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A dioxygen molecule can add or lose electrons during chemical transformations, forming molecular ions O2-, O22-, O2+. Their stability is predicted by MO method. They are called peroxide type compounds since these species have two-bonded atoms of oxygen (O—O).

Table 1. Molecular orbitals of dioxygen, O2-, O22-, O2+ (MO method)


Molecular orbitals O2+ O2 O2- O22-
pр* pр* ­ ­ ­ ­¯ ­ ­¯ ­¯
pр pр ­¯ ­¯ ­¯ ­¯ ­¯ ­¯ ­¯ ­¯
ss ­¯ ­¯ ­¯ ­¯
ss* ­¯ ­¯ ­¯ ­¯
ss ­¯ ­¯ ­¯ ­¯
Bond order 2.5   1.5  
O oxidation state + ½   - ½ -1
Distance O—O, nm 0.112 0.1207 0.132 0.149
Dissociation energy, kJ/mol        


Adding one electron onto p*2p molecular orbital, the molecule of oxygen forms a molecular ion O2-, which is named superoxide-ion, and its compounds are superoxides. The process O2 + e- = O2- is accompanied by the liberation of heat (DH°289 = -48.1 kJ/mol) and decreases the bond order to 1.5 (the third electron is added to unpaired electrons of antibonding p*2p orbitals of the О2 molecule).

Superoxides can be obtained directly only for the most active reductants (alkali metals below potassium in IA group):

K + O2 = KO2

Dioxygen forms an ion О2+ (bond order 2.5) at elimination of one electron from the p*2p molecular orbital. This ion is named a dioxygenyl-ion. Dioxygen is only oxidized by very strong oxidants, for example by Pt(VI) fluorid e:

О2 + PtF6 = О2[Pt5+F6]

Dioxygenil hexafluoroplatinate (V)

These salts are also synthesized by heating a mixture of О2, F2 and a powdered element to 150-500°C:

О2 + 3F2 + M = О2+[MF6],

where M = As, Sb, Bi, Nb, Pt, Au, Ru, Rh.

A molecule О2 can accept two electrons forming the peroxide-ion О22-, derivatives of which are named peroxides. Additional electrons are added onto p*2p MO. Thus the bond order lowers down to 1. Absence of the unpaired electrons determines diamagnetism of peroxides. Peroxides are formed during combustive oxidation of some active metals:

2Na + O2 = Na2О2

Ва + О2 = ВаО2,

Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2


It is one of the most important compounds of oxygen.

Production of peroxides in industry:

1. Electrolysis of 50%-Н2SO4 solution or some sulfates (in particular, (NН4)2SO4) at high current density and cooling. Anode oxidation of hydrogen sulfate-ions to peroxodisulfuric acid, Н2S2O8, occurs on a platinum anode:

cathode: 2H+ + 2е = Н2­

anode: 2НSO4- = Н2S2O8 + 2е


The slight heating of H2S2O8 solution leads to its hydrolysis:

Н2S2O8 + Н2O = Н2O2 + Н2SO4

In industry Н2O2 is produced and sold with concentration up to 60%, as more concentrated solutions are impossible to transport due to their high explosiveness. Concentrated to 30% and stabilized Н2О2 solution is named perhydrol. 3% solution of Н2О2 is used for medical purposes. World production of Н2О2 is a 0.5 million of tons per year.

2. Chemical methods are based on organic compounds oxidation with oxygen. Н2О2 together with other useful product - acetone are obtained at catalytic oxidation of isopropanol:

(СН3)2СНОН + О2 ® СН3СОСН3 + Н2О2

Preparation in a laboratory:

It is easily obtained from BaO2 at interaction with diluted Н2SO4:

ВаО2 + Н2SO4 = Н2О2 + ВаSO4¯

Structure. A molecule of Н2О2 is nonlinear, two bonds O—H are located in two planes:

Owing to the asymmetrical location of bonds the O—H molecule Н2О2 is strongly polar (electric dipole moment m = 0.7•10-29 C•m), it exceeds water polarity m = 0.61•10-29 C•m. The presence of unshared electron pairs of oxygen atoms in hydrogen peroxide creates a possibility for donor-acceptor interaction.

Properties. Instability of solutions. The Н2О2 of high purity and its solutions at STP are quite stable and can be stored for a long time, but at elevated temperatures, UV-irradiation, and also in the presence of ions of transition metals Н2О2 intensively decomposes:

2О2 = 2Н2О + О2

Decomposition of pure Н2О2 and its concentrated solutions proceeds violently, explosion-like.

Additives (stabilizers, usually Na3PO4) are used to prevent Н2О2 decomposition in aqueous solutions. Stabilizers bind the ions of metals and as a result break undesirable catalytic process of decomposition. Solutions Н2О2 are stored in a cool place in dark vessels. It is worth knowing that even the minor content of alkalis leached from ordinary glass bottles substantially speed up the decomposition of Н2О2.

In the blood of a man and animals and juices of plants there is a specific enzyme of catalase,which decomposes Н2О2. The active component of catalase is ion of iron bound to complex organic molecules. One molecule of catalase decomposes at STP approximately 100 thousand molecules of Н2О2 per 1 sec.

Physical properties. Properties of liquid and solid Н2О2, as well as its solutions are determined by strong hydrogen bonds, which cause association of molecules. Therefore pure Н2О2 at STP is a syrup-like viscous, pale-blue, odourless liquid, which is almost 1.5 times heavier than water (r = 1.44 g/cm3 at 25°С), tboil = 150.2°C (to determine tboil Н2О2 at atmospheric pressure is impossible, as already at 90°C it decomposes).

Н2О2 is miscible in water at any proportion due to H-bonds formation.

Hydrogen peroxide is a very weak acid in aqueous solutions:

Н2О2 Н+ + НО2- К = 2.24•10-12

but it is stronger than water. Dissociation at the second stage,

НО2- Н+ + О22-

virtually does not occur. It is suppressed by the presence of water — a substance that dissociates with the formation of hydrogen ions to a greater extent than hydrogen peroxide.

Peroxides of metals which belong to the class of salts (not oxides) can be obtained by the interaction of a hydrogen peroxide solution with alkalis:

Н2О2 + Ва(ОН)2 = ВаО2 + 2Н2О

Unlike normal oxides which form salt and water with acids, peroxides form salt and hydrogen peroxide in similar reactions:

ВаО2 + Н2SO4 = BaSО4 + Н2О2

ВаО + Н2SO4 = BaSО4 + Н2О

SnО2 + 2Н2SO4 = Sn(SО4)2 + 2Н2О

In aqueous solution the peroxides of metals, being the salts of a weak acid, are unstable. It is obvious at its strong hydrolysis and decomposition of Н2О2in alkaline medium:

Na2О2 + 2Н2О Û 2NaОН + Н2О2

2О2 ® 2Н2О + О2

The hydrogen atoms in hydrogen peroxide can be substituted not only by a metal but, for example, by acid residues with the formation of peroxide compounds of various types:



Peroxodisulfuric peroxosulfuric acids


peroxonitric acid (aquafortis)


hydrogen peroxide


Bond O—O is weak due to the mutual electrostatic repulsion of two unshared pairs of electrons of each bound atom of oxygen. It is almost three times weaker than the bond O—H. Reactions of O—O bond destruction with the formation of compounds of oxygen (-2) or 0 are typical. Therefore the most characteristic Н2О2 transformations are namely redox reactions, where Н2О2 can be an oxidant or reductant with the following E°’s:

Н2О2 + 2Н+ + 2е- = 2Н2О E° = 1.78 V

О2 + 2Н+ + 2е- = Н2О E° = 0.68 V

Oxidizing activity (E° = 1.78 V) of H2O2 is considerably stronger, than its reducing agent strength (E°= 0.68 V).

Indeed, peroxides are strong oxidants, water is the product of reduction:

2KI + Н2О2 + Н2SO4 = I2 + 2Н2О + K2SO4

KNO2 + H2O2 = KNO3 + H2O

2K3[Cr(OH)6] + 3Н2О2 = 2K2CrO4 + 8Н2О + 2KOH

Hydrogen peroxide can demonstrate also reducing properties (only with strong oxidants), oxygen is the product of oxidation of Н2О2, for example:

Н2О2 + Cl2 = О2 + 2НCl

Н2О2 + О3 = 2О2 + Н2О

2О2 + 2KMnО4 = 3О2 + 2MnО2 + 2KOH + 2Н2О

2О2 + 2KMnО4 + 3H2SO4 = 5О2 + 2MnSO4 + K2SO4 + 3Н2О

The last reaction is used in chemical analysis for quantitative determination of Н2О2.

Н2О2 decomposition belongs to the disproportionation reactionstype (autooxidation-autoreduction):

2 Н2О2 = 2 Н2О + О2.


in the atmosphere into ozone and thereby provides a protective shield against short-wavelength UV light:

Practical activity of a man often predetermines destruction of ozone layer. Chlorine presence in atmosphere stands here in the first place. One molecule of chlorine is able to annihilate up to 100 thousands molecules of О3 (comparison: 1 molecule NO destroys 10 molecules О3 only). One launch of spaceship «Shuttle» destroys 0.3% О3 from its common quantity in an earthly atmosphere.


Properties. О3 is a toxic gas of a dark blue color with a strong characteristic smell, b.p. = -110°C, m.p. = -192.7°C. Liquid ozone has a navy blue color, solid ozone is black.

The molecule of О3 diamagnetic, it has bent structure, it is polar (m = 0.17•10-29 Cm). Length of bond between the atoms of oxygen (0.128 nm) has intermediate value compared to single (0.149 nm) and double (0.121 nm) bonds. Therefore the bond order in a molecule О3 equals 1.5. The valence angle value (116.5°) is the evidence of sp2-hybridization of valence orbitals of the central oxygen atom. It is also the substantiation of delocalized three-center p-bond formation in О3 molecule. Thus the central sp2-hybridized atom of oxygen forms 2 s-bonds with neighboring atoms. Its nonhybridized 2рz-orbital is located perpendicularly to the plane of three oxygen atoms like 2рz-orbitals of neighboring oxygen atoms forming together delocalized three-centered p- bond.

The asymmetrical structure of molecule О3 predetermines its polarity. Therefore the energy of О3 intermolecular interaction in the condensed state exceeds the latter of О2 molecules. Consequently, tboil and tmelt of ozone is higher than in О2. These factors explain also ozone’s better solubility in polar solvents like water (45 volumes of О3 is soluble in 100 volumes of water at STP).

О3 easily decomposes and forms dioxygen and atomic oxygen, therefore it has a high oxidizing activity:

О3 = О2 + О

That is why О3 easily oxidizes various substances, transforming itself into О2. О2 molecule remains as a stable fragment of unstable ozone molecule:

2Ag + О3(OО2) = Ag2O + О2

¯1e ­2e

PbS + 4О3 = PbSO4 + 4О2

2KI + О3 + H2O = I2 + О3 + 2KOH

The latter reaction is used as the method of determination of ozone in quantitative chemical analysis.

In some case ozonides are the products of reactions with participation of ozone:

К + О3 = КО3

4КОН + 4О3 = 4КО3 + О2 + 2Н2О

Such compounds contain a molecular ion О3-. Unlike О3 an О3-ion has an unpaired electron that predetermines its paramagnetizm. The ozonides of alkali metals have a red color and are very strong oxidants.



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