An invitation to the Palace
When the Queen invites a lot of people for dinner, it takes three days to prepare the table and three days to do the washing up. Everybody has five glasses: one for red wine, one for white wine, one for water, one for port, and one for liqueur. During the first and second courses, the Queen speaks to the person on her left, and then she speaks to the person on her right for the rest of the meal. When the Queen finishes her food, everybody finishes, and it is time for the next course! UNIT 2 ' CONVERSATION (SOCIAL ENGLISH) Выучите диалог наизусть. — Hello. My name’s Anna. What’s your name? — Thomas. — Where are you from, Thomas? — I’m from New York. Where are you from? — I’m from Oxford. — Are you a lawyer? — No, I am not. I am a law student. — Are you American? — Yes, I am. — And what about your friend? Is he American? — No, he isn’t. He is German. He is from Berlin.
Узнайте, есть ли в группе представители следующих профессий: a lawyer; a police officer; a specialist in criminal law; an investigator; a police officer; a judge; a detective; a sociologist.
Ä1. General Q. (общий вопрос) – вопрос ко всему предложению. to be + подлежащее + дополнение Is he a lawyer? Ä2. Special Q. (специальный вопрос) – вопрос к одному члену предложения. вопросительное слово + to be + подлежащее Who is he? Where are you from? What colour is it? !!! Специальный вопрос к подлежащему или его определению: Whose book is it? (прямой порядок слов) Ä3. Disjunctive Q. (разделительный вопрос): вопрос с "не так ли?" подлежащее + to be + дополнение + вопросительный "хвостик" You are a lawyer, aren't you? You are not a lawyer, are you? !!! Утвердительное предложение – в "хвостике" имеется частица not, отрицательное предложение – частица not отсутствует. Ä. Alternative Q. (альтернативный вопрос): выбор одного из ряда подобных: Is it your book or his? Are you English or American? m 1. Восстановите вопросы к приведенным ниже ответам. F Используйте модель: I am a lawyer. – What are you? John is a student. – What is John? 1. Mr Norman is a judge. 2. Brian Burton is a law student. 3. David Bail is a legal adviser for a computer company. 4. We are lawyers. 5. My brother and I are students. m 2. Спросите о возрасте людей. F Используйте модель: I am 21. – How old are you? – I am 21. This boy is 5. – How old is this boy? – He is 5. 1. Walter Barrow is 39. His son is 10. Walter Barrow's daughter is 5. 2. Christopher Norman is 41. His wife is 40. 3. This young man is 20. 4. That police officer is 24. 5. His girl-friend is 19. 6. My brother and I are 30. 7. Mr. Crystal's parents are 60. 8. My sister's dog is 2 years old. m 3. Уточните имеющуюся у вас информацию, используя вопрос "не так ли?" Example: You are a lawyer, aren't you? – Yes, I am. (No, I am not.) – You are not a lawyer, are you? – No, I am not. (But I am). 1. Walter Brown’s wife is a teacher. 2. Christopher Norman is married. 3. Brian Burton isn't from Great Britain. 4. Julian Hughes isn't engaged. 5. David Bail is Indian. 6. Cliff Crystal and his wife are from Bristol. 7.You are glad to see us. m 4. Составьте альтернативные вопросы со следующими парами слов. Example: Are you... (English/American)? – Are you English or American? 1. Is Robert More... (Professor of Law/of Medicine)? 2. What is his specialty... (forensic medicine/white collar crime)? 3. Are you... (married/divorced)? 4. What is your hobby...(football/volleyball)? Are these gentlemen from...(India/Australia)? m 5. Добавьте вопросительные "хвостики". 1. You were married two years ago, ___. 2. John was not divorced yet last year, __.
V (+ -S, -ES В 3 ЛИЦЕ ЕД.ЧИСЛА ) è 1. Окончание - S /-ES произносится как [z] – после глаголов, оканчивающихся на звонкую согласную или гласную; [s] – после глаголов, оканчивающихся на глухую согласную; [iz] – после глаголов, оканчивающихся на шипящую, свистящую или фрикативную согласную. è 2. К глаголам, оканчивающимся на - s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -tch, -x, -z прибавляется окончание - es.