Студопедия — right to compensation for losses__________________________________________________
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right to compensation for losses__________________________________________________


19. Translate the abstract please: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________







Claims and sanctions. A contract defines rights and obligations of the parties involved___________________________. Most often the Buyer makes quality and quantity claims _____________________________________________________________________________on the Seller. The cause for complaint___________________________ may be poor quality___________________________, breakage___________________________, damage___________________________, short weight___________________________, leakage утечка, etc. The Buyer must write a statement заявление of claim and mail it to the Seller together with the supporting documents______________________________________________________: Bill of Lading, Airway and Railway Bill грузовая накладная, Survey Report акт осмотра и экспертизы, Quality Certificate ___________________________are documentary evidence___________________________. Drawings, photos, samples are enclosed ___________________________as proofs___________________________ of claims. The date of a complaint is the date on which it is mailed. _____________________________________________________________________________

Claims can be lodged предоставлять during a certain period of time, which is usually fixed___________________________ in a contract. During the claim period the Seller is to enquire осведомляться into the case and communicate сообщать his reply. He either meets the claim удовлетворить требование or declines отклонить it. If a claim has a legitimate ground____________________________________ behind it the parties try to settle уладить (дело) it amicably дружески. The Seller in turn is entitled___________________________ to make a claim ___________________________on his counterpart___________________________ if the Buyer fails to meet___________________________ his contractual obligations______________________________________________________. The Seller may inflict penalties назначить наказание on the Buyer if there is a default in payment. Financially, legitimate claims are in large part settled by debit расход or credit приход notes заметка, запись.


Пропишите слова по строчке с переводом:

Claims _______________________________________________________________________


Quality and quantity ____________________________________________________________


Poor quality___________________________________________________________________


Short weight__________________________________________________________________




Supporting documents____________________________________________________________________

Грузовая накладная___________________________________________________________

Акт осмотра и экспертизы______________________________________________________

Quality Certificate_____________________________________________________________

Bill of Lading__________________________________________________________________







Удовлетворить жалобу_________________________________________________________

Отклонить жалобу_____________________________________________________________

Legitimate ground______________________________________________________________




To make a claim________________________________________________________________

Fail to do_____________________________________________________________________

Contractual obligations__________________________________________________________

Inflict penalty__________________________________________________________________

Debit ________________________________________________________________________


Заметка, запись_______________________________________________________________


20. Translate the abstract please: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________









Preparation for test 2.


1. How do you think, what line between formal and informal business Eng. can be drawn? Could you use formal Eng. in spoken speech?


2. What problems does formal Eng. face that differs it from informal one?


3. Translate the abstract please:


e.g. This stipulation being of the essence of the contract, default by the Buyers shall entitle the Sellers to load and ship the goods as convenient to themselves to any of the ports named in this contract and Buyers shall take delivery accordingly.


4. Are there any deviations from the rule when a person may permit himself to use informal style in formal documents? Make examples.


5. What is empathy and why this trait is so important for the translator?


6. What important qualities does English of business correspondence possess? (language, length of sentences, impersonality)


7. Translate the abstract please:


e.g. The time of delivery of the Turbine Plant against the above contract expires on the 1st July. Please inform us by return of post of the progress of manufacture of the Turbine.


8. Why is business correspondence interested in brief and clear information?


9. Translate the items of any contract mentioned above:


The following items are of the greatest importance in any contract:

- contract No.;

- place and date of signing;

- names of the Sides which signed the contract;

- subject of the contract;

- qualityof goods;

- price (per unit and total price);

- destination

- delivery time;

- requirementsfor packing and marking

- payment terms

- conditions of submission and acceptance of goods;

- transport conditions; warranty conditions and sanctions

- arbitration conditions;

- force majeure

- judicial addresses of the Sides;

- signatures of the seller and the buyer.



10. Name the most significant clauses of contract that should be regarded. Speak about each of them briefly.


11. Be ready to translate words from “ Пропишите слова по строчке с переводом “ in your test work.


























Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 488. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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