Студопедия — Task 5. How are the functions of Parliament reflected in the procedures of the day?
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Task 5. How are the functions of Parliament reflected in the procedures of the day?


As an example, we have taken Wednesday 14 March 2001.

2.30 pm Prayers

2.32 pm Question time: on this day the Secretary of State for International Development was scheduled to answer questions.

3.00 pm Because it was a Wednesday, the Prime Minister answered questions for the last half hour of question time.

3.30 pm Private Notice Question - The Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport was asked to make a statement on the consequences of Foot and Mouth Disease for the rural tourism industry.

4.34 pm Points of order were raised, which the Speaker dealt with.

4.40 pm A Officials was introduced by Tony Colman MP (Putney) under the Ten Minute Rule procedure. The bill received its First Reading and a date was set for its Second Reading.

4.57 pm A motion to approve a report from the Liaison Committee was agreed to without a division.

4.58 pm Report stage of the Criminal Justice and Police Bill, when the Bill, as amended in Standing Committee, was considered by the whole House.

6.53 pm There was a division on a proposed new clause to the Bill, after which the debate continued.

7.23 pm The Deputy Speaker briefly interrupted the debate to announce the results of three divisions which had been deferred from a previous day's business.

8.01 pm Another division on a proposed new clause to the Bill, after which the debate continued.

8.31pm The House proceeded to debate the Third Reading of the Bill.

9.59 pm The Bill was read the Third time and passed by the House.

11.20 pm At the end of the debate, (given the lateness of the hour), a division on the motion was deferred until the following Wednesday.

11.22 pm A number of draft regulations were approved without debate or division, followed by a series of motions concerning the business of the House which were objected to.

11.25 pm Adjournment debate - Robert Jackson MP (Wantage) raised the question of planning in Oxfordshire.

11.53 pm The House rose.


Task 6. Analyse the relations between the three branches of power. Are they separated as in the USA? It is recommended to do this task in small groups of 5 – 6 people.

Task 7. Compare the structure and functions of British Parliament and those of the Russian Federal Assembly. For reference turn to the text of the Russian Federation Constitution in English, Chapter 5. Use the web site www.departments.bucknell.edu/ russian/const/constit.html

Task 8. Self Assessment. What facts would you choose to make your talk to your future 6th or 7th form pupils interesting? Make a script of an extra curriculum event. If it is an ordinary school the script should be in Russian.


Unit 5. Political Parties and Government


· Her Majesty's Government: the body of ministers responsible for the conduct of national affairs. The Prime Minister and all other ministers, including the Cabinet, are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the Prime Minister.

· The Cabinet: composed of about 20 ministers, although the number can vary. They are chosen by the Prime Minister and may include departmental and non-departmental ministers.

· Alongside with the Central Government, the executive branch of power is represented by the varied forms of Local government.

· The political party system: an essential element in the working of the British government. The present system depends upon the existence of organized political parties, each of which presents its policies to the electorate for approval.

· The Labour and the Conservative Parties: the two main parties in Britain.

· Liberal Democrats: the third largest political party.


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