II.4. Прочтите эти предложения и расположите их в логической последовательности, чтобы получился связный текст.
1. The chief constituent of Valerian is a yellowish-green to brownish-yellow oil, which is present in the dried root to the extent of 0,5 to 2%, though an average field rarely exceeds 0,8%.
2. The oil is contained in the subepidermal layer of cells in the root, not in isolated cells or glands.
3. The isovalerianic acid to which the characteristically unpleasant odour of Valerian is due is being gradually liberated during the process of drying.
4. The valerianic acid in use is prepared not from the root but synthetically from amyl alcohol.
5. Valerian is a powerful nervine, stimulant, carminative, and antispasmodic.
6. It has a remarkable influence on the cerebrospinal system, and is used as a sedative to the higher nerve centres in hypochondriasis, neuralgic pain, and the like.
7. The drug allays pain and promotes sleep.
8. Though in ordinary doses it exerts a quieting and soothing effect on the brain and nervous system, large doses, too often repeated, have a tendency to produce pain in the head, heaviness and stupor.
9. The final stage in crude-drug production consists in drying, which is accomplished in air or with artificial heat. Drying aids preservation, stops various chemical reactions that might weaken or destroy the drug substance, facilitates subsequent grinding, and reduces weight and bulk.
10. Glycosides such as digoxin are obtained from the crude drug by extraction with alcohol.
II.5. Ознакомьтесь со следующей таблицей, в которой представлены 13 витаминов, необходимых для сбалансированного питания. На какие две группы и по какому признаку их можно поделить?
| Source
| Functions
| deficiency
| information
| Vitamin A (retinol)
| Fish liver oils, eggs, butter, milk, cheese, liver, apricots, broccoli, cabbage, carrots.
| Essential for night vision, healthy skin, and mucous membranes.
| Night blindness, dry eyes (xerophthalmia), dry skin.
| Excessive intake may cause hair toss, peeling of the skin, joint pains, and liver damage.
| Vitamin B1 (thiamine)
| Yeast, whole grains, pork, liver, nuts, peas and beans, potatoes.
| Essential for normal functioning of nerve cells, heart muscle, and carbohydrate metabolism.
| Beriberi.
| Increased amount needed during growth, pregnancy, and breast feeding.
| Vitamin B2 (riboflavine)
| Yeast, eggs, milk, cheese, liver, kidney, green vegetables.
| Essential for normal protein and carbohydrate metabolism, and for maintaining mucous membranes.
| Cracked lips (cheilosis), skin rashes, dim vision.
| Increased amount needed during growth, pregnancy, and breast feeding.
| Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
| Yeast, whole grains, fish, liver, peas and beans.
| Essential for general functioning of body cells and amino acid metabolism.
| Convulsions in infants, anaemia, nerve disorders.
| Increased amount needed during growth, pregnancy, breastfeeding.
| Vitamin В12 (cyanocobalamin)
| Eggs, milk, cheese, butter, liver, beef, pork.
| Essential for growth of red blood cells and normal functioning of nerve cells.
| Pernicious anaemia, dim vision, peripheral neuritis.
| Deficiency is especially likely in total vegetarians (vegans), and persons with sprue, or following a total gastrectomy.
| Niacin
(nicotinic acid)
| Yeast, meat, fish, whole grains, peas and beans.
| Essential for cell metabolism, absorption and carbohydrates, and healthy skin.
| Pellagra.
| Resists most cooking and preserving processes.
| Biotin
| Present in all common foods.
| Essential for energy production from fats and carbohydrate, and for formation of hormones.
| Deficiency does not occur naturally.
| Biotin can be produced by bacteria in the intestine.
| Folic add
| Yeast, liver, kidney, green, leafy vegetables; fruit.
| Essential for growth of red blood cells.
| Anaemia and peripheral neuritis.
| Increased amount needed during growth, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.
| Pantothenic acid
| Whole grains, eggs, liver, kidney, peanuts, cabbage.
| Essential for normal functioning of enzymes inside the body cells.
| Deficiency does not occur naturally.
| Pantothenic add can be produced by bacteria in the intestine.
| Vitamin С (ascorbic acid)
| Citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, green vegetables.
| Essential for normal tissue growth and repair, and normal functioning of blood vessels.
| Scurvy.
| Vitamin С is easily destroyed by cooking and ultraviolet light.
| Vitamin D (calciferol)
| Fish liver oils, eggs, butter, liver, yeast.
| Essential for normal absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and for normal bone formation.
| Rickets in children, osteomalacia in adults.
| Increased amount needed during growth, pregnancy, and breast-feeding. Excessive intake may cause kidney damage and calcium deposits in the body tissues.
| Vitamin E (tocopherol)
| Eggs, vegetable oils, wheat germ, green vegetables.
| Essential for stability of cell membranes.
| Decreased resistance to rupture of red blood cells.
| May also play a part in fertility. Produced by intestinal bacteria.
| Vitamin К (phytomenadione)
| Vegetable oils, pork, liver, leafy vegetables.
| Essential for normal blood clotting.
| Bleeding, particularly in premature babies.
| Vitamin К can be produced by intestinal bacteria. Deficiency is rare in adults.
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