Prospects for Future Testing
If funding is obtained, much more work could be done by Dr. Chaski on the Majestic documents. Basically, the additional work would fall into two areas: 1) Additional language features could be added to the testing. Dr. Chaski has already used methods that have been validated over 90% of the time. The results obtained thus far could be assured to an even higher degree by further testing. New testing will not reverse the results already obtained, but can make the results even more assured and allow the researcher to make specific statements (in terms of probabilities) about the documents. 2) Perhaps more importantly, more nuanced testing would produce data that would allow Dr. Chaski to compare the stylistics of those Majestic documents that were tested against those that were not, particularly those that lack author attribution. Comparison of stylistics might allow the researcher to arrive at a statistical likelihood that certain documents might have been written by the same hand. Conclusion In drawing this report to a close, readers are again reminded of the preliminary nature of the report. Only a portion of the Majestic documents were tested, for the reasons given in Section 2.2. To move linguistic research of the Majestic documents beyond the preliminary status, more research must be undertaken. The major obstacle to this progress is funding. Hopefully the value of this research will be apparent to those interested in applying scientific methods to the study of UFOs, and appropriate funding will be found. 5. Обсуждение - «Круглый стол». Topic: Positive and Negative Implications for the Extraterrestrial Explanation for UFOs. Группа делится на сторонников и противников дальнейшего исследования этой проблемы, в связи с вкладом, сделанным этим исследованием. Каждый из участников высказывает свою точку зрения, опираясь на выводы, сделанные в экспертном заключении Майкла Хейсера и информацией, найденной самостоятельно. Ведущий следит за тем, чтобы обсуждение проходило в конструктивной атмосфере. Воспользуйтесь предложенными ниже речевыми моделями. Вопрос-просьба
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UNIT 6. TEST YOUSELF Выберите правильный вариант ответа. 1. …. is focused on author identification of questioned writings. a) semiotics b) semantics c) forensic stylistics d) auditory phonetics
2. Stylistics is the scientific study of ….
a) handwriting b) idiolect and linguistic characteristics c) communication and language as systems of signs and symbols d) psychology
3. …. is a language usage pattern unique to a person.
a) dialect b) idiom c) vocabulary d) idiolect
4. The primary application of forensic stylistics is in the area of ….
a) questioned authorship b) questioned documents c) questioned speech d) questioned programs
5. Linguistic stylistics uses two approaches to authorship identification: ….
a) semantic and pragmatic b) qualitative and quantitative c) modern and the old one d) computing and writing
6. …. is the "use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work."
a) computer crime b) copying c) plagiarism d) copyright
7. The two ways of plagiarism detection are ….
a) reading and comparing b) searching and analyzing c) oral and writing d) manual and computer-assisted
8. …. could be used to examine and analyze software in any form, source or executable code, to identify the author.
a) software forensics b) computing forensics c) digital forensics d) data forensics
9. Software forensics helps to tackle ….
a) viruses, trojan horses b) cyber attacks in the form of viruses, trojan horses, logic bombs, fraud, credit card cloning c) fraud, credit card cloning
10. Source code authorship analysis can be divided into ….
a) 2 sub-fields according to the application area b) 10 sub-fields according to the application area c) 5 sub-fields according to the application area d) 4 sub-fields according to the application area
11. Voice identification is sometimes called ….
a) forensic stylistics b) forensic phonetics c) stylometry d) forensic linguistics
12. Discourse analysis depends on …. a) the quality of information recorded b) the methods of interpreting the information recorded c) the methodology of conclusion description d) all listed above
2. Прочитайте текст и подберите соответствующее название каждой части текста, предложенные ниже и пронумерованные римскими цифрами, (одно название – лишнее).
· Linguistic evidence · Language of written texts · Language of the law · Language of the judicial process
Forensic linguistics can be fairly characterized as taking linguistic knowledge, methods and insight, and applying them to the forensic context of law, investigation, trial, punishment and rehabilitation. It is not a homogenous discipline in its interest, methods or approach and involves a wide spectrum of practitioners and researchers applying themselves to different areas of the field. (1________) (I________________________) Any brush with legal language whether it is a mortgage agreement or the language of a will can leave one wondering why it is so complex and difficult to read. (2_______) For example, Peter Tiersma is currently working on the reforming of the language of jury instructions.
Trademark disputes often concern questions of when a trademarked term begins to be used generically. Such situations can lead to the death of the trademark. For example if the generic verb to search the internet becomes 'to google' then Google will suffer trademark death, lose its legal protection and become a term any search engine can use. The examination of this process and whether it has occurred in a particular case is also an area where linguists have testified. In some cases a text of disputed authorship is compared with texts of known authorship in order to try to link texts by the same author. Such authorship analysis evidence has been used in a variety of cases across the UK, USA and Australian jurisdictions. (5__________) 2. Из каждой части текста было удалено по предложению. Расставьте предложения по местам. В тексте удаленные предложения пронумерованы арабскими цифрами (одно предложение – лишнее). A. The vast majority of cases where linguists are involved concern issues of linguistic competence.
B. There are perhaps three main areas of application for linguists working in forensic contexts; understanding language of the written law, understanding language use in forensic and judicial processes and the provision of linguistic evidence.
C. Linguists, for example, have a considerable interest in the language of police (and other) interviews of witnesses and suspects. D. Forensic linguist applies linguistic knowledge and techniques to the language used in legal cases or proceedings and private disputes between parties which may result in legal action. E. Linguists are interested in the nature of the complexity of legal language and also whether anything can be done about it.
F. Evidential texts have varied considerably in length and type in recent cases from SMS text messages to long terrorist conspiracy documents.