III. Reading assignments.
Ex 1. Skim through the text and answer the questions:
1. What is required for effective letter writing? 2. What three C's should one stick to while writing letters? 3. What is meant by planning a letter? 4. What kind of details should one choose? 5. What is meant by vague sentences? 6. What is the most frequent command in the business world? 7. What two questions should you ask yourself as you draft and revise your letter? 8. What two extremes should you avoid for being contemporary in your letter-writing? 9. What factors should you consider when planning the structure of the letter's message? 10. Can you remember the key words for planning your letter signified by the word ‘IMPRESS’? Set them down.
Ex 3. Match the English words and phrases in column A with the corresponding Russian equivalents in column B.
A 1. previously mentioned 2. get to the point 3. clear 4. concise 5. contemporary 6. appropriate 7. to share with smb. 8. find out 9. instead of 10. I disagree 11. let us know 12. concerning 13. until I hear from you 14. you can be sure that 15. I am also sending you 16. your recent letter 17. relevant 18. inadequate service 19. acknowledge smth. 20. recipient B a) ясный, понятный b) касающийся c) современный d) я не согласен e) дайте нам знать f) относящийся к делу g) перейти к сути h) получатель i) неудовлетворительное обслуживание j) выяснить k) вы можете быть уверены, что l) разделить с кем-либо m) сжатый, краткий n) подходящий, соответствующий o) вместо p) пока я не получу от вас письма q) признать что-либо r) ваше недавнее письмо s) я также посылаю вам t) ранее упомянутый
Ex 4. Here are two letters to a bank manager. Compare them and say which one you prefer. One contains mistakes of style. It is too informal, it is badly organised and it has irrelevant information. With a partner, compare them carefully for stylistic variations.
Ex5. Consider the following two sample letters. Notice five redundant phrases in the first that are eliminated in the second.
Ex6. Rewrite each sentence to eliminate the stilted (overly businesslike) tone and to make them more 'you-oriented'.
Example: We are in receipt of your letter dated December 13. We have received your letter of December 13.
1. Please advise us as to your decision. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. In the event that your bill has already been paid, kindly disregard this reminder. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Due to the fact that your subscription has not been renewed, the next issue of Run! will be your last. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. Feel free to contact the undersigned if you have any questions. ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. Pursuant to our telephone conversation of Friday last, I would like to verify our agreement. ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. Subsequent to last month's meeting, several new policies have gone into effect. ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. Please forward your order at your earliest convenience. ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. Our deluxe model copier is on the order of a Rolls Royce in terms of quality and precision. ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. Enclosed please find a self-addressed reply card for the purpose of your convenience. ___________________________________________________________________________ 10. I beg to inform you that, despite your impressive background, we feel that your skills do not quite match our needs. ___________________________________________________________________________