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Vocabulary. Normally, generally, on the whole, social behaviour, socializing, be careful about how you behave, typical of

Normally, generally, on the whole, social behaviour, socializing, be careful about how you behave, typical of, individual differences do survive, particularly popular amongst, to favour smth, American culture is everywhere, differences in the social behaviour, the (vast) majority of people worldwide, ‘equally acceptable’, the biggest differences between, to treat (children), to be treated the same, important national differences, time-keeping, quite normal, quite usual, when eating a meal, to serve food, to expect food to be served, to help oneself, it is not very common for… (to do smth), they normally (do smth), something you find surprising about customs in other countries, adapt to local customs, to have no difficulty in adapting, to have strict rules about, to be acceptable, to avoid giving offence, an attitude, to meet, to introduce, to go round to a friend’s house, to accept or refuse, shake hands, leave a tip, there are a lot of things that are different (the way you…), another thing that people might find very different is.., it’s very rude (to do smth), the polite way to.., in a (less) formal situation, there is a traditional (greeting), in public, to respect, to show respect towards, it is (not) respectful to, to insult, it’s not the same as (in Russia), in Russia you can.., people tend to.., famous for (hospitality), to find tips useful


Questions for discussion

  1. What kind of things would a visitor to a foreign country need to know?
  2. Why do some people have difficulties in adapting to other cultures?
  3. What should you know about how to behave?
  4. Are there any social customs in other countries that are very different from your country?
  5. Are there any things that you find surprising?
  6. What is not acceptable for younger people to do in public in most countries?
  7. What is not acceptable to do in more formal situations?
  8. Are modern cultures moving closer to each other?
  9. Is the influence of American culture increasing in Russia as well as in other European countries? Why?
  10. What is special about Russia (addressing people, meeting and greeting, gestures, public behaviour, at a meal, dress code, important do’s and don’ts)?
  11. What tips would you give to a visitor to your country? Explain your choice.
  12. Why is it always good to try national food when you visit another country? What is your favourite national dish?



Module 8 (Card 10).

Things around you.


Computer nerd, technophobe, computer user, cyber space, cyberbuddy, to exchange information, electronic equipment, essential piece of equipment in every (office), to invent, inventor, invention, light bulb, good commercial sense, to design, designer, design, to be very modern design, modem, mobile phone, piano, CD player, dishwasher, fax machine, vacuum cleaner, video recorder, photocopier, washing machine, home appliance, headphones, camcorder, digital camera, communicator, laptop, palmtop, to be a success, to store / share information, to be imported from abroad, the most precious things, to belong to, to remind smb of smth, to own, to be handmade, to be made of… by.., I’d most like to have, to start a social life, to be out quite late, to get in touch with, to tend to be, to get rid of, valuable, to be round / square / rectangular in shape, to fit easily into (one’s pocket), easily breakable, useful, to need batteries, to plug in, essential, ceramics, jewelry, antique things, feel nostalgic, brooch, souvenir

Questions for discussion

  1. What are the most important things around you? Why can’t you do without them?
  2. How do modern machines influence your life?
  3. Whom do we call a computer nerd? Is it good to be a technophobe? Why?
  4. What things do you usually take with you when you go travelling? Why?
  5. What things would you like to get rid of? Why?
  6. What is the most precious thing of yours? What or who does it remind you of?
  7. Why is it so important for you? How long have you had it? How did you get it? Is it valuable? How does it work? Why is it good for you personally?
  8. Do you like shopping? Why? What is the best way to do shopping? Why?



Module 9 (Card 11 and 5).

Society and the future.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-29; просмотров: 356. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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