Студопедия — Ex. 2. Find in the box
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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Ex. 2. Find in the box

a) 8 pairs of synonyms:

b) 2 pairs of antonyms:

C) all the names of law branches mentioned

behavior civil law domestic law penalty a criminal to adopt a law lawmaker tradition to follow civil law to observe wrongdoer legislator to pass a law custom criminal law private law international law punishment conduct

Ex. 3. Find pairs of words from these two lists:

a) to carry out 1) law/decision
b) to appoint 2) new elections
c) to execute 3) the Prime Minister
d) to pass 4) the state budget
e) to consider 5) law, document
f) to approve 6) questions, issues
g) to announce 7) policy
h) to form 8) rights, freedoms, legality
i) to present 9) the Parliament
j) to ensure 10) government
k) to dissolve 11) deputy Chairman


Ex. 4. Cross-one-out.

1. behavior, conduct, manners, amendment

2. monarchy, authority, republic, dictatorship

3. executive, civil, criminal, international

4. criminal, wrongdoer, mischief-maker, politician

5. to adopt, to pass, to vote for, to elect

6. prescriptive, judicial, executive, legislative

7. civil law, Case Law, administrative law, labor law

8. customs, traditions, rules, laws

9. criminal, case, court, parliament

10. to elect, to vote, to support, to adopt

Ex. 5. Fill in the gaps in the sentences with prepositions from this list:

on, out, outside, of, against, with, without, within

a) Parliament consists... two chambers.

b) Each chamber forms committees and commissions to carry... appropriate hearings.

c) The Accounts Chamber monitors implementation... the federal budget.

d) The Federation Council approves decisions... changes of borders.

e)... the Federation Council approval military forces cannot be used... the country.

f) The State Duma has the right to bring charges... the President.


Communicative Activities


Task 1.

a) Give your own definition of “law”.

B) In groups of three or four compare and contrast your notes. Discuss and report bask to the class the different points of view.

c) Study the dictionary definitions of "law";:

“Rule made by authority for the proper regulation of a community or society or for correct conduct in life; the whole body of laws consid­ered collectively”

Oxford Student's Dictionary of Current English


“A rule that is supported by the power of government and that controls the behaviour of members of a society; the whole set of such rules”

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


“Rule of conduct or action, recognized by custom or decreed by formal enactment, considered binding on the members of a nation, communi­ty, or group; a system or body of such rules”

Webster's Dictionary


D) Underline the similarities and circle the differences.

E) Compare your own definition with the dictionary ones.

F) Write your fine-tuned definition. Interview the students of the other group on what their idea of law is. Report back to the class on your findings.

Task 2. Answer the following questions:

a) Why do we study law?

b) Do people always observe law?

c) What can we call people who break law?

d) What law violations do you know?

e) What categories of law are known to you?

Task 3. Sources of British Constitution.


A. The first major source for the law of the constitution comes in the form of legislation or statutes. Each statute deals only with a very limited area of concern. The following is a list of statutes which are of greatest constitutional significance, with brief summary of their contents. Read the text and be ready to discuss the main issues of it.


Re-issue of the Magna Carta (1215)

This is a declaration of certain fundamental principles: no one should lose his life or liberty «except by the lawful judgment of his equals and by the law of the land»;the king should not sell, deny or delay justice; punishment should be in relation to the seriousness of the crime, etc.

The Habeas Corpus Amendment Act

This contains provisions ensuring that persons imprisoned without legal cause, whether by the Crown or by private individuals, should, on obtaining a writ of Habeas Corpus, have the detention examined by a judge within a set per­iod of time.

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