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Legislatures are the law-making branches of federal, state and local governments. The Congress of the United States, a state assembly and a city board of aldermen or a city council are all legislatures. Many legislatures are divided into two parts, or houses (often called a senate and a house of representatives, as in the U.S. Congress), whose members are elected for different terms. The U.S. Constitution and the constitutions of most of the states provide for the passage of a bill into law despite the objection of the executive branch if a sufficiently large majority of the legislators vote in its favour. This process is known as overriding a veto. Laws passed by state legislatures are called statutes; those by municipal legislatures, ordinances. Any law passed by the legislative branch may be reviewed by the judicial branch of the government if someone affected by the law argues that it is contrary to the state or federal constitution. If a court with proper jurisdiction finds that a law is unconstitutional, it becomes inoperative. This power of the courts to examine the constitutionality of laws passed by the legislature is called the right of judicial review. It is one of the strongest weapons a citizen has in protecting his constitutional rights.





— I’m thirsty.

— Would you like some tea?

— No, thanks.

— Would you like some apple juice?

— Oh, yes, please!

— I’m hungry. Is there anything to eat?

— Would you like a biscuit?

— No, thanks. I’d like a sandwich.

— Cheese? Ham?

— Cheese and ham, please.




To be+P II

Пассивный залог глагола показывает, что лицо, (предмет) не является ак­тивным производителем действия, а, напротив, само подвергается воздействию.

Действительный залог Пассивный залог
The policeman caught the criminal. Полицейский поймал преступника. The criminal was caught by the policeman. Преступник был пойман полицейским.


    Lectures The lecture The lecture The lecture The lecture The lecture are is being has been was had been will be delivered delivered delivered delivered delivered delivered every day now already last week by 2 p.m. yesterday tomorrow
    Lectures The lecture The lecture The lecture The lecture are not was not has not been had not been will not be delivered delivered delivered delivered delivered every day yesterday yet when you came tomorrow
  Are Is Was Has Had Will lectures the lecture the lecture the lecture the lecture the lecture   being   been been be delivered delivered delivered delivered delivered delivered every day? now? yesterday? yet? when you came? tomorrow?
What Who When Where   is was will lecture the lecture the lecture the lecture is being     be delivered delivered by? delivered? delivered now?     tomorrow?

1. Обратите внимание на перевод.

He is asked... Его спрашивают/просят...
He was told..... Ему сказали...
She was warned..... Ее предупредили....
The letter will be sent.... Письмо пошлют...
He is wanted on the phone... Его просят к телефону....
It is said that..... Говорят, что...
It is known that.... Известно, что...

2. Глаголы give, tell, promise, allow, offer, show, bring, teach, send могут употребляться в страдательном залоге в конструкциях двух типов:

Active Passive
My friend sent me a new book. A new book was sent to me.
Мой друг послал мне новую книгу. I was sent a new book.
  Мне послали новую книгу.

3. Обратите внимание на то, что дополнение с предлогом by употребляется только в случае, если необходимо сделать смысловой акцент на действующем лице.

Active Passive
Mr. Brown gave a lecture yesterday. Yesterday a lecture was given by Mr. Brown.
They will build a new road soon. A new road will be built soon.

4. Обратите внимание на глаголы с предлогом (speak about, laugh at, listen to, wait for, etc.) в пассивном залоге:

His new book is much spoken about.

О его новой книге много говорят.


m 1. Посмотрите на пример.

Example: Mr. Brown teaches this class.

The class is taught by Mr. Smith.

Теперь сделайте так же.

1. She writes articles in Spanish. 2. They print books in Boston. 3. Everyone enjoys his speeches. 4. The lawyer prepared the contracts. 5. She has written many articles for this magazine. 6. Columbus discovered America in 1492. 7. John must do this exercise.


m 2. Вы не согласны с тем, что здесь сказано. Отрицайте это.

Example: – The book was published in France.

– No, the book was not published in France.

1. The goods will be delivered (доставлять) on Wednesday. 2. The house was built in 1980. 3. The book was printed in Mexico. 4. The problem has been discussed.
5. The bill cannot be paid at the end of the month.


m 3. Посмотрите на пример.

Example: – He was sent to Japan. (where)

– Where was he sent?

Сделайте так же.

1. The telegramme will be sent immediately. (when)

2. The guest was given a form to be filled in. (who, what)

3. The bus was filled with people. (who with, what)

4. Things are sometimes left behind in the plane. (where)

5. He was offered a new job in Canada. (what, where, who)


m 4. Употребите подчеркнутые фразы в пассивном залоге.

I live near the airport and I can hear passing planes night and day. They built the airport during the war, but for some reason they could not use it then. Last year, however, it came into use. The noise must have driven over a hundred people away from their homes. I am one of the few people left. Sometimes I think a passing plane will knock downthis house. They have offered me a large sum of money to go away, but I am determined to stay here.


m 5. Посмотрите на пример.

Example: Someone gave me a book.

1) I was given a book.

2) A book was given to me.

Сделайте так же.

1. They gave her a new one. 2. People will show him the new building. 3. Someone has paid him for the work. 4. They promise us more money. 5. The court orders you to be present at the trial.




Выучите слова.

to forbid запрещать
substantive материальный
adjective процессуальный
breach нарушение
to redress исправлять, возмещать
to impose возлагать, налагать
violation нарушение
violence насилие
treaty договор
to draw up составлять
to enact вводить в действие


Прочитайте текст и будьте готовы ответить на вопросы.
Текст переведите

1. What is the law?

2. What do the rules of conduct command the citizens to do?

3. What is substantive / adjective law?

4. What is the chief purpose of the law and when does it come into existence?

5. What is written law based on?

6. What does unwritten law refer to nowadays?


The law is the body of rules of conduct prescribed by the supreme power of a state. These rules command the citizen to do what the state says is right and forbid him to do what the state says is wrong.

Law is divided into substantive law and adjective law. Substantive law tells the citizen the nature of his rights and duties and of any violation or breach of those rights and duties. Adjective law deals with the methods of legal procedure and points out how the citizen may enforce his rights, fulfill his duties, and redress wrong.

The chief purpose of the law is to regulate human conduct. The system of law only comes into existence when a centralized police authority appears to enforce the rules laid down by the governing body of the society.

Written law is based on constitutions, treaties and statutes or laws drawn up, ratified, or enacted by the state or federal governments. The Constitution of the United States takes precedence over all state constitutions and thus is the supreme law of the land. State constitutions, in fact, must conform to the federal constitution.

Historically, the unwritten law was formulated by priests, rulers, and prophets and handed down verbally from one generation to the next. In modern times, the unwritten law refers to precedents, or judicial decisions.


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