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Say what information given in the text specifies the old facts you knew.

Say which facts given in the text were new to you.



In Robbie Stewart’s room one evening. Robbie is working at his computer.

He hearts a knock at the door.

Robbie: Who is it?
Philip: Dad.
Robbie: Come on in, Dad.
Philip: I thought you might be hungry. I brought you a chicken sandwich and a glass of milk.
Robbie: I am hungry. Thanks, Dad. What time is it, anyway?
Philip: [He looks at his watch.] Ten o’clock. What are you working on?
Robbie: I’m writing a story for the high-school paper.
Philip: Can’t you finish it tomorrow?
Robbie: No, I have to turn it in in the morning.
Philip: What’s it about?
Robbie: I’m writing an article on the feelings about graduation.
Philip: And … how do you feel?
Robbie: Me? A little scared. And excited, too.
Philip: I felt the same way.
Robbie: The scary part’s leaving home and moving to college.
Philip: Oh, leaving home is a part of growing up. Well, don’t work all night.
Robbie: I don’t mind. I enjoy writing.
Philip: Well, maybe you should think about becoming a writer.
Robbie: Maybe I should.
Philip: You have lots of time to decide.
Robbie: That’s the worst part – making decisions.
Philip: You’ll be OK. Good night, Son.
Robbie: Good night, Dad.

1. Remember the words and word-combinations:

anyway – I would like to know.

paper - newspaper

turn (it) in – give (it) to the teacher

What’s it about? = What is the topic?

article – a piece of writing, usually for a newspaper or a magazine

scared – afraid, frightened

scary - frightening

I don’t mind. = It doesn’t bother me.


The next morning. Robbie is eating breakfast in the kitchen. Grandpa and Philip enter.

They are singing the University of Michigan /'miʃigən/ song.

Grandpa and Philip: “Hail to the victors valiant, Hail to the conquering heroes, Hail, Hail to Michigan, The champions of the West!”
Philip: Ah, good morning, Robbie.
Robbie: Good morning, Dad.
Grandpa: How’s my grandson?
Robbie: Fine, Grandpa. Fine! What’s all the cheeringabout? Did the University of Michigan win another football game?
Grandpa: Better than that. Tell him, Philip.
Philip: I just spoke with Charley Rafer.
Robbie: Who’s Charley Rafer?
Philip: He’s the Dean of Admissions for the University of Michigan.
Grandpa: And it turns outhe’s a classmate of Philip’s.
Philip: We were both on the tennis team.
Robbie: Great!
Philip: It is great. He’s going to be in New York tomorrow to interview applicants for admission.
Grandpa: And he’s agreed to fit you into his schedule.
Robbie: But I may not want to go to Michigan.
Philip: It’s one of the best schools in the country, Robbie. I studied medicine there. Your grandfather went to the Engineering School there.
Robbie: I know that, but …
Grandpa: You said you wanted to be a doctor like your father.
Robbie: Not exactly.
Grandpa: You couldn’t pick a finer medical school than Michigan.
Robbie: Yes, I know that.
Philip: Let’s meet with Charley at the university club. Ten o’clock tomorrow morning. It doesn’t mean you’re going to Michigan.
Grandpa: It doesn’t mean you have to be a doctor. But the interview will be good experience for you.
Robbie: In that case, it’s OK. [ to Philip] Dad, growing up means making my own decisions, doesn’t it?
Philip: You’re right, Robbie. But, like your Grandpa suggested, have the interview.
Grandpa: And then make your own decision.
Robbie: That sounds fine.
Philip: I know it’s sudden, Robbie, but this is an important opportunity. We’ll headdown there first thing tomorrow morning. OK?
Robbie: Sure, Dad.
Philip: I want you to know something, Son. I’m … very proud of you.
Robbie: Thanks, Dad.
Philip: Well, I’ve got an appointment at the hospital. I’ll see you all at dinnertime.
Robbie: Bye, Dad.
  [Philip leaves]
Grandpa: Is something still wrong, Robbie?
Robbie: I’ll be OK.
Grandpa: Going away to college for the first time always makes one a little nervous.
Robbie: I guess so. I’ll be OK. I just need time to think.

1. Remember the words and word-combinations:

cheering – shouting approval

Dean of Admissions – the person in charge of deciding which students may enter a school or university

it turns out – the interesting fact is

applicants – people who apply

fit (you) into his schedule – to find time to meet with (you)

schools = here, universities

in that case = if that’s true …

head – to go in a certain direction


An interesting fact:

· In their last year of high school, students often apply to more than one college or university. A university is larger than a college. In fact, most universities have an undergraduate school and graduate schools in different fields such law, engineering and art.

· Each college or university in the US has its own requirements for admission. Most schools require students to take a standard entrance exam. To decide whether or not to accept a student, colleges or universities usually consider the test scores as well as the student’s high-school grades. In addition, some schools require a person interview.

· Many students choose to go away from home and to live at college. Other students attend a state or local school and continue to live at home.

2. Answer the questions:

1. Do high-school students in your country usually apply to more than one college or university?

2. Are high-school grades important for college admission? Is there a standard college entrance exam in your country?

3. Do most students in your country leave home when they go to college?

3. Read each sentence below. Underline every sentence that gives a reason for Robbie’s feeling scared and excited.

1. He’s thinking about his future.

2. He doesn’t want to go to college.

3. He may be leaving home.

4. His father says he must go to the University of Michigan.

5. He must take some decisions.

6. He cannot finish his article for the high-school newspaper.

7. He knows he’s going to become a doctor.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 586. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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