Студопедия — Broadcast Media
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Broadcast Media

The essential difference between the broadcast media and the print media is that advertising in print media oc­cupies space. Radio and television ex­ist in time. Another difference between the two types of media is a difference of purpose. The major function of print media is to provide news and infor­mation; of the broadcast media — to provide entertainment.

Many people buy magazines because they want to read advertisements. On radio and television advertising inter­rupts. From the advertiser's point of view, this is both strength and weak­ness. The interruption itself can be an attention-getting device. It can prepare people to listen to the message. But the interruptions are also a source of irritation. They can cause people not to listen or to watch, in fact, to resent the advertisement and the advertiser.

Abridged from: David P. Rein. The language of advertising and merchandis­ing in English. NY., 1982. PP. 71-90


Task 3. Match English words and word combinations with Russian equivalents.

print media to deal with headline copy block advertising culture symbolic meaning to draw attention strict rules to communicate the message essential difference source of irritation источник раздражения существенная разница текст рекламы печатные СМИ заголовок иметь дело с строгие правила символическое значение привлекать внимание передавать содержание культура рекламы


Task 4. Put the words in the right order to make a sentence.

a) them readers beyond headlines attention never draw as of should most read.

b) him likes each believe the individually consumer to is message that for.

c) space print(x2) essential in between and media(x3) that occupies the(x3) dif­ference broadcast is advertising.

d) far photographs illustration more are any than effective technique other.

e) if fails won't people headline the(x2) to attention read their text draw.


Task 5. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in brackets.

Cigarette.............................. (advertise) is a popular topic for.............................. (discuss), as an increasing number of people believe that it's.............................. (moral) and should be banned. I support this view for a.............................. (vary) of reasons.

First of all, it should be stopped because an.............................. (health) product is being promoted. According to many.............................. (medicine) reports, tobacco is a major cause of lung cancer and is sometimes.............................. (respond) for heart disease. What is more, smoking can have.............................. (harm) effects on non-..............................(smoke): they have to breathe in second-hand smoke.

Another major reason for.............................. (ban) cigarette advertising is the fact that it targets young people. Cigarette adverts show young,.............................. (beauty),.............................. (success) people smoking and having fun. This image is.............................. (appeal) to teenagers. In other words, they become.............................. (attract) to this.............................. (glamour).............................. (present) of smoking, which leads them to taking up the habit. Furthermore, the average teenager doesn't realize that it's.............................. (addict).

However, tobacco companies argue that since their.............................. (produce) are.............................. (legal) sold they have the right to communicate.............................. (inform) about them. They.............................. (strong) deny that they target.............................. (young) in their adverts, stating that all the models whose photos they use are adults.

In.............................. (conclude), I believe that cigarette companies are only.............................. (interest) in making money, as their advertising campaign are.............................. (ethic) and aimed at teenagers.


Task 6. Find in the previous text linking words and list "should s " and "shouldn't s " for advertising with their help.


Task 7. Translate into English.

a) Интересно, почему во время выпусков новостей не бывает перерывов на рекламу?

b) Заголовок должен быть коротким и информативным, он должен сообщать самые необходимые сведения о продукте.

c) Если заголовок не привлекает внимание, читатели даже не заглянут в рекламу.

d) Если печатная реклама направлена на информацию, то телевизионная – на развлечение.

e) При создании рекламы необходимо сосредоточиться на покупателе и его потребностях.


Task 8. Correct the following statements.

1. It's the copy block that plays the most important role in an advertisement, but not the illustration and headline.

2. The advertiser should think only about his profit.

3. A lot of people like commercial breaks.

4. The headline should be funny, but not informative.

5. It's better to make advertisements impersonal.


Task 9. Points for discussion.

· What can you say about the language in advertisements?

· Do you agree that colours have their symbolic meanings? How do they work in advertising?

· What are the differences between print and broadcast media?



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