Студопедия — Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives
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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives

  1. Fill in the table with the correct comparative and superlative forms.
Positive Comparative Superlative Positive Comparative Superlative
fast     compatible    
main     safe    
intelligent     hot    
bad     efficient    
wide     good    
hard     interactive    


  1. Complete the sentences with the adjectives in comparative and superlative forms. Use the adjectives from the box.
many little easy small powerful slow


  1. A notebook PC is a lightweight computer which is portable and has a _____ screen than a desktop PC.
  2. Optical drives are _____ than hard drives and can hold only 1.4 MB disks.
  3. A supercomputer is _____ type of computers.
  4. It supports multiple users at the same time and can support _____ simultaneous processes than a PC.
  5. _____ way to get information about new virus in your computer is to install a firewall.
  6. Typical CRT-based displays occupy _____ space than LCD displays
  1. Fill in the dialogue as in the example:

M: I'm happy I'm not a woman!

W: Why?

M: Men are 0) better than (good) women.

W: But you are 1) _____ (stupid) person I know!

M: Don't be horrible. Men are 2) _____ (intelligent) _____ women. They are 3) _____ (logical)

and 4) _____ (good) cooks _____ women are!

W: Your ideas are 5) _____ (old-fashioned) _____ mine. I think women are 6) _____ (clever).

They are 7) _____ (sensible) and 8) _____ (practical) _____ men are - and men are

9) _____ (bad) drivers than women because women are 10) _____ (patient).

M: But men are 11) _____ (athletic).

W: Oh, please. Let's talk about something else. This is 12) _____ (ridiculous) conversation I

have ever had!

  1. Complete each sentence as in the example:
  1. (It is dangerous.) The faster you drive, the more dangerous it is.
  2. (Your personal income will be high.) The harder you work, _________________________.
  3. (It gets slow.) The more people use your network, _________________________________.
  4. (We'll get an out-dated computer.) The less we pay, _______________________________.
  5. (It is quiet.) The further we are from the city, _____________________________________.
  6. (The roads became busy.) The nearer we got to the city centre, _______________________.
  1. Fill in the gaps with the necessary form of the adjectives.

Dear Wendy,

You asked me for advice on what to study at university, so I thought I'd write straight back because 0) the sooner (soon) you make a decision, 1) _____ (quick) you'll be able to apply for a place. You say you are not 2) _____ (interested) in the Sciences as you are in the Arts. That's all very well, but the Fine Arts are much 3) _____ (little/useful) than the Sciences when it comes to getting a job at the end of the course. As you know it's getting 4) _____ (difficult) for graduates to find work these days. You may prefer painting to studying Information Technology but, let me tell you, Art is 5) _____ (much/useless) of all the subjects you could do. Of course, the final decision is up to you, but I would prefer to see you get a degree that would lead to a 6) _____ (good) job rather than leave institute unable to find a job at all.


With love,

Aunty Kelly

  1. Fill in very or much.

Henry has just bought a 1) _____ nice new computer. It is 2) _____ faster than his old one. It is 3) _____ more stylish than any of his friends' computers. And so it should be, because it was 4) _____ expensive indeed. He spent 5) _____ more money on his computer than he could afford and his friends think he was 6) _____ foolish to buy it.

  1. Comlete the sentences with so... as, not so.. as, as... as.
  1. A laptop can work _____ fast _____ a desktop PC with similar processors.
  2. The fourth generation of computers is _____ _____ powerful ____ a supercomputer.
  3. A notebook PC is _____ efficient _____ a desktop PC.
  4. I consider Linux to be _____ _____ widely used _____ Windows.
  5. Graduating from the institute, you are _____ experienced _____ a real electrical engineer.
  6. Computer knowledge is _____ good _____ knowing a foreign language when getting a job.
  1. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
  1. Я нашёл хорошую работу программиста. Она намного лучше моей прежней должности секретаря в небольшой компьютерной компании.
  2. Суперкомпьютер - самый мощный компьютер в мире на сегодняшний день.
  3. Она просто не могла (couldn't but) не гордиться своим новым PSP - таким же современным, как и у всех её друзей.
  4. У меня самая большая коллекция игровых дисков.
  5. Каждое последующее поколение любого устройства появляется быстрее предыдущего.
  6. Современный компьютер помогает сделать работу человека намного более эффективной.
  7. Мобильный GPRS - очень быстрый способ ориентирования в незнакомой местности.
  8. Чем умнее человек, тем выше у него IQ.
  9. Лучше сохранить окружающую среду сейчас, чем потом бороться с экологической катастрофой.
  10. Вчера он купил себе новый плазменный телевизор и потратил на него больше, чем мог себе позволить.
  11. На сегодня электричество остаётся самым распространённым источником энергии.
  12. Майкл — один из самых квалифицированных специалистов в своей области.

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