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4. Проанализируйте информацию в таблице и скажите, что общего между судебным экспертом и юристом, а что их разделяет. Составляя рассказ, используйте следующие логико-грамматические лексические единицы:

1) As a matter of fact … – В сущности …

2) In fact …– На самом деле …

3) In most cases … – В большинстве случаев …

4) In general … – В общем …

5) In brief …– Вкратце, …

6) What is more …– Более того, …

7) First and foremost … – На первом месте …

8) As a result … – В результате …

9) Least important is … – Наименее важным является …

10) Last but not least … – Последний по счету, но не менее важный …

5. Обоснованно ответьте на вопрос: Whose work seems more attractive for you?

Прочитайте еще раз эпиграф к тексту и ответьте на вопросы.

All men are liable to error; and most men are, in many points, by passion or interest, under temptation to it.”


a) Can you guess with what meaning adjective liable is used in the phrase?

  1. Legally obligated; responsible. Used with for.
  2. At risk of or subject to experiencing or suffering something unpleasant. Used with to.
  3. Likely. Often used with reference to an unfavorable outcome.

b) Do you agree with the author? Can these reasons justify mistakes made by lawyers and scientists, in your opinion?


7. Парная работа. Прочитайте вопросы теста, определяющие этические и нравственные качества человека. Обсудите с партнером, какие вопросы, направлены на выявление нравственных качеств, а какие - этических норм, которым следует человек. Заполните график, данный ниже, необходимой информацией. В соответствии с графиком, рассчитайте максимальные и минимальные баллы, которые даются за каждый возможный вариант ответа. Определите свой уровень развития этических и нравственных норм, правдиво ответив на предложенные вопросы. Представьте свою работу в виде презентации проектной работы по следующему плану:

1. Articulation of problem (research problem and statement of hypotheses)

2. Upfront statement of opinion

3. Method

4. Outline of research tasks that match the specified problem

5. Findings

6. Discussion

7. Conclusion

1. Would you give up a promising career to aid the family in time of need?

a) In a heartbeat

b) Yes, with some reluctance

c) Only if I was certain I'd be able to return to my career soon

d) No


2. Would you betray a family member to advance your own career?

a) Yes, without a twinge of guilt

b) Yes, if I could do it secretly

c) I'd resist the temptation

d) I find the very idea abhorrent


3. Do you respect the leaders of your family?

a) Their words guide my actions

b) They're role models for me

c) They're often out of touch with my life

d) They're out of touch with reality


4. A powerful but corrupt judge offers you wealth if you'll testify against a friend. Do you:

a) Condemn your friend and take the money

b) Take the money and testify, but try to keep your testimony ineffective

c) Refuse the offer and refuse to testify

d) Testify on your friend's behalf, no matter the consequences


5. Have you ever betrayed a friend?

a) I've done so more than once, and I sometimes get away with it

b) I've done so once

c) I've been tempted to do so, but I've never gone through with it

d) I'd never contemplate such a thing


6. Do you insist on repayment when lending money to friends?

a) Yes, and I write up a contract so there's no misunderstanding

b) Yes, but I try to be flexible about the exact terms

c) No, although it's sure nice to be repaid

d) No, they just owe me a favour


7. Do you respect the laws and authorities in the community?

a) Yes, without question

b) Yes, they're generally the best way to govern

c) When it suits me -- there are some laws I just don't agree with

d) I don't pay attention to the authorities; they've got no hold on me


8. If imprisoned, would you injure or kill others to escape?

a) Yes. Serves 'em right for locking me up

b) Yes. They knew the risks when they took the job

c) No, except for minor wounds that will heal easily

d) No. Those guards are just doing their jobs


9. You have accidentally committed a crime. Do you:

a) Confess, and attempt to make restitution to the victim

b) Confess, throwing yourself on the mercy of the court

c) Hide your involvement, lying if you have to

d) Try to pin the crime on another


10. If guilty, would you confess to a crime?

a) Yes, because it is my duty to do so

b) Yes, because it might get me a lighter sentence

c) No, I'd make the magistrates prove my guilt

d) No, and I'd try to "prove" my innocence


11. While traveling, you witness an assault. You are ordered to testify, which will delay your travel significantly. Do you:

a) Slip out of town at night to avoid testifying

b) Deny you saw anything

c) Remain reluctantly, testify, and leave

d) Remain until the trial's conclusion in case further testimony is needed


12. When confronted by beggars, do you:

a) Give generously

b) Give moderately

c) Give only what I wouldn't miss anyway -- a copper or two at most

d) Ignore them as you walk by


13. What's the best path to wealth?

a) It's a matter of luck and being in the right place at the right time

b) Staying flexible so you can take advantage of good opportunities

c) Following a long-term plan that incorporates a comfortable level of risk

d) Hard work and perseverance


The moral axis has three positions: good, neutral and evil. Good characters generally care about the welfare of others. Neutral people generally care about their own welfare. Evil people generally seek to harm the others' welfare.

The ethical axis has three positions as well: lawful, neutral, and chaotic. Lawful people generally follow the social rules as they understand them. Neutral people follow those rules find convenient or obviously necessary. And chaotic people seek to upset the social order and either institute change, or simply create anarchy.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 629. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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