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Higher education

Every citizen of our country has the right to education.

Education in Russia is compulsory up to the 9th form inclusive. After finishing 9 forms of a secondary school young people can continue their education in the 10th and the 11th form. They can also go to a vocational or technical school, where they study academic subjects and receive a profession.

After finishing a secondary, vocational, technical school young people can start working or go on in higher education. They can enter an institute or a university. There are the following types of higher schools in Russia: universities, institutes, various higher military schools and academies. They train specialists in different fields. There are three departments at the universities and institutes of Russia: day-time, evening and extramural departments. The complete course of studies at an institute or a university usually takes 5 years.

Part-time students have an opportunity to study without leaving their jobs. All applicants must take competitive exams if they want to enter a higher educational establishment. Higher education institutions offer a program of academic subjects for undergraduates in a variety of fields, as well as a graduate course. If one finishes a graduate course and writes a thesis, he or she receives a candidate’s degree or a doctoral degree.

The system of higher education in Russia is going through a transitional period. The main objectives of the reform are: to decentralize the higher education system, to develop a new financial mechanism, to give more academic freedoms to faculties and students. All institutes and universities until recently have been funded by the state, the students have got scholarships. Now universities have fee-paying departments or courses where the cost of study is high and the students have to pay for their education.

Training specialists at our institutes combines theoretical studies with practical work and industrial training. Students have lectures and practical lessons. They attend lectures on a different subject and they take notes. During practical lessons they study the material of the lectures.

The academic year is divided into two terms from September to January and from February to July. Students take examinations at the end of a term or a study year. To pass examinations successfully students are to work hard during the academic year. They must not miss lectures and they must study regularly. Sometimes students take examinations and credit tests in advance. At the end of each term the student submits a course paper, and at the end of course of studies he presents a graduation project or passes final state examinations.

Our country needs more and more specialists with higher education every year.

1. Skim through the text and say which of its paragraphs give the information about:

a) secondary education

b) types of higher schools in Russia

c) transitional period

2. Remember the words and expressions:

compulsory - обязательный

inclusive [in´klu:siv] - включительно

to decentralize - уничтожить централизацию

to be funded by the state - финансироваться государством

in advance [əd´va:ns] - заранее

to submit [səb’mit] - представлять

3. Match the words:

  the right to education A училище
  a secondary school B дневное отделение
  a vocational school C абитуриент
  a technical school D аспирантура
  a day-time (full-time) department E степень кандидата наук
  an evening (part-time) department F средняя школа
  an extramural department G получать стипендию
  an applicant [‘æplikənt] H право на образование
  an undergraduate [Λndə´grædjuit] I вести конспект
  a graduate course J вечернее отделение
  a theses [өi:sis] K студент
  a candidate degree l цель
  an objective [ob´dзektiv] L заочное отделение
  to get a scholarship M курсовая работа
  to take notes N техникум
  a course [ko:s] paper O дипломный проект
  a graduation project P диссертация

4. Complete these sentences:

1. Every citizen of our country has the right to …

2. Education in Russia is compulsory up to …

3. Young people can also go to … or …, where they study … and receive...

4. There are the following types of higher schools in Russia: …

5. There are three departments at the universities and institutes: …

6. The complete course of studies at an institute or a university usually takes …

7. The main objectives of the reform are: …

8. Training specialists at our institutes combines …

9. The academic year is divided into …

10. Students take examinations at the end of …

Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 603. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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