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Practice in communication. 1. Would you like to join me for a lunch.


*3.4.1. Прочитайте и выучите:

Ways of inviting

1. Would you like to... join me for a lunch.

2. Do you want to... come and see me.

3. Would you care to... meet my wife; etc.

4. How about coming with us (to the club)?

5. How about a (game of tennis)?

6. Would you care for (a glass of lemonade)?

7. Suppose we go to the theatre?

Acceptance Refusal

1. I'd like to very much 1. I'm afraid I can't.

2. I'd love to 2. I'm sorry, I can't.

(enthusiastic). 3. I'd like to, but...

3. I would/do. 4. I'd better not.

Thank you. 5. I'd rather not.

4. If you want 6. No, thanks.

(me to). 7. No, I wouldn't/don't.

5. If you ('d) 8. Certainly not.

like (me to), (emphatic)


3.4.2. Пригласите кого-нибудь в вашей группе:

1. see (a film/a play/football match)

2. go for a walk with you.

3. have a cup of tea/coffee.

4. telephone you to-night.

5. spend an evening with you.

He/she will accept or refuse.

3.4.3. Смотрите, слушайте, а затем инсценируйте диалог.


— Have you any engagements for Saturday evening?

— No. Why?

— Would you come and have dinner with me and my wife?

— That's very kind of you. I'd love to. What time shall I come?

— Oh, about seven o'clock.

— Thank you. I'll be there at about 7.

— Very good. We'll be expecting you.


HE Would you like to come out with me to-night?

SHE Sorry, I can't.

HE Tomorrow night then?

SHE I'd like to, but I'm afraid I can't.

HE Would you like to go to the theatre then?

SHE I wish I could.

HE OK, well give me a ring, then.

SHE No, I'd better not.

HE Why not?

SHE Because I don't think my husband would like it!

3.4.4. Предложите кому-нибудь в группе совершить различные действия. Ваш партнер сначала должен будет отказаться от вашего приглашения, но в итоге — согласиться на него.

General understanding

3.5.1. Прочитайте текст. Постарайтесь понять его и выполнить предложенные упражнения.

The man who escaped

(Episode 3)

1. At 6 o'clock Baxter is in the warm train compart­ment. Coke is in a field 100 miles away. The winter evening gets darker and colder. The wind cuts through Coke's thin uniform like a knife. Coke is hungry and tired, and his arms and legs are so cold that he can hardly feel them. He wants to find food, warm clothing, and a warm place somewhere. «I have to make a move! I can't just stay in this field and die of the cold», he thinks.

2. Coke gets up and begins to walk. «Where am I? Which direction am I walking in? Am I going back towards the prison?» he asks himself. A few minutes later, the moon comes out and Coke can see better. He stops and looks around. Suddenly he sees a small light not far away. «What can it be? It can't be a car. It doesn't move. It must be a house» he says to himself and begins to walk towards it. The light gets larger. It is a house! He can see the form of the roof in the darkness.

3. Ten minutes later he is outside the house. He stops I and listens. «Strange», he thinks. «I can't hear any­thing, not I even a radio or a television, but there must be someone in there. There is a light on!» Just at that moment, a thought strikes him.

«This is probably the only house around for miles! The police know I'm probably around here somewhere and if they are anywhere, they're in that house, waiting for me».

Coke doesn't move. The wind becomes colder. His feet and hands feel like ice in the snow. «I have to take the chance! I have to! This is the only place I can find warm clothes and food!» he thinks.

3.5.2. Выберите правильный вариант. Не пользуйтесь текстом.

1. Coke wants to find some warm place because...

a) he's afraid of Baxter;

b) he needs to change his prison uniform;

c) his arms and legs are cold.

2. When the moon comes out Coke can see...

a) a large house;

b) a small light not far away;

с) a policeman.

3. It's strange for Coke that he can't...

a) hear anything in the house:

b) see the police around;

c) see any other houses around.

3.5.3. Ответьте на вопросы преподавателя. (Книги закрыты.)

1. What is the weather like on that day?

2. How does Coke feel in the field?

3. Does Coke know where he's walking to?

4. What can he see in the darkness?

5. What seems strange to Coke?

6. What thought strikes him?

Scanning practice

3.6.1. Прочитайте вопросы. Вам нужно будет ответить на них после прочтения текста.

1. Why was Hugh Boggs worried?

2. Where was his bicycle picked up?

3. When did he leave it?

3.6.2. Начинайте просматривать текст. Не забудьте отметить время начала и конца работы.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-29; просмотров: 848. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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