· Many interesting subjects:
Text 1 My Academy My name is Victor Petrov. I am a student. I study at the Perm State Agricultural Academy. It is named after Dmitry Nikolayevich Pryanishnikov. He was a famous scientist and agrochemist. Our academy is rather old. It was founded in 1918. At that time it wasn’t so big. It had only one faculty with three specialities. Nowadays the Perm State Agricultural Academy is very big. It has many faculties, for example: agronomy faculty, economy faculty, faculty of applied informatics, faculty of land use planning, engineering faculty and others. I am a student of the agronomy faculty. This faculty was founded in 1918. Our faculty has many specialities: agronomy, wine growing, fruit- and vegetable growing and others. My speciality is agronomy. I am a full-time student. I am a second-year student. I like to study at this academy, because we take many new and interesting subjects such as mathematics, philosophy, English, physics, history, crop growing, plant physiology and others. At the end of each term I have to pass some tests and examinations. 1. Remember the words and word-combinations: to study at ['stʌdi] faculty ['fækəlti] extra-mural faculty [ɛkstrə'mjʊərəl] speciality [spɛʃi'æliti] department to be a first (second) - year student full-time student extra-mural student to take a subject term academic year test examination/exam to take an exam to pass an exam to be at the head of rector dean to have practical to attend lectures/lessons 2. Pay attention to the reading of the following words: agriculture ['ægri kʌlʧə] maths [mæθs] or mathematics [,mæθə' mætiks] physics ['fiziks] chemistry ['kemistri] botany ['bɔtəni] zoology [zo(u) 'ɔləʤi] physical education ['fizik(ə)l,edju(:)'keiʃən] history ['hist(ə)ri] economics [,i:kə'nomiks] computer science [kəm'pju:tə'saiəns]
3. Match the pictures with the names of subjects: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.