical or manual work).

Profession (special education).

1.3. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the words in bold type:

1. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

2. He’s been out of work for a month but now he’s found a very good job in New York.

3. A doctor, a teacher, a journalist, and an architect are very good

4. He comes from a professional family.

5. He took up journalism as his career.

6. A job is something you do to make money but career comprises your interests, abilities and ambitions.

7. I could never do an ordinary nine-to-five job.

8. It’s important to find a job that offers good career prospects.

9. Nursing is a hard work and often low paid but for many people it is a vocation.

10. Medicine has always been a male-dominated profession.

1.4. Fill in the blanks with the words: career, job, work, profession, trade, vocation:

1. Should all... be open to women?

2. It’s hard... for a poor man to keep his wife and children clothed and fed.

3. What time do you get to your...?

4. He is a lawyer by ….

5. Shoemaking is a useful ….

6. He lost his ….

7. It’s difficult to find … during a depression.

8. Your new Bantley car is a nice ….

9. The college teaches many useful ….

10. As a speech therapist she feels she has finally found her ….

11. I want to find out more about … in journalism.

12. Please, fill in the details of your present ….

13. Fewer young people are entering the legal … nowadays.

14. Women often return to … after they have had children.

15. The boys were sent to a special college where they would all be taught a ….

16. At the age of 37 Mike suddenly found himself out of … and
without much hope of finding a ….

17. Now there are more and more … opportunities for women.

18. Men in manual … are less prone to stress-related illnesses.

1.5. Say if these are professions or trades:

Lawyer, librarian, firefighter, dentist, child-minder, manager, hairdresser, police officer, tailor, mechanic, bookkeeper, designer, architect, engineer, builder, priest, scientist, carpenter, teacher, chef, plumber.

1.6. Give as many word combinations of names of occupations as possible with the following adjectives:

Responsible, famous, talented, flexible, efficient, popular, capable,
sociable, conscientious.

1.7. Which qualities best describe people who want to succeed in work or study?

dependable ambitious critical

truthful accurate responsible

independent decisive quite

patient broad-minded reserved

indifferent enthusiastic conscientious

generous reliable diligent

frank persistent straightforward

strong-willed careful/careless quick-minded

intro/extroverted self-centered punctual

1.8. Make up a list of qualities you think necessary for an

For ideas: responsible, just, generous, sincere, clever, democratic, communicative, creative, imaginative, interested, indifferent, serious,

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