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Listening practice

6.7.1. Look at the following questions. You'll have to answer them after listening to the text.

1. What famous people are there (their profes­sions)?

2. What is the first question of the professor?

3. Has he got any special diplomas?

4. What is he?

6.7.2. Listen to the dialogue.

6.7.3. Answer the questions in 6.7.1.

6.7.4. Look through the list of words. They will help you to understand the text. give a big hand — поаплодировать

6.7.5. Listen to the story. Be ready to give the contents of it in Russian.

6.7.6. Tell the contents of the story in Russian as close to the text as possible.

Time for fun

6.8.1. Read and then tell it in Russian.

Believe it or not, but...

...The Port Fairy jail (Australia) was built by a Yorkshireman named Broadbent who celebrated its com­pletion so gaily that he became its first prisoner (1857).

...According to the laws adopted in several states (USA) women can easily divorce their husbands if they prove the men snore too loud at night.

? * 6.8.2. Fill in the six missing words.


Фонетика: sounds [ou], [ý]

Словообразование: суффиксы прилагательных -ary/-ory; -ous

Грамматика: время Present Perfect Continuous, степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий

Текст: «Steve's story»

Sound right

7.7.1. Listen, look, say:

bow bone boat roll window

doe dome dote poll follow

so soul soak old yellow

toe toad toast told cargo

roe road roast cold tomato

low load loaf stroll photo

hoe hoed host shoulder momento

7.1.2. Listen, look, say:

1. Go slow.

2. Follow your nose.

3. Nobody home.

4. Don't grow cold.

5. No bones broken.

6. It's a cold coal to blow at.

7. I vote we go home.

8. Oh, no, don't go home alone.

9. I don't suppose you know Rose.

10. I won't crow over a foe.

7.1.3. Listen and look. Pay attention to the difference in pronunciation of the sounds [ou] — [O] — [þ].


1. I'm going to the grocer's.

2. Call at the post-office, will you?

1. It closes at four. The shop closes at four too. Can't you go to the post-office? I want a lot of groceries.

2. Oh, all right. I'll go.

1. Get me some stamps, will you?


1. I've got to go.

2. Oh, don't go.

1. I've got to.

2. No, you don't have to go.

1. I want to go home.

2. What do you want to go home for?

1. Open the door.

2. It's not locked. Off you go!

1. I'm sorry.

2. Go home if you want to. Go on.

1. I'm sorry.

2. It's all right. I don't mind.

7.1.4. Listen, look, say. Pay attention to the intonation.

7.1.5. Read the dialogues in pairs.

7.1.6. Listen, look, say:

sir serve surf reserve world

fir firm first early girl

her heard hurt certain curl

burr bird burst birthday pearl

blur term learn thirteen hurl

7.1.7. Listen, look, say:

1. Certainly, sir.

2. I've overheard the word.

3. I'll turn in early.

4. A worm will turn.

5. What a hurly-burly girl Urse is!

6. I'll see her further first!

7. The work will serve no purpose.

8. My girl has her bursts of work.

9. Why do Gert's dirty work for her?

10. Erna is a proverb and a byword.

7.1.8. Listen and look. Pay attention to the sound [ý].


1. What does Evan do?

2. I'm not certain. But he earns a lot. He has money to burn.

1. And Bernard?

2. Oh, I prefer Bernard, of course, but...

1. What a superb furcoat, by the way.

2. As I say, I prefer Bernard, but...

1. And what beautiful pearls!


1. S-s-s. There's a burglar behind the curtain.

2. Are you certain. Bertha?

1. Don't disturb him. He might hurt us or worse he might even murder us.

2. But are you perfectly certain it is burglar?

1. Perfectly. Only a burglar would hide behind a curtain in that way.

2. Oh, Bertha, do you remember Percy Turner?

1. Sh-sh-sh. Gertrude! We're not the girls we were 30 years ago you know.

7.1.9. Listen, look, say. Pay attention to the intonation.

7.1.10. Read the dialogues in pairs.

7.1.11. Listen and look. Pay attention to the difference between [ö] and [ý].


1. Something is burning.

2. Oh, my buns!

1. I love burnt buns.

2. Curse this oven. Curse it!

1. But I prefer burnt buns.

2. It's the worst oven in the world.

1. Wonderful! A perfect bun, perfect!

2. Well, there are thirty of them. Have another.

1. U-m-m. Lovely!


1. I work for your brother's company.

2. Come and work for my company. How much money do you earn?

1. Five hundred a month.

2. You're worth another thirty.

1. I worth another hundred. But I mustn't leave your brother.

2. We'll discuss it on Thursday.

1. We have discussed it.

2. Six hundred?

1. Six hundred and thirty.

7.1.12. Listen, look, say. Pay attention to the intona­tion.

7.1.13. Read the dialogues in pairs.

* 7.1.14. Try to read the tongue-twister as fast as you can.

Robert Rowley rolled

a round roll round.

A round roll Robert

Rowley rolled round.

Where is the round roll

Robert Rowley rolled round?

roll (v.; n.) - катить: ролик

7.2. Word-building: -ary, -ory, -ous

7.2.1. Give Russian equivalents to the following adjec­tives and word combinations:

military, disciplinary, elementary, evolutionary, reactionary, legendary, traditionary, reformato­ry;

parliamentary democracy; secondary school, pri­mary school, monetary unit, satisfactory progress.

7.2.2. Give Russian equivalents to the following adjec­tives:

analogous, religious, famous, barbarous, danger­ous, numerous, humorous, scandalous, victorious.

7.2.3. Explain the meaning of the following word com­binations in English.

a mountainous country; a courageous boy; contin­uous rain; murderous blow; delicious cake; an anonymous gift.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-29; просмотров: 584. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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