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Percussion is a method of tapping body parts with fingers, hands, or small instruments as part of a physical examination. The purpose is to evaluate the size, consistency, and borders of body organs, and the presence or absence of fluid in body areas (lungs, abdomen etc.).


12. Use the list of words to identify the kinds of appointments described in sentences 1-12.

Cancelled confirmed delayed double-booked follow-up initial missed out-of-hours postponed previous routine successive vacant

EXAMPLE When a patient phones up to say they cannot keep their appointment. = This is a cancelled appointment.

1. An outpatient’s appointment after an operation.

2. When two people are given the same appointment time.

3. When a patient tells you they will definitely keep their appointment.

4. An appointment for eight o’clock in the evening.

5. When the consultant is running late.

6. The first appointment.

7. An appointment made for Monday, but changed to Wednesday.

8. When a patient doesn’t turn up.

9. An appointment slot that is available.

10. A regular appointment.

11. Not this appointment, but the one before.

12. All the appointments after this one.




When we need a medicine, we go to a chemist’s shop. In Britain it can be a pharmacy, in the USA you will look for a pharmacy or a drugstore. A pharmacy is very much like any chemist’s in this country: it’s a shop where one can buy various drugs of traditional medicine as well as herbs and occasionally some popular homeopathic remedies. They also sell various things for different medical procedures like mustard plasters, cups, hot water bottles, ice-bags, disposable syringes and needles, cotton wool and other products for dressings, etc.

However, an American drugstore sells lots of necessary things which are far from medicine. Here you could buy an umbrella, a greeting card, a pen, felt-tip pens in various colors or a toy for your kid, some perfume, lipstick, and many other small items one may need in one’s everyday life. The drugstore can be quite a big place, but you may only find a little counter selling medicine somewhere in a corner there. Most of the medicine we buy nowadays is produced by large pharmaceutical factories and only sold at the chemist’s or at a drugstore. Some doctors still prefer to write out special prescriptions. These should be ordered to be formulated by the compounding pharmacist of a pharmacy or simply filled from stock supplied by the manufacturer’s distributor.

Medicine is made in various forms convenient to use. There are pills, tablets or caplets and capsules for adults or older children to swallow. There are mixtures or syrups good for children to take in, nose drops or sprays, skin ointments and powders or creams to apply externally.

Every pack of medicine has a label to mark it. The name of the medicine and instructions for its use are always written there. It is important not to confuse one drug with another and not to overdose any medicine because a wrong drug or an improper dose may be poisonous. If a medicine was formulated in the pharmacy, it will have a white label to indicate it as an internal medicine, a yellow one when it is a drug for external use, a blue one when the medication is for injections.

Words to be remembered:

chemist’s shop = pharmacy = drugstore – аптека; drug = medicine = remedy = medication – лекарство; need – нуждаться, нужда; herb - (лекарственная) трава; as well as – также как; occasionally – иногда, время от времени; buy (bought) - покупать, sell(sold) – продавать; mustard plasters - горчичники; cups – банки (мед.); hot water bottle - грелка; ice-bag – пузырь для льда; disposable syringe and needle - одноразовые шприц и игла; item = thing – предмет, вещь; produce - производить, product - продукт; prefer - предпочитать; prescription - рецепт, write out a prescription – выписать рецепт, prescribe a drug for – выписать лекарство от; order - заказывать: formulate - составлять из отдельных компонентов по формуле (рецепта): compound – составлять сложную смесь, приготавливать; химическое соединение: fill – заполнять (отсутствующие элементы), состалять из нескольких элементов; stock - запас; supply – поставлять, снабжать; pill – пилюля; caplet - таблетка в форме капсулы; swallow - глотать; take in - принимать; drop – капля; ointment - мазь; powder – порошок; apply = (use) - применять, прикладывать (использовать), application – аппликация, компресс, применение; external = outer - наружный/internal =inner - внутренний; label - этикетка; mark – отмечать; confuse - путать; overdose - передозировать; indicate - указывать; wrong – неправильный, не тот; poisonous - ядовитый.


1. Answer the questions:

1. What shop should you find if you need some medicine in Britain?

2. What can you apply on your back or chest if you cough?

3. What do you need to buy for injections?

4. In what case will you need products for dressing? a hot water bottle? an ice-bag?

5. What is the most unusual thing that you can buy at a drugstore?

6. Which drug forms can be taken orally by an adult?

7. What forms of internal medicine are convenient for children to swallow?

8. What medicine forms can be applied on the skin? into the nose? into the eyes?

9. What do the labels indicate?

10. Why are they sometimes of different colors?


2. a) Make up an adjective from the corresponding noun:

Noun Adjective
Allergy Pharmacy Tradition Herb Poison  


b) Fill in the gaps with a correct word from above:

1. Strawberries are not recommended to small children as they can cause an… 2. … companies study drug interactions. 3. At the chemist’s shop one can buy some drugs of … medicine.

4. The doctor administered a … mixture.

5. … is the term applied to the practice of preparing and compounding medicines.

6. The overdose of some medicine can be ….

7. A … … in UK is the same as the drugstore in the USA. 8. … can be suppressed by antihistamine.

9. … is any substance which may cause illness or even death.

10. The use of … as medicines is probably as old as mankind.

11. … is a reaction of the body to any substance.


3. You are going to read a text “The Pharmacist” Try to discuss the following questions before reading it. Start with: I think… I believe… As far as I know…

- What is a pharmacist?

- Where do pharmacists work?

- What are the main things a pharmacist should do?

- What does a pharmacist check when reviewing medication profiles[3]?

Now read the text about this medical speciality:

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 1438. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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