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Actuators: developments for on-off service.
Actuators come into play when simple handwheels and hand levers no longer suffice to position valves. They range in complexity from operators-simple, manually-operated gear trains bolted to the top works of large seldom-opened valves to the sophisticated high-speed, high-power types that follow commands of automatic control systems. Classifying of actuators is a big help in understanding this fast-moving field. One useful classification: on-off and modulating. On-off types, often simple and compact, merely open and close valves, with no intermediate positioning. Modulating actuators, which can set a valve at any desired stage, are more highly developed. Some on-off actuators can be converted to modulating service by addition of a positioner. Another classification scheme divides actuators into linear or rotary. Ball, plug and butterfly valve are applications for the rotary actuator. Linear actuators can power all valves, using linkage when needed. A third classification differentiates according to motive power and certain design basics. Diaphragm actuators and diaphragm-and-spring actuators are air-driven. Cylinder actuators are powered by air or oil. Electricity moves solenoid actuators, motor-driven gear trains and screws, pressurized oil for electro-hydraulic types. Then there are rotary-vane actuators which convert air pressure into arc motion 90 deg. or more. Right now, on-off actuators are under intense development because of need for low-cost automation. Inventiveness and skill show in many of these, both rotary and linear.
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