Студопедия — Use your dictionary to clarify your understanding of the following idioms. Translate them. Make up a situation to prove your proper understanding of each idiom.
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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Use your dictionary to clarify your understanding of the following idioms. Translate them. Make up a situation to prove your proper understanding of each idiom.

1. to throw dust in one’s eyes;

2. to have a big mouth;

3. to cost an arm and a leg;

4. to keep a stiff upper lip;

5. to keep your fingers crossed;

6. to put your best foot forward;

7. to be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth;

8. to be all skin and bones;

9. to cut one’s teeth;

10. to give someone the cold shoulder;

11. to pull someone’s leg.


11. Role-play “A Formal Gathering”.

Setting: A formal gathering in a grand villa on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

Situation: The Rych family invite a lot of people to their villa to the

Engagement of their son and the daughter of the Welthy family. The guests hardly know each other. They entertain themselves by discussing the appearance and character of the people they see around. The host and the hostess circulate and hear what different people say about each other.


12. Write a short description of somebody’s physical appearance and character.

► Use:

to be as/not so …as somebody, to be very much the same in appearance, the very image of somebody, to be as like as two peas, to be (very much) like somebody, to be not a bit alike, to take after/to look like/to resemble somebody, to bear no resemblance to somebody, to behave like somebody, to appeal to somebody, to take to somebody, to like/dislike the way one wears one’s hair/walks/talks/speaks/behaves/dresses, to be characteristic of somebody.


Begin with ‘Here’s the description of a man/woman/girl whom …’, ‘Fancy a woman …’, ‘Imagine a man …’.



Descriptions may be technical and suggestive. Technical descriptions just give an objective account of the look or the structure of an object. They are characterized by the neutral style and vocabulary. Simple wording and grammar are the best choice for the purpose of writing a technical description.

Suggestive descriptions convey the impression and the emotions evoked by the look of an object. The use of emotionally coloured words and various grammatical structures help to gain the effect. The author does not merely inform the reader, but appeals to the reader’s feelings.

The description of a person may be either technical or suggestive.


Model paragraph of a technical description:

Here is the description of Mrs. White. She is in her early thirties. She is fairly slim and about average height. She has got blonde shoulder-length curly hair. She’s got dark-blue eyes. Her oval face is slightly wrinkled. She’s got a small upturned nose and finely-curved plump lips. Mrs. White is intelligent, communicative and perfectly fit for her job.


Model paragraph of a suggestive description:

Fancy a girl in her late teens. She is a pleasant-looking young lady, with soft brown eyes and a straight nose. I like the way she wears her long dark hair. It is parted in the middle, combed back and done in a knot. A classical type. By the way, she is very much like her mother about her hair and eyes. They say, her mother resembled her when she was 18. She was even as tall as her daughter. I took to the girl as soon as I met her. I like the way she walks; she keeps herself erect. She is very slender and always looks fresh. Her manner of talking also appeals to me. As for her character, I can’t say anything definite. She seems to be mild and gentle and she is sire to have a way with her. But I think she may be also very energetic and self-determined.

13. Write:

1. about your first meeting with someone who later became your close

friend. What were some of the things you noticed about him or her when you first saw him or her?

2. your first letter to your imaginary English pen-friend. Give him or her a good idea of your appearance, personality and interests.

3. about one of the books you have read, explaining which of the characters you admired or liked and which of the characters you found less/least attractive.



1. Work in pairs. Do you often talk about food? In what sort of contexts do you talk

about it?

2. Read the poem. In pairs, decide which options a-d, in your opinion, best complete

the sentences. More than one answer is possible!


3. a) Chekhov brought up the topic of chocolates

a in order to embarrass his guests.

b because he knew the topic of food is a goodway of making people relax.

с because he hadn't enjoyed the previoustopics of conversation.

d as a subtle hint that it was time for hisguests to leave.


b) The guests thought the conversation hadbeen unusual because


a it was such a trivial topic to discuss with a great writer.

b it had been surprisingly enjoyable. с they had never shared their

opinions aboutchocolate in company before.

d Chekhov hadn't actually offered them anychocolates.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-29; просмотров: 1132. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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