Форма контроля. Find Russian equivalents of the words and phrases given below:
Find Russian equivalents of the words and phrases given below: To run parallel to, the “melting pot”, deposits of coal, to develop economic slump, with picks and shovels, to rate in top ten states for, chemical and petroleum products, phonograph, the “Gunpowder Capital”, synthetic fibers, dyes and paints, religious toleration, seafood and oysters, to split from, replica farms, bicentennial celebrations, five boroughs.
Find the following cultural words and expressions in the text, and explain their meanings in English: Quakers, Mennonites and Amish people, the Declaration of Independence, the Continental Congress, the Liberty Bell, the Statue of Liberty, Greenwich Village, Madison Avenue.
Answer the questions: 1. What is the dominant physical feature of the Mid-Atlantic region? What happens to the Appalachian Mountains as you approach New Jersey? What part of the region incorporates the central stage for most of the nation’s historical and economic activity? Why does it have eight times as many people per square mile as in the West? 2. Who was the founder of the first English colony in the area of present-day Pennsylvania? Why did this area soon become an important industrial center? 3. What is the cheapest way to carry iron ore of the Great Lakes district to the coal beds of Pennsylvania? In what city do they meet in order to lay the basis for steel manufacturing? What industries does New Jersey rank in the top ten industrial states? 4. How did the economic slump of the early 1980s hit the coal and steel industries of Pennsylvania? What did the enterprising local authorities decide to do, feeling that steel manufacturing did not give as much profit to the state as it used to? 5. What does New Jersey produce now? What university does New Jersey have on its territory? What is the reason for its high reputation among scientists? 6. What is the origin of the name of the state Delaware? What family was Delaware’s economy closely tied to? What did that family business produce? Where is the unique museum dedicated to this industry? 7. How did the area of Chesapeake Bay become an English colony? Who founded the first settlement there and for what purpose? What did the governor guarantee to settlers of all religions in his colony? What is the main geographical feature of Maryland? What does the word “Chesapeake” mean in the local language? What does Chesapeake provide the country with?
Протасова О.В.
Материалы для СРС по дисциплине Налоговый учет Специальность:5В050800 Учет и аудит
г. Петропавловск 2014 г.
МАТЕРИАЛЫ ПО ПОДГОТОВКЕ К СРС СРС 1 Тема 1.Доклад «Принципы налогообложения. Понятие налогов, сборов, пошлин, плат» Цель СРС – Изучение законодательной базы налогового учета и получение дополнительной информации Форма контроля Защита СРС 1. Литература: 1 Налоговый Кодекс Республики (с изм. и доп. На 1.01 2012 г.) Алматы: Экономика, 2011.-875с. СРС 2 Тема Доклад «Способы уплаты налога» Цель СРС – Изучение законодательной базы налогового учета и получение дополнительной информации Форма контроля Защита СРС 1. Литература: 1 Налоговый Кодекс Республики (с изм. и доп. На 1.01 2012 г.) Алматы: Экономика, 2011.-875с. СРС 3 Тема Доклад «Права и обязанности налогоплательщика, налогового агента и органов налоговой службы» Цель СРС – Изучение законодательной базы налогового учета и получение дополнительной информации