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Allow, cost, ask(спрашивать), deny, forgive, guarantee, permit

5) Write an essay “Education in Russia”. (15-20 sentences)



Friends 4(15)

scare smb away отпугивать кого-либо Like you wouldn’t have done it как будто-то бы так не поступила second helping добавка He’s been working on that all day! Он работал над этим весь день supportive поддерживающий talk smb into doing smth= convince smb to do smth – убеждать for no reason без причин well-rounded life всесторонняя жизнь house is haunted ['hɔːntɪd] дом - посещаемый привидениями to get laid = to have sex seed семечко acknowledge [ək'nɔlɪʤ] признавать,подтверждать prude [pru:d] ханжа such a prude If I had to work here I would kill myself если бы мне пришлось работать здесь, я бы убил себя fungus['fʌŋgəs] грибок



  A shot in the dark   a guess at the answer to a question when you do not know the facts.   "How did you know I was from America?" Reply: "Just a shot in the dark."
  A Slap On The Wrist wrist запястье a slight punishment   Nowadays if you are a drunk driver you don't just get a slap on the wrist; they will throw you in jail.
  a slip of the tongue When you say something by accident     I didn't mean to say that! It was just a slip of the tongue.
  to give/get a taste of your own medicine   a lesson where other people treat you the same way you treat them   Did you see those two people cutting in front of us in line? Let's cut in front of them and give them a taste of their own medicine!


allow, cost, ask(спрашивать), deny, forgive, guarantee, permit

5) Some verbs can onlyhave the second object with to and always reversed smth to smb

# She described the situation to me. (but not She described me the situation)

Other verbs like describe include admit, announce, demonstrate, explain, introduce, mention, point out, prove, report, say, suggest

6) Some verbs can only have the second object with for and always reversed smth for smb

# He fixed the tap for me (but not He fixed me the tap)

Other verbs like fix include collect, mend and repair

1) book, build, buy, catch, choose, cook, find, get, make, order, pour, save can be reversed with for (smth for smb)   #
2) give, lend, offer, owe, pass, show, teach, tell, throw, award can be reversed with to (smth to smb)   #
3) bring, leave, pay, play, read, sell, send, sing, take, write can be reversed with for or to (smth for/to smb)   #
4) allow, ask, cost, forgive, guarantee, permit can’t be reversed (smb smth)   #
5) describe, admit, announce, demonstrate, explain, introduce, mention, point out, prove, report, say, suggest. only reversed with to smth to smb   #
6) fix, collect, mend,and repair only reversed with for smth for smb   #


1) Fill in the empty boxes (don’t peek at the other page)

book, build, buy, catch, choose, cook, find, get, make, order, pour, save     #
award, give, lend, offer, owe, pass, show, teach, tell, throw     #
bring, leave, pay, play, read, sell, send, sing, take, write     #
allow, ask, cost, forgive, guarantee, permit     #
describe, admit, announce, demonstrate, explain, introduce, mention, point out, prove, report, say, suggest     #
fix, collect, mend,and repair     #



2) Complete these sentences with a suitable form of following verbs and either to or for. Write to/for if either can be used with little difference in meaning. Put these in appropriate places.

1 Tom hasn't got any money so I'll have to pay the bill for him

2 Keith hates going shopping. I have to............. ………………his clothes…… him choose

3 You're staying with Sue at the weekend, aren't you? Can you………….this present ……. her? pass

4 I can't reach the salt. Could you………..it ……… me, please? pass

5 When Mr Jenkins bought the house, we.............. all the carpets……….. him as well sell

6 He's a got a very rewarding job. He.............. ……….sports……………. disabled children teach

7 I haven't got my glasses. Can you.............. …….these instructions………… me, please? read

8 Jane................... the letter…… me on her way to work because I had flu and couldn't go out send

9 I........................ …………….my old bike …… him, but he said he wanted something more modern offer

10 I'll be late tonight. Can you.................... some dinner…. me, please? save

3) If necessary, correct these sentences

1 He kindly collects me some library books

2 He admitted his error for his colleagues

3 Introduce her me

4 Can I ask a question to you?

5 A special ticket allows an entry to all the museums in the city to us

6 Can you repair me my watch

7 Explain me the rule



Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 493. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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