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Sequence of Tenses. Reported Speech.

1. By the time the demonstration of a new aircraft began, they … their discussion.

a) completed

b) were completing

c) had completed

d) have completed


2. Jack … his diploma paper by the time it was due.

a) hadn't written

b) has not written

c) was not writing

d) has not been writing


3. The scientist who... the neutrino beam method won the Nobel Prize in physics.

a) had discovered

b) has been discovered

c) discovered

d) was discovering


4. When I started working for this company, I... already … as an engineer for six years.

a) has … worked

b) had … worked

c) was … working

d) have been … working


5. He said that he … keen on automobiles design.

a) was

b) has been

c) is

d) were


6. My brother admitted that he … fix the engine himself.

a) can’t

b) hadn’t

c) couldn't

d) will not can


7. Do you know whose thesis they …?

a) discussing

b) are discussing

c) had discussed

d) was discussing


8. I didn't know he … a new work on web design.

a) wrote

b) has written

c) writes

d) had written


9. He showed me which practical assignments he... while working in the laboratory.

a) does

b) has done

c) had done

d) will do


10. The teacher told the students that water … at 100 degrees Celsius.

a) boils

b) boiled

c) boiling

d) has boiled


11. Mary and I decided that we … the methods of con­ducting the experiment.

a) can change

b) could change

c) can have changed

d) changed


12. The doctor said I … already … and could attend lectures and practical classes.

a) had … recovered

b) recovered

c) has … recovered

d) was … recovered


13. It is well known that automation … suitable for products made in large volumes.

a) was

b) had been

c) is

d) has been


14. The lecture was dedicated to George Stephenson who … the most effective locomotive of his time.

a) constructed

b) has constructed

c) will have constructed

d) had constructed


15. Mike said that he … on his project of automobile plant automation for a couple of months.

a) will work

b) had been working

c) works

d) is working


16. The researcher informed the audience that he … a new device a week before.

a) designed

b) has designed

c) had designed

d) would design


17. The humanity always thought that everything … already ….

a) was … invented

b) has … been invented

c) was … being invented

d) had … been invented


18. I knew that each industry usually … its own concept of automation.

a) has had

b) had

c) was having

d) had had


19. When the new shift came the production … as usual.

a) was running

b) has been running

c) ran

d) had been running


20. Before he … his biggest discoveries James Watt worked as a mathematical-instrument maker.

a) had made

b) will make

c) has made

d) was making


21. He said that the equipment, necessary for his further research … in two days.

a) will be delivered

b) is to be delivered

c) would be delivered

d) will deliver


22. The cars which had been designed by this engineer … very popular.

a) became

b) are

c) become

d) has become


23. I discovered a lot of useful things when I …for my machine design class yesterday.

a) study

b) has studied

c) had studied

d) was studying


24. When a series of safety improvements …, the production became a lot less hazardous.

a) are made

b) was made

c) have been made

d) had been made


25. The student didn’t know that metric system … the common system of weights and measures.

a) is

b) was

c) had been

d) has been


26. He says he …at the plant after graduating from the university.

a) have been working

b) shall work

c) would work

d) will work


27. When I …he was reading an article on different types of engines.

a) were coming in

b) has come in

c) came in

d) come in


28. I had to read a lot of scientific reports because I … research in a popular field and I had to make sure that my topic was unique.

a) am conducting

b) was conducting

c) are conducting

d) conduct


29. He … already …his experiment when we came.

a) has … finished

b) had … finished

c) was … being finished

d) finishing


30. It is interesting to know that the discovery … at the last conference.

a) is discussed

b) was discussed

c) had been discussed

d) is being discussed


31. He knew that the automobile plant … many qualified specialists.

a) needs

b) was needing

c) needed

d) will need


32. He is sure he … good references from his university when he graduates.

a) will get

b) had gotten

c) has got

d) gets


33. The student hoped he … with his experiment if he worked a little more.

a) will succeed

b) would succeed

c) succeeds

d) succeed


34. He knew that metals … electricity.

a) conduct

b) have conducted

c) will conduct

d) has conducted


35. Thirty years ago nobody knew that Internet … the biggest source of information in the nearest future.

a) is becoming

b) had become

c) would become

d) became


36. She … hard for a year when she finally obtained a good position at the design bureau.

a) works

b) had been working

c) is working

d) will work


37. I know that when I start working on my diploma paper, one of the most important stages of research … collecting the information.

a) will be

b) has been

c) had been

d) was


38. The chief engineer of the plant was convinced that automation … necessary for effective production.

a) are

b) is being

c) was

d) will be


39. He said he … from a technical college a year before.

a) graduated

b) will graduate

c) has graduated

d) had graduated


40. I am sure that specialists with sound technical education … much better career opportunities in the nearest future.

a) have

b) were having

c) will have

d) have had


41. The teacher said that students … search out knowledge for themselves.

a) had to

b) will

c) need

d) shall


42. We know that many scientific problems … if we use creative approach.

a) can solve

b) has been solved

c) had been solved

d) can be solved


43. The student could see that the classes he … influenced his final grade in the worst way.

a) will miss

b) had missed

c) missed

d) misses


44. The students were explained that the formation of the topic … the first step of scientific investigation.

a) has been

b) was

c) were

d) will be


45. I knew that scientists often faced the problem of research funding as I …the same problem myself a few years before.

a) had experienced

b) experienced

c) was experiencing

d) will experience


46. I was told that a big academic conference … the following week.

a) had taken place

b) was taking place

c) is taking place

d) will take place


47. It is well-known that business and technology … strongly …

a) was … connected

b) are … connected

c) were being … connected

d) had been … connected


48. The research center bought only the most necessary laboratory equipment as it … extremely expensive.

a) is

b) are

c) had been

d) was


49. The report said that artificial intelligence … one of the most developed scientific fields.

a) was becoming

b) is becoming

c) becomes

d) was become


50. The student couldn’t do research on the subject he was interested in as a similar work … the year before.

a) is written

b) wrote

c) would be written

d) had been written


Sequence of Tenses. Reported Speech.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 644. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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