Read and translate the answers to these 6 questions, underline things you like and agree with.
1) CAN ONE HAVE ENOUGH MONEY? Everyone wants more money! The trouble is, when you have more, it still is not enough! People who have more money than you still complain they have money problems. Or they are in debt! It has been said, "Money is a good servant, but a bad master. " Some people say: "The love of money is the root of all evil". We worry about money. People kill for money. Many commit suicide over money. We have to make money our slave instead of our master. 2) WHY DOES MONEY BRING SUCH PROBLEMS? Sometimes it is because we continue to spend more money than we have. Debt always brings much stress and worry. Money causes many temptations; sometimes when we lack money, but sometimes even when we have enough. We can be tempted to steal money from our place of work. Or to take bribes. Or to cheat the tax system. Women may even think about selling their bodies. 3) WHAT IS 'Peer pressure'? 'Peer pressure' also causes us to want more money. We feel that if others - our 'peers' - have things, we are under pressure to have them also, so that we do not seem different. This is equally true in poor societies as well as in rich ones. And every day, we see adverts telling us that we can only find happiness through buying that new thing. 4) What is gambling? GAMBLING in the hope of more money is a big problem in many societies. Gambling is like a drug - it is addictive. It spoil s lives: Recently one law student in the States has been sent to prison for 10 months, for stealing $7500 from the post office where he worked part-time. The money was to pay for his gambling addiction. Now his hope of becoming a lawyer is finished. - He decided to commit suicide. 5) HOW TO BUDGET MONEY There are ways to handle money sensibly. Here are some ideas: 1. Plan ahead. 2. Sit down, and write down the money you spend on different things, over a week. It will surprise you. 3. If possible, pay cash only - don't borrow money with a loan or a credit card. 4. Check prices elsewhere! 5. Buy things at the end of their season, when they may be cheaper. 6. Learn to mend things to make them last longer. 7. Use a shopping list, so that you do not buy extra things you do not need. (This is called 'impulse buying'!) 8. Look for special cheap offers. 9. Don't believe what advertisements tell you! 10.