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Study section

A cheque, a contract or any other business paper sent by mail should always accompanied by a letter. The letter says what is being sent so that the recipient knows exactly what you intended to send. When you plan a covering letter, remember:

1) to state what is being sent; mention the quantity enclosed or make a brief listing;

2) to specify any action necessary on the part of the recipient;

3) to end with a courteous note offering additional assistance.

The following phrases may be helpful when:

1.Stating what is being sent:

Ø We are pleased to enclose…

Ø We have pleasure in enclosing/sending…

Ø We enclose…/ We are sending…

Ø Enclosed you will find…

Ø Please find enclosed/attached…

Ø We send/are sending you herewith…

Ø Enclosed are the original and one copy of the contract…

2.Specifying actions of the recipient:

Ø Please sign both copies, return the original to me, and retain the carbon.

Ø Please mail the statements to these individuals/your branches in…

3.Ending with a courteous note:

Ø If you require any additional information, please let me know.

Ø Any questions should be addressed to me (to this department).

Ø Should you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me…

Ø For further details, please contact me at… (address/phone number).

Ø If you have any questions or comments, please let me know.

Ø If you need any further details/have any questions, please call me.



Task 1

Look at the sample letter, read and translate it

TOYDANO MOTOR SALES CO., LTD. Fax: 665-6478 Telex: 76850TOD Tel.: 985-46-57   Dear Mr. Nikonov, We are sending you herewith out brochure about the latest models of motors we manufacture. Should you require any additional information, please don`t hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely

Task 2

In the following letter some words are missing. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words.

depot wrapped transaction delivery consignment
settle packed alternative crates hand over



Would you please make sure that the (1) _______ of fabrics is (2) _______ carefully in tissue paper, and (3) _______ securely in (4) _______ and sent to our main goods (5) _______ at the above address in Milan.

If the items listed are not available please do not send (6) _______ materials or colors. If there are any problems with (7) _______ could you let us know immediately.

We will (8) _______ your draft for 25,000 DM, at our bank as soon as they (9)_______ the shipping documents.

If this (10) _______ is successful, we will place larger orders in the future.


Task 3

Complete the following letters with the correct prepositions:


a)Dear Mr. Smith,

(1)____reply (2)____your letter (3)____August 25 we have the pleasure (4)____informing you that we have considered your request and found it valid and convincing. Attached (5)____this letter you will find all the data. (6)____the subject you are interested (7)____.

b)Dear Sir/Madam,

We are a large engineering company exporting machine parts worldwide, and we have set up contracts (1) ____ Middle Eastern Customers (2) ____ the next two years.

As these parts are similar (3) ____ nature and are going (4) ___ the same destination over this period, we thought it might be less expensive if we insured them, (5) ____ an all risk basis,(6) ____ a time policy.

We would appreciate it if you could give us any information (7) ____ this type (8) ____ cover and how it operates.

Yours faithfully,

Jack Turner


Task 4

Write a covering letter to NTG Industries stating the draft Contract as enclosure. NTG is an English firm located in Edinburgh, Mortemer Street, 191. In your letter, ask the firm to consider the draft and to make the necessary alterations.

Task 5

You are sending samples of fabrics dyes to the Alex Textile Company in Greece. The company’s address is 162 Omonia Square, Athens. Write a covering letter.



Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 786. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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