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III. Reading assignments. Ex 1. Skim through the text and answer the questions


Ex 1. Skim through the text and answer the questions


1. What is a letter?

2. Why are letters so important to the employer and the employee?

3. What may the reputation of a firm depend on?

4. What are the functions of the modern business letter?



Ex 2. In some circumstances the frequency with which certain categories of letter are despatched makes it worthwhile having them produced on a word processor. Standard paragraphs may thus be used in all letters, and variables such as names, addresses and amounts of money typed on individual letters by the word processor operator. Such letters are called "form letters".

What are the advantages and disadvantages of its use? Complete the following table.

Advantages Disadvantages



Ex 3. Business letter format.




Look at the business letter and decide which word from the list below corresponds to which part of the letter. Make a list of the numbers and the correct parts of the letter, like this:


1 - letterhead

body of the letter


writer’s name





opening salutation

writer’s position in the company

reader’s name and address



closing salutation


NB The way you close the letter depends on how you open it and write reader’s name and address.


Reader’s name and address Simple Stationers 15 Mowbray Road London NW6 5EJ Sales Manager Simple Stationers 15 Mowbray Road London NW6 5EJ Ms Meiners Sales Manager Simple Stationers 15 Mowbray Road London NW6 5EJ
Opening salutation Dear Sirs, Dear Sir, Dear Sir or Madam, Dear Ms Meiners,
Closing salutation Yours faithfully Yours faithfully Yours sincerely

You don’t know the reader’s name
You know the reader’s name


Ex 4. Match the English words and phrases in column A with the correspondent Russian equivalents in column B.


1. Body of the letter

2. Letterhead

3. Thank you for your interest in the company

4. We look forward to doing business with you

5. Yours sincerely

6. Reference

7. Yours faithfully

8. I enclosed a catalogue as requested

9. Signature

10. I look forward to hearing from you soon

11. Please find enclosed a cheque for…

12. Writer’s position in the company

13. I would be grateful if you could send me a catalogue

14. Could you send me a brochure?



a) Подпись

b) С уважением

c) Штамп

d) Не могли бы Вы переслать мне брошюру

e) Содержание письма

f) Входящие или исходящие данные

g) Буду Вам признателен, если Вы вышлете мне каталог

h) Искренне Ваш

i) Должность отправителя письма в компании

j) Благодарим за проявленное к нам внимание

k) Пожалуйста, обратите внимание на прилагаемый чек

l) Надеемся на развитие делового сотрудничества с Вами

m) По Вашему запросу высылаю каталог

n) Надеемся на скорейшее получение Вашего письма

Ex 5. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box below.



trace, about, the reader, useful, invoice number, the initials, a letterhead, also, you


A company always has its address at the top of each letter so that ________ knows where to reply. This address is often printed on the paper and called _________. Companies keep a copy of each letter for future reference so the reader's name and address is_________ written on the letter. The date is important, it helps ___________ follow a sequence of letters and can be a __________ reference for either the writer or the reader. The references are also useful for helping the writer and reader __________ the letter, or decide what it is _________. The references are often _________ of the writer and the person who typed the letter, but they can also be an order or _____________, the name of a department, etc.



intentions, the writer's position in the company, the enclosures, opening salutations, underneath, a signature, refers, formula


In your _____________, it is polite to use the reader's name if you know it. The first paragraph of a letter usually ___________ to any previous contact or correspondence and states writer's ____________. The final paragraph is usually a polite ___________. The writer of the letter signs it and the name of the writer is typed___________ (it is often difficult to read___________). ____________ is typed under the name, so the reader knows who he/she is dealing with. If anything is enclosed with the letter, you write Encl, at the bottom, partly to remind the writer to put in _____________, but also that the reader will know immediately if anything has been left out.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 636. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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