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Грамматика. 2) Слова-заместители существительных


1) Местоимение it. § 36

2) Слова-заместители существительных. § 35

3) Страдательный залог. § 11



Ι. Предтекстовые упражнения


Ι.1. Прочтите эти предложения и укажите номера предложений, в которых местоимение it выполняет функцию:

а) подлежащего;

б) формального подлежащего;

в) дополнения. Переведите эти предложения.


1. Alcohol is a diuretic,which means it forces fluids out of the body. 2. Belladonna is an extract of the deadly nightshade plant. It contains atropine, an alkaloid drug used to treat intestinal disorders. 3. The drug is available in any pharmacy. You can buy it in gel or liquid form. 4. It is not unusual for a traditional Chinese remedy to combine 16 or more different herbs. 5. Iodine playse a key role in supporting the thyroid, but the body can make better use of it if it is taken with an amino acid called thyrosine. 6. Many people grow echinacea in their gardens but they are not sure which part of the plant to use or how to prepare it. 7. Since it can take as long as 6 weeks for the therapeutic effect to set in, you will have to be patient. 8. It can be difficult to decide which brand of iron or vitamin C to take. 9. It is necessary to consult a physician before starting herbal therapy. 10. If you are allergic to some food, try to avoid it in your diet. 11. It is a light colourless liquid with a specific odour. It is very poisonous when pure. 12. It is more than 100 years since Elie Metchkinoff, a Rassian scientist, isolated a culture from fermented milk products. He called the culture lactobacillus and sold it as one of the first health foods (probiotic products).


Ι.2. Укажите номера предложений, в которых существительные были заменены местоимениями one/ones и that/those. Переведите эти предложения.

1. There are two remedies that you should use: one is a topical cream and the other a food supplement that combines several herbs. 2.Oil content in the root of Valerian depends on the soil it grows in: a dry stony soil yields a root richer in oil than the one that is moist and fertile. 3. There are two main types of lotions: those with alcohol and those without alcohol. 4 Other substances that may be suggested are those containing retinoic acid. 5.Solutions containing that substance are available in various strengths. 6.Hofmanw-la Roche Inc. is one of the largest suppliers of vitamins in the world. 7.Drugs in solution are more homogeneous than those in solid form. 8.Thiamin is one of the most important vitamins for good health. 9.If several brands of minerals are available, choose the ones that are chelated. 10.Coffee has a tendency to create a vitamin deficiency in the body and for that reason it is contraindicated in heart diseases.


Ι.3. Преобразуйте действительный залог в страдательный. Переведите трансформированные предложения на русский язык.

1. Individualize the doses according to the patient’s age and weight.

2. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) can replace trisodium citrate.

3. Most patients have shown a satisfactory response to a single daily dose of the drug.

4. Transient headaches follow overdosage of the drug.

5. The package leaflets accompanying pharmaceutical products give detailed information on dosage and administration.

6. The FDA has not approved the drug for any standard treatment in cardiac arrest.


Ι.4. Подчеркните сказуемое в этих предложениях. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. All chemical reactions are influenced by two forces: the tendency to achieve the most stable bonding state and the tendency to achive the highest degree of randomness.

2. Sedating drugs should be used with caution, especially in elderly people.

3. The container should be kept tightly closed.

4. Among other side effects, pulmonary edema has been observed.

5. Occasionally, a longer course of treatment is required.

6. Any drug is contraindicated if it causes severe allergic response or a severe adverse reaction.

7. Patients with bleeding disorders should avoid injections.

8. Sucrose or rice powder which are less expensive can replace glucose.

9. The patient has previously shown a severe hypersensitivity reaction to the drug.

10. The producers of pharmaceuticals give emphasis to their quality and packaging.


Ι.5. Переведите эти предложения, в которых содержатся слова-заместители и слова с широким спектром значений.

1. Chelating agents are substances that combine chemically with heavy metals, such as lead and mercury. 2. Allergic rhinitis is caused by things like the animal dander and house dust mites. 3. Two remedies were used in treatment: the former was a topical cream, and the latter – a supplement that contained vitamins and a combination of herbs. 4. All sterile solutions are checked for particulate matter. 5. Carcinogens are chemicals that produce tumours. 6. Chemical exposure can result in different degrees of toxicity. 7. Great progress has been made in the synthesis of such components as geraniol, citral, linalyl acetate, and the like. 8. Cancer is a condition in which certain body cells multiply without control and destroy healthy tissue and organs. 9. Steroid agents can cause serious and unpleasant adverse effects over time. 10. Cholesterol is a chemical that is found in the body’s tissues and blood. 11. A genetic abnormality is an inherited condition. 12. Infectious germs can invade the body in different sites.


1.6. Прочтите следующие вопросы и пометьте те из них, на которые вы можете ответить. Назовите номера вопросов, на которые вы затрудняетесь ответить.

1. What is a pharmaceutical?

2. What kinds of ingredients do the pharmaceuticals contain?

3. What stages must a drug product undergo before it is approved for marketing?

4. Why do some drugs have several names? What kinds of names may a drug possess?

5. Which name of the pharmaceutical can be found in the official pharmacopeia of the country?

6. Which name can be owned by a drug company or an individual?

7. What is the difference between the brand drug product and the generic drug product?

8. How can pharmaceuticals be administered?

9. Which is the most common route of drug administration?

10. Which is the quickest mode of drug administration?


ΙΙ. Работа с текстом

ΙΙ.1. Ознакомьтесь со словами к тексту А.

pharmaceuticals [fa:mә́sju:tikәlz] фармацевтические препараты

to affect [ә ́fekt] влиять

a wide variety of [vә ́raiәti] большое разнообразие

an active pharmaceutical действующее начало, фармакологи

ingredient (the API) [ińɡri:diәnt] чески активное вещество

an inert ingredient [i ́nә:t] инертный ингредиент

the vehicle [ ́vi:әkl] вещество-носитель, индифферентная

основа лекарственной формы

a formulation matrix [ ́meitriks] матрица лекарственной формы

to comprise [kәmp ́raiz] составлять

enzymatic [enzi ́mætik] ферментный, ферментативный

recombinant DNA technology рекомбинантная ДНК-технология

[ri ́kɔmbinәnt] [tekn ́nɔlәʤi]

pure, purification [ ́pjuә] чистый(химически), очистка

a drug product [drʌɡ ́prɔdәkt] лекарственный продукт

in association with [ә ِsou∫i ́ei∫әn] в сочетании c

an excipient [ik ́si:piәnt] основа лекарственной формы,


an entity [ ́entiti] вещество

development [di ́velәpmәnt] разработка

approve, approval [ә ́pru:v], [ә ́pru:vәl] одобрять, разрешение

efficacy [ ́efikәsi] эффективность

to submit an application [sәb ́mit] подавать заявление

healthy volunteers [ ́helθi ́ vɔlәn ́tiәz] здоровые добровольцы

drug tolerance [ ́tɔlәrәns] переносимость лекарства

under close supervision [ ِ; sjupә ́viʒn] под пристальным наблюдением

dose-response studies изучение влияния дозы на реакцию

[ ́dous ris ́pɔns ́ stʌdiz] организма

to perform [pә ́fɔ:m] выполнять

dosage regimen [ ́dousiʤ ́ reʤimen] режим дозировки

the therapeutic index терапевтический показатель

[θerә ́pju:tik ́ indәks]

large- scale [́la:ʤ ́skeIl] широкомасштабный

to monitor [́mɔnitә] контролировать

to occur [ә ́kә:] встречаться, наблюдаться

review [ri ́́vju:] пересмотр, ревизия

to grant market approval выдавать разрешение на сбыт

[ ́ɡra:nt ́ ma:kit ә ́pruvәl] (продукции)

batch [ ́bæt∫] партия (товара)


II.2. Прочтите текст А и определите, сколько смысловых частей в нем содержится. Озаглавьте каждую часть.


Text A


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