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Transportation of the USA

The economic and social complexion of life in the United States mirrors the nation's extraordinary mobility. A pervasive transportation network has helped bring together in the vast geographic expanse of the country a surprisingly homogeneous and close-knit social and economic environment. This freedom to move explains in large measure the dynamism of the U.S. economy. Mobility has made possible vast metropolises, spreading suburbs, a lengthening radius of commuter travel, dispersal of business and industry, and the growing millions of nonfarm rural residents who constitute a new kind of urbanization without a strong centre.

Mobility has also had destructive effects. It has accelerated the decay of older urban areas, intensified pollution of the environment, and helped to undermine public transportation systems.

Nearly 90 per cent of all households own at least one automobile or truck, and many own two or more. The majority of home-to-work travel in the rush hours is by public carrier in such large centres as New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Boston. At the same time, most city transit systems have undergone a sharp decline: bus and subway rides have generally decreased despite a large increase in the urban population of some areas.

Although railroads once dominated both freight and passenger traffic in the United States, government regulation and increased competition from trucking substantially reduced their role in transportation. Railroads now move about one-third of the nation's intercity freight traffic, the most important items carried being coal, grain, chemicals, and motor vehicles.

Many rail companies had given up passenger service by 1970, in which year Congress created the National Railroad Passenger Corporation to take over passenger service.

Navigable waterways are extensive and centre upon the Mississippi River system in the country's interior, the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway system in the north, and the Gulf Coast waterways along the Gulf of Mexico. Barges carry more than two-thirds of domestic waterborne traffic, the major products moved being petroleum products, coal and coke, and grain. The country's largest ports in tonnage handled are New York City, New Orleans, Alaska, Houston and Texas.

Airplane traffic has experienced spectacular growth in the United States since the mid-20th century. From 1970 to 1985, for example, passenger traffic on certified air carriers increased 126. per cent. There are nearly 500 public airports, the busiest being Chicago and Atlanta.


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