Lawyers fill many roles. Some are primarily advisers to private individuals managing their personal affairs; others develop expertise in specialized fields; still others concentrate on trial work. Three of the most familiar kinds of lawyers are described below. The Family Lawyer. The so-called family lawyer is a generalist in much the same sense as the old family doctor. Usually active in the affairs of his community, he advises his clients on matters, such as leases, contracts, the purchase and sale of real estate, divorce and separation proceedings, adoption and hundreds of other problems that arise in an ordinary lifetime. He is a friend and a counselor in time of trouble. One of his most important functions is to keep you out of litigation unless it is clearly necessary. The Corporation Lawyer. The corporation lawyer is a salaried employee of a company for which he has gone to work either after passing his bar examination or, more likely, after a period of employment with a large law firm. He specializes in whatever fields of law are of particular importance to his company. A lawyer working for a publishing company might be particularly strong in areas such as copyright law, plagiarism, and the interpretation of royalty contracts. He may or may not be involved in courtroom work. The Trial Lawyer. Although some successful lawyers never appear in court, many individuals and firms represent parties in litigation. The trial lawyer does not limit himself to courtroom work, but his greater experience in it makes him alert to procedural points and nuances in the presentation of evidence that might escape a competent attorney whose major interests lie elsewhere. Some courtroom experience is valuable to any lawyer, regardless of his special field of competence.
' CONVERSATION (SOCIAL ENGLISH) Выучите диалоги наизусть. — Excuse me. — Yes? — Do you have a light? — I’m sorry. I don’t smoke. — That’s OK. — I’m sorry I’m late. The traffic is bad today. — Don’t worry. Come and sit down. We’re on page 30. — Can I open the window? It’ very hot in here. — Really? I’m quite cold. — OK. It doesn’t matter. ± FOCUS ON GRAMMAR AND PRACTICE
AM (IS, ARE) + PI (ING) I am writing a letter. Is he writing a letter now? He isn’t writing a letter now. Употребление è1. Употребляется, когда мы говорим о действии, имеющем место в момент разговора или сейчас в широком смысле (даже если они не происходят в момент разговора). I’m talking on the phone. The company is setting up new fitness clubs in the city and hopes to expand to other places. è2. Временное состояние – действие/состояние временное, а не постоянное. He organizes our conferences. (постоянная обязанность) He is away on his vacation, so I am doing all the work. (временно) è3. Медленные изменения – тенденции и медленные изменения, которые имеют место в настоящее время. The latest statistics show that crime in the country is rising. è4. Спланированное действие в будущем (часто с arrive, leave, come, go, etc.). We’re spending next winter in Australia. He’s arriving tomorrow morning on the 13.27 train. è5. Постоянно повторяющиеся действия в настоящем (часто с constantly, always, forever, continually). She’s always helping people. Имеется ряд глаголов, которые описывают состояния, а не действия. Они обычно не используются в продолженных временах. Глаголы размышления: believe, doubt, guess, imagine, know, realize, suppose, understand. Глаголы чувственного восприятия: hear, smell, sound, taste. Глаголы владения: belong to, have (possess), own, possess. Глаголы эмоционального восприятия: dislike, hate, like, love, prefer, regret, want, wish. Другие глаголы: contain, depend on, include, involve, mean, measure, weigh, figure, appear, seem.
WAS (WERE) + P I (ING) I was writing a letter at five o’clock. Was he studying when she called? I wasn’t studying when she called.