INTRODUCTION TO LAW. The European Council is the most powerful (1).institution in the European
The European Council is the most powerful (1)................institution in the European Union. In December 1974 the common practice of heads of state and their leading ministers meeting to discuss West European affairs was institutionalized. This meeting, called the Conseil Europeen by President Giscard d'Estaing, was henceforth to take place (2)................times a (3)................and was organized on the model of the French Council of Ministers working under the chairmanship of a (4).................The latter's term of (5) (6)..................Legislation must be voted either (7)................ or by a {8)................ majority. The second form of voting is intended to prevent individual (9)................from blocking legislation, especially on issues such as (10).................. The European Commission is the (11)................of the Community. It has at its head (12)................commissioners that are appointed by member governments for terms that may be (13)................. Commissioners must not only be competent but also (14)................ - that is to say that they are not merely the delegates of the member state that appointed them. The Commission, which employs well over (15)................ people in all, (16)................proposals for the Council of Ministers to discuss, acts as a (17)................when there are conflicts between member states and (18)................ that the decisions of legislation are (19).................. It also has a (20)................ role, making sure that the terms of the (21)................are respected. The European Parliament is a primarily (22)................ body made up of directly (23)................ Euro-MPs. The (24)................ must consult the Parliament on most main policy areas before accepting the (25)................proposals of the (26).............. Parliament may dismiss the Commission by a motion of (27)................passed by a (28)................majority. It may also adopt or reject a (29)................ or amend certain types of expenditure. Its powers were considerably increased by the Act of (30)................ The European Court of Justice consists of (31)................ judges elected for a (32)................term. A judge can only be relieved of his function by a (33)................ vote that he is (34) carry out his duties. The (35)................of this court are secret, even though there are public (36)................ The Court has extensive judicial power since European law takes (37).................. over the national laws of each (38)................ The Court may even be required to (39)................against a member state that is a (40) ………….. European law. Its other important functions are (41) ……..disputes between European Institutions and giving preliminary (42) …….. on issues for national courts. Actions may be brought to this Court by both (43) ……. Or (44) persons as well as by member states.
INTRODUCTION TO LAW General Vocabulary and Expressions 1. law - закон, право 2. branch of law – отрасль, вид права civil law(syn. private law) – гражданское право criminal law – уголовное право constitutional law – конституционное право administrative law – административное право international law – международное право ecological law – экологическое право labor law – трудовое право Common Law – общее право Statute Law – статутное право, писанный закон Case Law – прецедентное право domestic law – местное, региональное законодательство descriptive laws – описательные законы prescriptive laws – предписывающие законы 3. to enforce law – принуждать выполнять закон 4. to adopt a law/ a principle/constitution – принимать закон/принцип/ конституцию (syn. to pass a law) 5. to break the law – нарушать закон 6. authority – власть, полномочия 7. power – власть, могущество in power – правящий, у власти (e.g. government in power) bodies of power – органы власти (e.g. executive body- исполнительный орган) branches of power – ветви власти legislative – исполнительная executive - законодательная judicial - судебная 8. government - правительство to govern – править, управлять 11. behavior (syn. conduct) - поведение to behave(syn. to conduct smth., oneself) – вести себя 12. code – кодекс, свод законов e.g. Criminal Code – уголовный кодекс to codify – составлять кодекс, приводить в систему codified - кодифицированный 13. custom - обычай customary – обычный, привычный, основанный на опыте customary rules – обычные нормы customary law - обычное право 14. rule – правило, норма. образец to observe the rules – соблюдать нормы, правила to rule - управлять 15. case – случай, судебное дело, случай в судебной практике, прецедент 16. right - право legal rights – законные, юридические права human rights – права человека 17. parliament - парламент parliamentary – парламентский 18. monarchy - монархия constitutional monarchy – конституционная монархия 19. republic – республика, демократия, устройство общества presidential republic – президентская республика constitutional republic – конституционная республика 20. court - суд 21. crime - преступление criminal - уголовный a criminal - преступник 22. punishment (syn. penalty) - наказание 23. amendment - поправка to amend – вносить поправки (syn. to make amendments to) 24. appeal - аппеляция right of appeal – право обжалования Court of Appeal – аппеляционый суд 25. bill - законопроект to pass a bill – принимать законопроект to propose a bill – внести законопроект to submit a bill (draft bill) to Parliament – предоставлять законопроект на рассмотрение парламента 26. elections - выборы to elect - избирать elective - выборный electoral - избирательный electoral register – список избирателей 27. equality - равенство equal - равный 28. vote - голос to vote - голосовать majority vote – большинство голосов Text 1