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Sound right

6.1.1. Listen, look, say:

on off sorry call

odd ox waffle golf

dog clock coffee sol

gone loss orange vol

fog moth opera loll

lob want horror Pol

lodge watch porridge polka

6.1.2. Listen, look, say:

1. Jog on.

2. What a swat!

3. Not for toffies!

4. Possibly not.

5. Upon my honour!

6. What a lot of nonsense!

7. John's dog got lost.

8. Hob and nob, Doc.

9. Poll's gone to the wrong shop.

10. Watch Dob's dog jump.

11. Will you be gone long, John?

12. Dot wants an office-job.

13. Dod's gone off to play golf.

14. Was it not possible to stop Tom?

15. Rod often got into hot water.

6.1.3. Listen and look. Pay attention to the difference between [O] and [ö]


1. T-s-s. The boss is on the bus.

2. But the boss doesn't come by bus.

1. Well, this is a bus and that's the boss.

2. Oh, yes at the front.

1. U-m-m. Next to Molly Monk.


1. What's wrong?

2. Nothing is wrong.

1. Something is wrong.

2. It's nothing much.

1. What's the trouble? Has John come?

2. U-m-m. Come and gone.

6.1.4. Listen, look, say. Pay attention to the intonation.

6.1.5. Read the dialogues in parts.

6.1.6. Listen, look, say:

or awed ought all order

bore board bought ball autumn

saw sawed support hall author

thaw thawed thought call daughter

tore toward taught tall morning

6.1.7. Listen, look, say:

1. All aboard!

2. Draw in your claws.

3. All the more so.

4. To cut a long story short.

5. It's all your fault.

6. Forewarned is forearmed.

7. George always talks horse.

8. Cora adores small talk.

9. Gordon always puts the cart before the horse.

10. Norton is forcing an open door.

6.1.8. Listen and look. Pay attention to the difference between [э] and [э:].


1. I've bought a dog, Polly.

2. What sort of dog, Paul?

1. Oh, just an ordinary dog, Polly.

2. What's it called?

1. Oh, it's got just an ordinary name.

2. Is it called Spot?

1. No-it's called... Polly.


1. It's a sort of hog, isn't it? But it's got four horns!

2. I caught it not far from the cottage, actually.

1. Well, you ought to tell me what it is.

2. It's a... wart-hog.

1. A wart-hog! Oh! Mm... er... And what will you call your wart-hog?

2. I shall call it — Horace.

6.1.9. Listen, look, say. Pay attention to the intonation.

6.1.10. Read the dialogues in pairs.

* 6.1.11. Try to read the tongue-twisters as fast as you can. Pay attention to:

1. the sound [þ]

Of all the saws I ever saw saw.

I never saw a saw as this saw saws.

a saw — пила

to saw — пилить

2. the sound [O]

Mr Shott and Mr Nott agreed to fight a duel. Nott was shot and Shott was not, so it is better to be Shott than Nott. Shott and not Nott shot the shot that shot Nott. If the shot that Shott shot which shot Nott had shot Shott and not Nott, Shott instead of Nott would have been shot and Nott would not.

3. the difference between [O] — [ö]— [{]

Betty Botta bought a bit o'butter. «But», she said, «this butter's bitter. If I put it in my batter it will make my batter bitter». So Betty Botta bought a bit o'better butter and put it in her bitter batter, which made Betty Botta's batter a bit better.

bought (past) — to buy — покупать

a bit— немного

butter — масло

bitter — горький

batter — тесто

6.2. Word-building:

(-ance), (-cy), (-ful)

6.2.1. Give Russian equivalents to the following nouns with suffix -ance (ence):

preference, resemblance, resistance, patience, in­nocence, significance, difference, independence, influence, insurance.

6.2.2. Make nouns with suffix -cy. Give their Russian equivalents:

sufficient, frequent, efficient, constituent, su­preme, extravagant; agent, aristocrat, advocat.

6.2.3. Give antonyms to the following adjectives with suffix -less, using suffix -ful. Translate them into Russian:

meaningless, careless, cheerless, useless, thought­less, lawless, harmless, powerless, shameless, taste­less.

6.2.4. Answer the following questions:

1. Do you find physical exercises useful?

2. Does your father (mother) look youthful?

3. What thoughtful persons do you know?

4. Is the room you live in cheerful?

5. What sort of activities are wasteful?

6.2.5. Translate into Russian without using a dictionary.

1. No whys. There will be time for that later.

2. He promised to better himself.

3. He is always in the thick of things.

4. John has no say in the matter.

5. I don't know how to word it.

6. Sport is an excellent cure for my diseases.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-29; просмотров: 573. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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