June 17, 2006
Planning that big trip with your partner or friend? Travelling together can be tiring and test your patience, particularly if you end up arguing over money or itineraries. So have a chat about the following first:
Budget: how much money do you each have? How much are you each willing to spend on hotels, meals, going out?
Sightseeing: what are your aims? Do you want to see as much of each country as possible, absorbing local culture, or spend most of your time drinking? If you differ on this, travelling together probably won’t work.
Food: are you a picky eater? Do you have specific dietary requirements? If so, have you worked out how to manage it?
Relationships: if you are travelling with a friend, are you leaving behind a boyfriend or girlfriend, and is this going to cause problems? If travelling with a partner, will this put more strain on your relationship?
Honesty: acknowledge that, awkward though it is, grievances need to be aired early, and calmly. Letting them fester doesn’t work when you’re on the road.
Independence: are you both willing to split up and go your separate ways if things don’t work out?
8. Do you want to do it all yourself or would an off-the-shelf holiday suit you best?
One of the Internet sites gives a lot of practical information. Look at “ Travel Basics: Intro.”Discuss the ideas.
Whether you're thinking of going abroad to work, study or relax, chances are things will work out better if you go prepared.
Package holidays
If you haven't had much experience of travelling, a package holiday is a safe and easy way of exploring the unknown. There are other advantages too:
- All the planning and arranging is done for you.
- Flights, accommodation and airport transfers are usually included.
- An English-speaking rep can help you sort out any difficulties. They may also arrange trips and events to help you get the best from your holiday.
- The companies offering these holidays are huge and able to buy flights and accommodation cheaply, so this can be a low-cost way of reaching your dream destination.
- There are lots of last-minute bargains.
There are loads of options to choose from, here's just a few:
- Bed and breakfast is just what it says it is. You won't get cooking facilities, so remember to budget for your meals out.
- Half board means you get breakfast and an evening meal.
- Full board gives you lunch as well and is, as a result, usually more expensive.
- Self-catering means you cook for yourself, so the accommodation includes some form of kitchen. What you get depends on how much you can afford and could be anything from a cramped one-room flat in a high rise to a spacious villa.
- All-inclusive holidays cover everything so, as well as all your food and drink, the price can include activities, equipment, instructions and day trips. These are offered by companies like Club 18-30 and Club Med to a range of destinations. They're great if you don't want to have to arrange anything yourself, but not so good if you fancy having a more independent holiday.
9. Look at some more ideas about pros and cons of having a package holiday. Could you suggest some more ideas of your own?
1. Good choice of holidays – many different places/countries
2. Everything arranged – no worries
3. Sure to meet people
4.Cheaper than other kinds
1. The world open to you – choose where to go – and when
2. Fun planning and arranging
3. While on holiday – can change
- Choice limited – crowded resorts
- Very little freedom – organized
- Meet people you don’t like – then can’t avoid
- No satisfaction planning – just fill in forms and pay.
- Must worry about delayed flights, hotels, insurance, etc.
- More difficult to get information about hotels, etc. in advance
- Can’t cater for all family members’ interests – causes arguments
- difficult to work out costs.
Talk about your last holiday. Did you book it through an agency? Why?
Do you like to have things like holidays arranged for you? Why?/Why not?
Why do you think package holiday have become so popular in this country? Is this a good or a bad tend? Why?