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III. Reading assignments. Ex 1.Skim through the text and answer the questions.


Ex 1.Skim through the text and answer the questions.


1. What contribution do the letter components and their placement make to the impact of the business or public service letter?

2. What parts of a business letter are required by law for some companies?

3. How are letters usually referenced under "Your ref.", "Our ref."? How does the letter referencing system contribute to the filing and retrieval of letters?

4. What are the acceptable methods for setting out the letter's date?

5. What are the technical terms for the letter's "greeting" and "signing-off"?

6. What is the order by which letters after an opening salutation are set out?

7. What is the function of the subject-heading?

8. How should a secretary sign a letter on behalf of an absent principle?

9. How does the typist indicate that a letter is accompanied by additional material?

10. How does the typist indicate that a copy of a letter has been sent to a third person?

Ex 2. An integral part of the appearance of the letter is the use of an "open" or "closed" punctuation system. When the "open punctuation" is employed, all punctuation outside the body of the letter is omitted. "Closed punctuation" is the name given to the practice by which all parts of the letter are normally punctuated.


Recipient address (BE)


Open punctuation version Closed punctuation version
Mr R O Jefferson Marketing Director Fleetway Transport Ltd 14 Queen’s Road MANCHESTER M60 2DA Mr. R.O. Jefferson, Marketing Director, Fleetway Transport Ltd., 14 Queen’s Road, MANCHESTER. M60 2DA


NB They do not use any punctuation at the end of the lines of the recipient address in the USA.


What advantages does open punctuation provide in letter production? Complete the following table.




Ex 3. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box below.



format, double-space, indented, contains


The body of a letter _____________ the message. In the full block __________, paragraphs are never indented, in AMS format, paragraphs may or may not be __________ five spaces. Whichever style your choose, single-space within the paragraph, but __________ between paragraphs.




important, extend, leave, bury, always, readers, message, conclusion, happen


While some of your letters will be only a few lines long, many of them will __________ to three or more paragraphs. __________ begin your letter with your purpose. Tell __________ in the first paragraph why you are writing to them and why your letter is __________ to them. In a second paragraph, develop your __________ with factual supports. But don't __________ important points within middle or end of your paragraph. In your last paragraph, bring readers to a true sense of __________. Tell them what you have done for them, what they should do for you, what will __________ next, when they will hear from you again, or any combination of these messages. Don't __________ readers hanging.

Ex 4. Design a letterhead for a company selling a range of household cleaning products. Include all the information about the company that is normally shown in a letterhead.


Ex 5.

A. Read the text that follows


Inside Address


The inside address is the same address that goes on the envelope. It contains the name, title (if any),company, street address, city, state, and zip code of the person or company to which you are writing. If possible, try to write to a specific individual in a company instead of using "Sales Manager" or "President".

Single-space the inside address, but do not use any punctuation at the end of the lines. The name of the individual, together with a courtesy title such as Mr., Ms., Dr.(doctor), Professor, goes on the first line. When writing to a woman, use Ms. unless she expressly asks to be called Mrs. or Miss. A woman's martial status is not an issue. The initials M.D., or Ph.D. should not be added after you use Dr. Use either Janice Howell, M.D. or Dr. Janice Howell, not Dr. Janice Howell, M.D. Any military titles (Captain, Corporal), academic ranks (Professor, Assistant Professor), or religious designations (Reverend, Father, Sister) should be written out in full and the first letter capitalized.

If the individual to whom you are writing holds an office or has a title within the company, put a comma after the person's name, followed by the title: Ms. Kathy Buel, President. If the title contains more than one word, put the title on the next line: Mr. Henry Gerald/ Director of Computer Services.

If you do not know the individual's name or if you are writing to an entire corporation or section of a company, put the department or company name on one line and the street address on the next line: Public Relations Department/ The Doulet Brace Company/ 1343 Jackson Street/ Chicago, Il 60624 - 1205.


NB M.D. - Doctor of Medicine

Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy


B. Set out the inside address, the salutation and complimentary close to the company whose letterhead is given below.



Registered Office: 42 Warrington Road Liverpool LW4 9RT Registered No. 468973 Registered in England Directors: A. Rowe (Managing) F. Piercey T. Rowlands S. Wainright


Telex: 349764

Telegrams: Lancstyre L'pool


42 Warrington Road, Liverpool LW4 9RT

Telephone: 051 - 423 6934/5/6

C. Give the correct salutations and complimentary close to the names and addresses below.


a) White and Sons Ltd, 22 Warrington Road, Liverpool LW4 9RT

b) Systems Consultant, Broadacres Development Corp., 12 East River Street, Detroit M1 48001-0422

c) H.R.Baxter, Proprietor, Ajax Tyre Center, Stretford, Manchester MS14 3RF

d) Headmaster, Highgrove Comprehensive School, AVALON, Wessex AV12 4KA

e) Patricia Barnes, Office Manager, Courtesy Motors, 1700 Lakewood Street, Boston, MA 02127-3160

f) Terry Hogan, Albritton and Sharp Accounting Services, Suite 400,Suburban Office Complex, Livingston, NJ 07038-2389

NB If you are not sure of the sex of the reader, use the reader's full name: "Dear Terry Banks".


NB In the US, when writing to a company use the company name -"Dear Procter & Gamble" - but not the sexist "Dear Gentlemen". Similarly, if you are writing to a group that includes both men and women, use "Dear Ladies and Gentlemen", but not the sexist "Dear Sirs".


D. Write appropriate inside addresses and salutations to


a) a woman who has not specified her marital status

b) an officer in the armed forces

c) a professor at your school

d) an assistant manager at your local bank

e) your congressperson


Ex 6. Supply each letter with a subject-heading




rear fender (амер.) – заднее крыло

restitution – возмещение убытков



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