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Test 93

1. (On, in, at) April 14, (-, a, the) "Titanic" (hit) an iceberg in (-, a, the) Atlantic Ocean.

2. The missing jewels (find) by the police already.

3. When Simon (arrive) at the cinema, dozens of people (queue) outside.

4. Where you (be)? I (expect) you an hour ago.

5. Coffee (be) available as grounds or as instant coffee powder and (drink) (by, with, of) one third of the world's ' population.

6. Do you think that electric cars ever (use) by people? - The electric car (already) (invent) by someone, but at the moment they are too expensive for (a, the, -) most people to buy.

7. If electric cars (drive) instead of the cars we use today (a, the, -) air we breath would be cleaner, as they (not, pump) exhaust fumes into (a, the, -) atmosphere.

8. He said he (shall, should, couldn't) meet me at the station and told me to take (the, a, —) taxi.

9. Could you stay a little longer? - I'm sorry, but I (can't, couldn't).

10. Could I borrow your dictionary? - (Yes, you can./Yes, you may).

11. I (was allowed to, could, must) go to John's party last

12. The boys went (deep, deeply) into the forest and (lose) their way.

13. The treasure (bury) (deep, deeply) underground and it is (hard, hardly) possible to find it.

14. We spent... weekend in... countryside.... weather was fine and we had... good rest there... (a, the, -)

15. Do you like... flowers? - Certainly.... rose is my favourite flower. - What is... first spring flower? -... snowdrop, (a, the, —)

16.... dolphin is... clever creature, isn't it? - Yes.... dolphins are really... clever creatures, (a, the, -)

I 17. He was looking forward (to, at, for) his holiday in the Lake District (at, in, of) a few (days', day, day's) time.

18. We have hardly (anything, something, nothing) to eat

19. Who is here? - There (be) no one here at the moment.

20. Why are you painting the walls green? If you (paint) them white, the room (be) much brighter.



Progress Test 94 (69-93)

l. Let's have lunch in half an hour,...?

2. It is the first time that she (drive) a car. - I never (drive) a car (either, too).

3. Mr. Grey was (—, a, the) last person to arrive (at, to, for) the party. He (wait) for a taxi for an hour.

4. Soho (be) a cosmopolitan area since the first immigrants, who (be) French Huguenots, (arrive) here in (-, a, the) 1680s.

5. Coffee seeds which also (know) as beans first (roast) and then they (grind) to make coffee.

6. Coffee grounds then (process) in a variety of different ways. Sometimes they (filter) and sometimes they (soak) in water to (make, do) the drink which is popular (by, with, within) so many people.

7. His innocence (prove) in (a, the, -) court and he (set) free.

8. Five hundred thousand pounds (was, were) donated to build a new hospital wing.

9. I found a briefcase (on, in, into) the train. -You (ought to, can, may) take it to the police station as soon as possible.

10. You (would, shall, must) pay the bills today. - I know, I promise. I (not, forget).

11. (May, shall, will) you give me a lift to work tomorrow? -Yes, I (pick)you up at eight o'clock.

12. They (be) married for ten years already. He is (deep, deeply) in love with her.

13. She (not, feel) well lately. She has arrived (late, lately) for the meeting.

14.... historian is... person who studies... history, (a, the, —)

15. We stayed at... hotel by... sea.... room was very comfortable and... view was fantastic, (a, the, -)

16. I don't believe in... ghosts. I think that... supernatural is... product of... people's imagination, (a, the, -)

17. Of course, most heating systems come... and... automatically nowadays, (by, on, off, of)

18. One should do (one, one's) best at all times.

19. The two bank clerks blamed (themselves, itself, oneself) for the robbery.

20. You are typing so fast. If you (type) more slowly, you (not, make) so many mistakes.

21. Many famous men (live) in Soho as it (have) a reputation for attracting artists, writers, poets and people in (-, a, the) media.

22. (A, the, -) Sheftesbury Avenue (be) the heart of London's theatre land, and there (be) endless clubs, pubs and cafes

23. It is said if you (wait) long enough at (a, the, -) Piccadilly Circus, you (meet) everyone you ever (know).

24. Travelling abroad (get) (easy) and (easy) for (a, the, -) young people nowadays.

25. Great importance (place) (on, at, for) exam results in this school.

26. The wedding reception (hold) in (a, the, -) small hotel in a week.

27. The construction of the new shopping centre (complete) already in our city.

28. Unless you (be) more careful, you (have) accidents.

29. The Prime Minister (be to, must, can) give a speech (at, on, in) the conference tomorrow.

30. (Would, could, can) you mind my (stay, staying) here for some days?

31. They (could, might, should) have forgotten about the meeting, that's why they (not, come).

32. We admired the stars twinkling (high, highly) in (a, the, -) dark sky.

33. Our neighbour (operate) by a (high, highly) respected doctor. He is in (a, the, -) hospital now.

34.... clothes I bought yesterday (be) very cheap. There was... sale in one of... departments stores in... city centre. (a/an, the, -)

35.... Rome wasn't built in... day. (a/an, the, -)

36.... Actions speak (loud) than... words, (a/an, the, -)

. 37. You can take what you want (off, of, from, out) the fruit in that box.

38. Operations were difficult in the 18th century. In (those, that, these) days there (be) no anaesthetic.

39. Sam would like to marry a girl younger than (his, him, himself).

40. I can't buy everything you want. If I (buy) everything you ask, I (be) ruined soon.

41. Read the text and do the exercises given below.

"The Computer Revolution"

The first computers appeared right after World War II, and since that time they have changed not only the lives of Americans. They have been changing the lives of people all

over the world.

At present wherever the man turns, he finds a computer working.

Computers in banks can transfer money from one account to another. Computers are used to launch, guide and track spacecrafts and satellites; they help predict weather and earthquakes. They help people make long distance and local telephone calls. Computers are also used when one reserves space on an airplane. In medical laboratories, computers have reduced the errors in testing, and they have saved doctors' countless hours of work.

Many stores use computers to keep track of sales and orders. Also, many stores use optical scanners to record purchases and total prices. A tiny computer chip controls your washing machine. Computers linked to TV, telephone and satellite networks spread information throughout the world.

Without special training it is impossible to understand exactly how a computer does its work. Nevertheless, many people use computers in their daily lives. Computers are everywhere. They are so much a part of our lives that we usually don't even know they are there.

Computers have become the foundation of the modern working world. Today, virtually all types of jobs use them to some degree and all the countries are affected by the "computer revolution".

In the future computers will be a million times faster than they are today. They will become easier to use, but anyone who has not learnt how to use the new technology will be seriously disadvantaged, particularly in the field of employment.

a) Mark the statements which are True.

1. The first computers appeared in the middle of the 20tli century. □

2. It was in England that the first computers began to be used. □

3. It is hardly possible for people to use computers in thei' everyday life. □

4. Computers have become the foundation of the modern working world. □

5. The problem is that in future computers will become more and more complicated to be used. □

b) Write down your answers to the following questions.

1. When did the first computers appear?

2. Computers are used everywhere, aren't they?

3. What can computers do in banks?

4. What are other spheres where computers may be used?

5. It is impossible to understand exactly how a computer works without special training, is it?

6. Do many people use computers in their daily lives?

c) Ask five questions on the text.

42. Make up your sentences using the following words and word combinations on the topic Outstanding People of Belarus.

1. a talented nation 6. keep memory (of)

2. give birth (to) 7. express the spirit

3. make contribution 8. character and hopes

4. the first woman inlightener 9. achievement(s)

5. a new trend in painting


Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 1026. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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